Sonic the Hedgehog

I really love Sonic, and with save states everything is even better since I can improve my skill without the frustration of starting all over.

>save states

>save states
dont touch me you filthy casual

Sonic games are generally easy outside of special stages though

The only special stages that are hard are in Sonic 2
FUCK those special stages

the other ones are perfectly doable

>with save states (...) I can improve my skill
Take the failure like a man and keep trying. It'll be more satisfying when you get it right.

sonic 1 special stages were always tough for me

any tips?

With these powers....I can become a super hero.


play widescreen version.

I'd fuck Amy Rose

>I really love racing games, too bad the whole genre is flawed by things like having to turn your car in directions at times

Sonic Advance special stages are harder than any others in the franchise. They're bullshit. Now Advance I'd consider letting you use savestates for. The genny games, no way man keep playing, you won't need them!

Sonic isn't a racing game.

Don't fall into the angry zones
as long as you focus on that you're generally okay, you get 12 attempts for 6 emeralds

I dunno I'm not sure what you have trouble with

Yes it is.

No it isn't.

It is, though. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't, and you won't.

You have the burden of proof, though.

>I can improve my skill without the frustration of starting all over.


Sonic games have by far the most generous health. It's made specifically for the purpose of being frustration free.

I used to think like this years ago, but I really don't like savestates being used in the way you're suggesting. The feeling of beating a game the original way gives you a sense of accomplishment and it gives you good memories of the struggles you had to overcome.

This is how people had to do it back in the day, and the challenge often padded length of games too. In the end do whatever you want, but if you want to experience REAL TRUE BLUE VIDEO GAME play it all the way through. People don't say git gud to be annoying they say it because it makes you feel gud.

Have it your way.


Me too

>all this people miserunderstanding OP
I think he means to use save state to keep playing certain portion of a stage to get good jump and a great time at the ending. Sine those things require repetition to learn, the best way is thrugh save states, because you can reapeat it immediatly without having to redo what you already know

but OP, if you meant you cannot beat the game without savestates, you're a casual and a faggot

Is it ok to savestate at the start of the level as a way to give yourself infinite continues?
Or at checkpoints to give yourself infinite lives?