It's been 18 years and there is still not a game like it

It's been 18 years and there is still not a game like it.

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It's been 18 years and there is still not a game like it.

Black and white.

It's been 15 since this genre died and there is still no genre like it.

Be careful what you wish for.

Played it, Honestly the game is just to damn easy.

Someone from the DK thread recommended it, expert is basically impossible but advance is just easy.

Exotic games general?

The difficulty is surviving the missions where you start with nothing but the enemy has 20+ heroes and can keep spamming more.

>Windows install was fucked for a long time
>literally couldn't play old games, even the GOG releases
>could only play the new AAA shit
>finally man up and reinstall
>36 hours later, playing all the classics I heard about but slipped by me when I was kid
Oh god, vidya back in the day was fantastic! Migrating to /vr/, so long suckers and please to enjoy your e-celeb threads.



Cities: Skylines.

it's been whatever years etc

>What is Majesty 2.
>Thinking Majesty 2 is a bad game.

Look up Lethis Path of Progress. It's great.

>4 sequels and 7 spinoffs later and they still can't get it right


I've got you covered, sempai.

Its because starcraft ruined the genre.

That's like saying Quake ruined the FPS genre.

>that level where the enemy shaman destroys your village right at the start and you have to flee and rebuild
>if you are super quick you can kill her before she casts her spell

The success of starcraft is not comparable to the success of Doom/Qauke, Starcraft was nothing more than one of the many command and conquer clones, just a more succesfull one, but it didn't reinvent the wheel, it was just another 90s RTS based on DuneII.

>that one level with a million dragons in it

Except FPS moved past the Doom/Quake formula eventually. Singleplayer RTS essentially died as a genre in November 1998. That is all Starcraft's fault.

Why is the god sim genre so dead?

except majesty 2, which does the exact same of dumping hordes of enemies on you from minute 1.

Isles of Terra?

are you implying that RTS did not advance beyond starcraft?
Because I am hesitant to call you a liar, but that is some grade A bullshit...

That sounds like something you read on some forum, nobody in their right mind who has played both games would write that.

I remember placing my shaman in a house with a bunch of horny villagers would give you faster population growth.

Also, punching dudes with fireballs to get them to weird places.

Sick spells that would deform the terrain in ways that you don't even see these days.

Man, this game was fucking rad.

That level where your shaman was locked in a cage and it took forever to destroy the prison

Fuck that mission made me sweat bullets

I've been playing RTS since the first red alert.

How do you even counter priests? Is it possible without blowing them up with fireballs?

You can rush em with warriors.


Populous: The Beginning

You can get it for free nowadays: