No Mans Buy

Been playing since 10 this morning and honestly it's one of the worse games I've ever played. It takes forever to do anything and it took me 3 hours just to get off the first planet because I'm pretty sure a piece you need to craft your ships booster isn't in the game yet because it says you have to craft it but you can't because you don't have the recipe and can't buy it either.

After that it's literally just that game "Out There" but in 3D. Not even kidding. It's crazy how similar they are.

But it's really bad, like super bad. Stay away. I'm thinking of returning it tomorrow.

sense you hand is white you're alright

So how did you get off the planet then? I'm calling fake.

>bloo bloo the game isn't holding my hand please rape my face

>because I'm pretty sure a piece you need to craft your ships booster isn't in the game yet
You realize people have been playing past the first planet for days?


Because NPCs land their ships and you can buy them off them.

>returning game that isn't released yet

>bought a ps4
>bought NMS
You seem to have a habit of making poor choices.

Holy shit learn to read you ilerate fucking Jew. I never said I didn't get off the planet like holy shit how fucking dense do you have to be

>Likely paying off someone to get a game early when you know a patch is coming before launch
>Buying the game for consoles
>Not giving a time stamp and message to Sup Forums in picture to prove legitimacy

And OP was forever a faggot

people have been repairing their ships. Since you're appearantly too retarded to figure out basic game mechanics i won't trust your opinion on anything

Is ABZÜ better?

>He doesn't buy games early yet calls himself a gamer
>what is reverse image search

Do we even know what the quality of the pc port is going to be like?

b8 thread

kill yourself fagmilia

How's performance, OP? Is it 30 fps locked?




You can repair your ship but your booster to move from universe to universe needs a piece you can't get yet. Holy fucking shit stop commenting on shit you haven't even played you 12 year old brainless dickshit

Looks like the mad as fuck shills of space buggy Minecraft are here.

is this game 60fps on ps4? utterly ridiculous that i have to ask this about almost every game coming out in 2016, but here we are.

>He bought a game that was known to play pretty shitty on consoles when the game's out on PC too

You can throw memes around all you want to try and say I'm wrong OP, but you're still a faggot

>point got proven wrong
>"hehe it's just a bait thread guys!"


I highly doubt it

If you're gonna get the game just get it on PC. You can even pirate it easily if you want to try before you buy since it's coming out on GoG

Took you 3 hours to do something retarded streamers managed to complete in under 30 minutes.

It's 1080p 60fps on PS4.

peecee master race!

exactly the kinda post i would expect from a misinformed brainless NMS hater.


>it took me 3 hours just to get off the first planet because

You're a retard?

post yfw Sup Forums is right again

Is it as bad as your writing skills?

>Took me 3 hours to get off the first planet
>Actually thought they didn't put celestal plates in the fucking game
OP is a fucking moron


you mean the hyperdrive that is used to move from STARSYSTEM to STARSYSTEM? Not UNIVERSE to UNIVERSE. Dude i never touched the game and appearantly know more about it than you. Also there are no parts missing people have been building their hyperdrives easily

it's 60 on both console and PC


Congrats you played a game that's missing stuff to deter leakers and there's going to be a day 1 patch

Good job


Did anyone notice how badly OP spelled illiterate? Kek

reading this hurt my brain. OP must be trolling noone is THIS retarded.

I hope she dies

No, I mean writing. You understand that if you don't know how to use a comma, you sound like an idiot, right?

Looks like you got your feelings hurt, but I'm sorry dev your game is dogturd.


>Leakers/People who bought the game early/Retards get BTFO

Can't wait for Sup Forums to be fucking wrong again

>literally cares enough about a game he will never play to jerk off on his tablet over it and record it and follow it by the classic pathetic "ur mom is kill" shitpost just to even make himself more of an attention whore that needs answers to his shitpost to survive

i'm pretty sure there is no higher form of degeneracy than that.

Shitposting aside, I'm still not sure they aren't just scrambling to fix it now that a bunch of bad news got out. I'm interested to see how much they can fix given the time frame but I'm planning to wait for the price to hit

>tfw just want to have a nice chat about this game without the shit eaters but it's impossible

i doubt it's damagecontrol considering the majorities reaction to the leaks were positive. Sup Forums hates it OBVIOUSLY but they ould've hated it no matter what it looks like since they are hipsters who don't accept the majorities opinions

Sonyggers then:
>It's Gold guys!!! Sony always wins!
>Stupid xbox-idiots! Paying for online lol!

Sonyggers now:
>It's not ready yet guise! But it's gonna be good I swear!!!
>It's only 5 bucks! Are you poor?

hahaha fucking sonyggers.

Twitter has likes now?

Are people still fucking stupid enough to believe that there are massive changes done to games close to release? It never happened before and won't happen this time, this isn't how game developing fucking works.

