Golden era platformers

>going through puberty in late 90's/ early 00's
>all the good platforming games have sexualized anthropomorphic characters
>tfw constantly repressing urge to jack to furry porn
What have games ruined for you?
Also, platformer thread

Other urls found in this thread:!8R8TQKxJ!0UFZDhqeV-8QGwjdA-GecA

I honestly never really wanked it to Carmelita, always liked how she was a actually competent cop so much the though never came. Now, her much shitier shell of a sequel self, that's a different story.

Never really had that issue, despite growing up in the 90s. I think the fact that the overwhelming majority of furry porn is trash probably helps.

My games have only been enhanced.

I just enjoy porn.

As for platformers I'm replaying Psychonauts right now with a friend who's never beaten it. We just got through Lungfishopolis so I can't wait to see how he reacts to The Milkman Conspiracy.
Also obvious hype for Yooka Laylee


>European hand guard
>le glorious nippon steel
what kind of sword is that

Milkman is in my top levels in games, I'll never experience my sides flying that far again.

Kazooie is 100% acceptable, she's everyone's birdfu.

nigga a rapier is made for stabbing not slashing

I feel better now

>phox not on the list

Zoroark and Lucario aren't on there for a reason. You're not classics.

>no mewtwo
you'd think Sup Forums would be more accepting of thicc hips the cat

>not classics
>the fucking undertale goat is on there

>Male-ish bioweapon with no tots, ass or female like shape
>Good for Pokémon porn

Must I really point out you can only have one of these and not both.

There's unacceptable furry?

klonoa was pretty much the only thing I've felt the rule 34 effect on. Everything else was either fine, or not completely unexpected because it's the internet, but I guess all the innocence left in me housed up in some corner of my mind and took memories of lunatea's veil with it.

Fuck I forgot about that. Is that still updating or did it die?

Only if you post it on a blue board. or Sup Forums

There's not acceptable furfaggotry. Gas furfaggots, end of discussion.

>No Marty

>not good for pokémon porn
your tastes a shit

Jesus christ

You wank to mewto user, you are in no position to call my taste shit.


Man, its been a while since I saw some Slade canodler, got a link to a archive of it user ?

Carmelita used to be attractive but thinking of her new design ruins any wanking intentions. Never fapped to her and I guess now I never will.

Mewtwo is fine but Mew is cuter and has more inviting paws

>wanting to fuck a glorified baby pokemon humanoid

Mewto fags and derivatives are garbage, let this be proof.

>TFW Jerk off to whatever my dick gets hard to and feel no shame

The only shame I feel from doing this is the shame that I don't get to talk about it a lot.

>TFW Love cub but I can't jerk off to even the best artwork of Asriel or Klonoa


The closest you'll find a guard like that is a kyu gunto, but the guard is too large, there's no knuckle protection, the handle is all wrong, it's two handed, the blade is too long, the scabbard is wrong, and the blade is closer to a hira zukuri geometry rather than the more common shinogi zukuri

Best feel. Really good art can make pretty much anything appealing.

What is that cute white one on the bottom right with the black background?

Is it from Cavestory?


Cop Fox is top fox.

I don't want to fuck her I just want to lick her paws clean

>porn that is not only on-model, but matches the style of the 2D art perfectly

It always surprises me when people give a shit like that.

Me bottom left.

Yeah sue mimiga

Sue Sakamoto

Who is your favorite furry boy/girl in vidya?


I do like Shun a lot, he's a cute Shota, but I've been on a straight lock recently so I'm not sure.

Maybe Isabelle, or any elder scrolls beast chick.

That pic gets bigger and bigger everytime I see it.

Daily reminder there's nothing wrong with fapping to furry if that's what makes your penis happy.


I just wish Morenatsu would have just made him a 10 year old instead of playing the "he's legal but acts like a kid" shit


Fuck off she isn't a disgusting fleabag.