lmao rekt
Lmao rekt
>they use shift to crouch
>shift to crouch
are you retarded?
If you don't you F to crouch, you are a guaranteed pleb
>he doesn't play standing up and actually crouches to crouch
>Tfw the "\" key is your crouch button.
Nobody uses shift to crouch. It's ctrl.
C = toggle
CTRL = hold
>he doesn't crouch to shit
>male nipple is a vestigial remnant from generations ago
>can't reach ctrl to crouch
>have to use C
I'm sorry Sup Forums, I've been using C all my life
>He doesn't use backspace to crouch
The male nipple is useless.
Did they call you Jimmy McTinyhands in school?
And also toggling is more convenient in most games
Male nipples are mostly vestigial. They do practically nothing is all it means.
>Some people don't use the mouse wheel to change weapons
This. 1000x this
>any year
>Being a handlet
>Not using numb pad 9 for crouch
But if men didn't have nipples trannies wouldn't be able to breast-feed.
I always hate when C is crouching.
Prone on C is ok, but anything but Ctrl is utterly retarded and very bizarre.
Space to jump
Shift to sprint/dodge
Ctrl to crouch
Alt to walk
This is objectively the master race setup. If you disagree you are a fucking pleb.
>you need to hold the crouch button to crouch
>if you let go your character stands back up
Kissless virgin detected
It's a long way of saying it's useless.
Males don't produce milk so it's useless.
I'm wondering more about why PCGamer used nipples as the example to describe c to crouch
I can't use the middle mouse button for shit. It's not what I'm used to, but I finally caved while playing Overwatch and bound melee to middle mouse.
>he crouches
What a pussy, you afraid of getting hit or something?
Why would anybody ever do that?
Will this become the new "F"?
I don't recall that
>not using S to crouch
You probably used WASD as well, pleb
I'm mean, you're right, but how is that important?
A lot of games don't have a toggle option.
>mainstream gaming publication using the term 'degenerate'
>he hasn't learned the exquisite pleasures of playing with your nipples
i feel pity of him, i really do
>game has a console for dev commands and cheats
>The ^ button doesn't open the console
>Alt to walk
Caps lock is better.
He very clearly said C = toggle, so your argument is irrelevant.
It's a feature from a bygone era that through evolution is now essentially unnecessary and awkward in the modern era.
Like male nipples.
I think they thought it would be funny. Seems kinda forced tho
Was just about to say the same thing.
Isn't that what /vpol/ wants?
>Caps lock is better.
>suddenly you're yelling at guild mates in chat
>/gkick for being toxic
>he doesn't use the marmet technique
>Little finger rests on A
>Ring finger rests on W
>Middle finger rests on D
>Index finger rests on F
>Use Caps Lock for crouch
On a scale of 1 to 10, how triggered are you?
Not really vestigial, that usually means its from evolution. Male nipples are because fetuses form as females first, and the body just doesn't get rid of the nipples on males.
I use shift to crouch because I've played a lot of Source engine games where crouch jumping is a necessity, but sprint is useless so it goes on ctrl.
>Caps lock is better.
I'm pretty autistic about toggling caps lock on/off. I'd rather use alt.
>The ^ button
it's ~ you fucking swine
>plays dirty bomb
>uses ctrl for sprinting, c for crouching since ever
I'm around 1000 hours in and this setup is fine
>R for Reload
>C for Crouch
>G for Grenade
>E for Examine/Interact with
>T for Time to Move Fast
>X for Xtra Function
Anything else is literally wrong, they're fucking labelled for you already
>W A S D aren't the preset movement keys
>instead the game uses the arrow keys
>you can't rebind them
Last episode.
I followed along and started acting progressively more retarded, until the spoilertext gave me an aneurysm. Thanks.
no it's ¬
>Crouching ever
>arrowkeys are broken
>use autohotkey to rebind WASD to arrowkeys
>Reload not on mouse thumb button
>EVER using crouch on C so when crouching you can't move right
What the fuck
I also liked FEAR but
>M2 to melee which you'll rarely ever do
>Shift for aiming
Who thought this was okay?
That's not to bad actually, I feel it can work pretty well.
>J is Jump
>not SPACE
>not left click
>INTERACT and ATTACK use the same button
>C for crouch
>CTRL for prone
>F for "use"
>inverted mouse
fite me
>people who use A and D for turning instead of strafing
i bet you fags don't even use P for pause
Why the fuck would anyone use CTRL for anything? Ever? That shit is hard to reach, at least C is reachable, but I use ALT for crouching though, I feel like I'm the only one who does.
>not mapping P to the poop function
cum on
threadly reminder that CAPS crouch is maximum comfy
>W moves you forward
>S moves you backwards
>A makes your head turn left but only your head
>D makes your head turn right but only your head
>moving right or left requires you to use the arrow keys
I forgot the name of the game that did it but this shit was so painful that i still remember it.
Thats sexist
>Hey guys! Fuck you for using a button that was always used to crouch, now watch me being someone that only plays casual vidyas
>not using x for crouch and z for prone
what a faggot, I hope he gets doxed and raped.
C as a binding is disgusting, but you don't you go badmouthing male nipples because I'll fucking hunt you and kill you.
>le degenerate maymay XD
I bind actions to keys based on what letter the action starts with.
C for Crouch
R for Reload
FBLR for movement
Like it depends if it's holding or toggling. If it's toggling then yeah absolutely if you're right but holding down the C button it becomes far more awkward then ctrl.
>game tells me to press Y to confirm something
>need to press Z because different keyboard type
>crouch is r3
>capslock key on means you always run
>capslock key off means you walk at normal speed
>normal speed is fucking slow and running all the time drains you out of stamina
reading this thread reminded me when I played WoW at the start of TBC being 12 and using arrow keys to move and keyboard turn along with clicking spells
System Shock 2
>mfw binding Crouch to the ALT key for years
Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.
>Little finger rests on shift
>Ring finger rests on A
>Middle finger rests on W
>Index finger rests on D
>Thumb rests on the spacebar
>Not using shift for crouch
Mon noir
You had tubercolosis when you were younger?
>arrow key up makes you stand up
>pressing arrow key down makes you crouch
>pressing arrow key down two times makes you go prone
Am I the only one here who binds M2 to Use/Activate/Pick Up instead of E or F?
> Growing up in house with Compaq Presario 2200
> Dad says he's going to install Dark Forces II on it
> Bleeding edge fucking tech, brother and I are so stoked
> Older brother and dad change keybindings
> Right click to walk
> U to interact
> Mouse wheel for alternate fire
> Dad uses CTRL to shoot
> Grow up thinking this is normal
I feel like that kid whose schizophrenic mother shoved butt plugs up his ass so the Devil couldn't possess him.
>Not having a pedal exclusively for crouching
You guys are fucking retarded. Breasts are a secondary sex characteristic. They develop because of the hormones. Before puberty, boys and girls have the exact same equipment above the waist. If you give a man the correct hormones, he can develop breasts and produce breast milk. Nipples are not vestigial. They're just not used by men because they don't develop. There is no evolutionary reason why human males would cease to have nipples.
E to jump
Caps lock to sprint
Space to crouch
Walking is for plebs
>R being reload and move right
I'd rather not, I might catch the retard disease from you.
>They're just not used by men because they don't develop
Unless you have gynecomastia.
Fucking kill me.
>not using C to crouch and ctrl to crouch even lower
It takes some getting used to.