It's good, but it's nothing compared to journey. No co-op either unfortunately.

hahaha dude ur like so funny man

master race dude we rock so hard dude.

can you reccomend a gaming char to me du from one master racer to another? Mine broke recently under the weight of my 500 pound body and i cant climb out of my basement to tell my mom to buy a new one because he threw the key away :((

I mean who cares i have my titan x that is all the contact i ever need. Brb jerking to hentai

>majorities reaction to the leaks were possessive.
Really? I must need to get off Sup Forums sometime. It all seemed like a bunch of disappointment to me. You're right though, you can't take Sup Forums's opinion on much of anything.


people are expecting some of the known bugs to be patched which seems completely reasonable.

It's not crazy to think that there are certain features that haven't been seen yet due to the fact that the servers aren't open yet. Try playing mgsv offline, the whole entire FOB shit doesn't exist.

the only places people were complaining were Sup Forums itself and on the subreddit but weirdly enough all the people complaining on the subreddit were new accouns that wrote in bootleg greentexts and Sup Forums memes ...

Shills are in damage control, I see.

This is the only place on the internet that doesn't like this game. It's just Sup Forums's natural hate circlejerk

I mean we've known they've been working on an update to the game ever since it went gold and out for pressing, so I doubt it's them scrambling just because of the leaks (and game development is too difficult to get anything done within days)

You should stick to Reddit.


it's exactly the other way around. Sup Forums has been in denial for months now that people like this game and i won't be suprised if they will still say the game is a flop after it sold respectably and good good reviews.

Tis Sup Forums how it lives and breathes

t. fat virgin angry because nobody likes alpha stage space minecraft

At least 1 million people like it so far

lurk more faggot

fuck no i see enough cancer on Sup Forums on a daily basis i don't need to add reddit to that.

I always find it funny how Sup Forums and reddit hate eachother when both sites are literally the same amount of shit.

But its been proven the game is legitimately horrible, like all procedurally generated games, really.
And no, a magic patch wont improve the game if it doesnt make the game other than pointless grind to get to the center of the linear universe in 20 hours.

Do you have the proper license to carry all this bait?

when did Sup Forums trolls get so shit-tier at insulting people.

Are you a summerfag? Is this the explanation for all the shit-tier content here recently?

Even when the game isn't out?
Sounds like sheep hyped for a mediocre Minecraft wannabe.
This isnt worth even torrenting.
The game, down to its concept, sounds terrible.

I see. That's good to know but I still think I'll wait for reviews and a major price drop. I'd like to see the game be good but as Sup Forums loves to show people, good looking games have been real stinkers in the past.

yeah dude fuck your opinion too and stuff

REE and stuff

1 million (1,000,000) copies sold and it's not even out yet

Stay mad greasy virgin

You need to go back.
Either to Reddit or to 2008.

>going to return it
>game isn't even out yet

OP is clearly trolling.


>comparing it to literally the most successful game of all time

i'm happy you're not gonna play the game.
I hope you never leave whatever game you regularly play and keep your retardation there.

I'm used to really bad games selling.
That's why the videogame industry died, and why I don't play post-2012 videogames.
Only fat nerds and kids still play modern "games".

i wish i could go back to 2008 Sup Forums


It's so ridiculous how contrarian Sup Forums has to be.
you guys literally get mad because a game gets hype or popular, and then you sit around sucking each others dicks about how bad the game is when it hasn't even been released. literal manchildren.

yeah waiting for reviews is always a good idea. Just don't fall for all the misinformed meme-posts on here. They're all full of lies about the game. Rather wait for actual not-mouth-breathing human beings to rate the game

How can you return a game that hasn't been released?

Don't worry, i'm not going to play Nu male's sky because I did it 5 years ago, but with worse graphics and much more content, of course.

fuck u

Kill yourself

I know a lot of people are contrarian haters but plenty of anons have brought up legit complaints and concerns about the game. I'll take Sup Forums being critical with their hyperbole over stupid fucking hugboxes like reddit anyday.

t. very angry shill because everyone here knows this turd has no content

mfw user puts no effort into his bait

Give one reason to be excited for this.

All I see are people complaining that what they thought up in their own head, and what the game actually is, are different.

But you can't refute it. Modern videogames are absolute trash.


The game is an empty grindfest with nothing to do apart from grinding in boring procedurally generated enviroments.
Is that wrong?

if you watched what the game is about and aren't excited then the game is clearly not just for you.

There is nothing bad about having an opinion, just accept that nobody is forced to agree with yours

>modern games are trash

30 year old here, fuck you kid. You weren't there when the only thing we had was fucking mario 1.

sure dude. Tv shows too. Movies too. Everything was better back in the day.

Totally not the opinion of literally every human being ever.

PC Stream!!!