Sup Forums in 2010

>Sup Forums in 2010
>"what the fuck is this shit, DLC? I have to pay more money for a game I've already bought to access stuff already in the game? Fuck this."

>Sup Forums in 2016
>"oh man I can't wait for le Dark Souls 3™ expansion, I love giving more of my money to greedy kike developers"

What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

Oldfags leaving and being replaced by younger fags that have grown up with DLC so they consider it normal.
That or they just gave up on complaining.

DLC and paid content has become the norm, and is now expected out of games.

Unless you are smart and wait until GOTY versions go on sale for $15 including everything.

it's ok when the DLC are good and cheap

It depends on the game.

Some DLC is an actual expansion which adds to the game.

Other DLC is clearly parts of the game that were cut out so they could sell it back to you later.


What are some other companies that do DLC right?


>he doesn't remember expansion packs
Greetings, millenial newfriend. DLC has always been a thing. The problem is when developers start to nickel and dime consumers for petty little things like extra costumes and horse armor.

You and I both know there's a difference between DLC that adds more content to a fun game and microtransaction jew fuckery.
Spare me of your pretentious oldfag shit.

The company itself might not be that good but blood dragon was amazing

Because from always gives away large expansions for their dlc

Dark Souls DLC is a lot more in line with what people would traditionally consider expansions.

You can be interested in the DS3 dlc while still acknowledging that they clearly cut content from the final release of the game.

I actually forgot DS3 had DLC announced, might get another 50 hours out of that travesty

But every Dark Souls DLC has been worth its weight in gold so far

Dark Souls 3 is made out of content cut from Bloodborne.

stop memeing, shivering isles, knights of the nine, dragonborn, dawnguard, bloodmoon and tribunal were all great, the other DLC was all cheap minor optional shit

>dlc done right
>takes months to develop because devs actually didnt cut content
>dlc done bad
>day 1 dlc, preorder dlc, cosmetic dlc, dlc weeks after release
bioshock infinite and ds3 are the only games i bought a season pass during release.
dark souls 3 in a nutshell

every game that has a season pass I think of the game price+ season pass as of an actual game price and have that in mind when deciding if the game is worth the price

seems to me that when youre buying a game without a season pass nowadays its like youre paying for a little longer demoversion of it

>devs didn't need to cut content beceause dark souls 3 was made of cut content from bloodborne

It's new content that wouldn't have made it into the game otherwise. A complete game, at that.
If you liked Das3, it's great because you have another several hours of game to play. If you thought it was boring shit, you can freely ignore it and move on with your life.

Who are you quoting?

>>dlc done bad
>>day 1 dlc, preorder dlc, cosmetic dlc, dlc weeks after release

cosmetic dlc is fine because it's completely optional

preorder dlc is fine so long as it's not something you can't live without (aka, not something keeping you from getting the platinum or 100% completion or from being competitive or whatever)

dlc weeks after release is fine as long as they didn't start working on it til after the game already went gold

dlc isn't inherently bad anons, it's only bad when done poorly. (day 1 dlc, on disc dlc, etc.), free dlc is always done right regardless of circumstance

although some cut content dlc is simply shit they couldn't finish in time for the release

>Oldfags leaving and being replaced by younger fags that have grown up with DLC so they consider it normal.


Blood Dragon isn't DLC, it's a standalone spinoff game.

The difference I see is that vanilla DS3 has an incomplete quest line relating to Londor. They talk about it, make reference to it, but you never go there to see what's up. Since it's obviously going to be one of the two dlc's that feels something that should have been in the main game.

>greedy kike developers

Do you really have to bring your bullshit racism into this? I hate how hated against Jews has been normalized on most of the site now. It's immature and disgusting.

The only redeeming factor about dark souls 3 is that it's made from re-used and unused assets from bloodborne

That feel when you got all the dlc content on your pc, so you see when other players got that skins, weapons and so on. But you got no access to them.

>its ok for devs to nickel and diming me for skins
>its ok for devs to work on dlc when they went gold and not work and bugs and patches
nah user most forms of dlc is bad

CD Project

It's totally optional. What your post is basically saying is that you have no control of your wallet and that these companies just rob you.

Get some self control, jesus christ.

Blizzard is actually doing a great job in that point. At least it seems so with all that content that gets added to their games, however I don't know if they are gud because I never play these games.

>They talk about it, make reference to it, but you never go there to see what's up.
Wouldn't you say that this is the case with all Souls DLC? Artorias and the Abyss, Kos and Ludvig and all those other hunters. They keep talking about them but you won't know what's really up unless you get the expansion.

DS2 expansions revamped basically the entire, not sure if that's worse or better.


it was a joke, you impotent nigger

its scummy move though

>back in the day
>$30 for expansion

>$20 for DLC (2/3 size of old expansions -- granted, depends on the game, but not every expansion was an entirely new game with loads of content. just like not all $20 DLC is horse armor)

newfag pretending to be oldfag go away

in the gta 4 days, sure. but now, they only put out """""""""""free""""""""""" dlc, which is just shitty sports cars that kids will buy shark cards to get.

Why did you put free in quotes, let alone so many quotes?

The updates to GTA:O are free. Just because there's a shortcut to get the items within the updates, doesn't mean it is no longer available to people who save their money for them in-game.

With Artorias, I think it's fine because he was written in such a way to just be a legend, as Alvina herself implies. Same thing with Ludwig, although kos was pretty blatantly cut.

DS2 was the moment I began to notice this, because it's clear the Elyum Loyce was supposed to be in the base game: you find the entrance to it in the vanilla game through a mandatory* pass, and early cg trailers showed of an ice area.

[citation needed]

>With Artorias, I think it's fine
Funny you say that because Artorias and the others are DEFINITELY cut content they only got to add later because the game became a surprise hit.

Makes you wonder if they would have added the sixth archstone in DeS if the same had happened to that one.

holy shit you're motherfucking retarded


hello teenage newfag

bloodborne was litterally made to test faster combat and weapon varieties

On what? The DS2 ice level? 1:30 to get a clear shot.

From what is available to see of the sixth archstone, I always assumed it was either the Painted World or Sen's Fortress.

I know you're probably trying to be ironic but Jew/kike isn't being used to refer to actual Jews 98% when talking about game developers and companies.

All of which are 10 years old.

Historically speaking, From Software has proven themselves capable of putting out worthwhile DLC that more closely resembles expansion packs, which if you've actually been playing games long enough, you'd remember.

Dark Souls is the only series I buy DLC for because I think it's worth it. They're big and full of content, plus I can get the season pass cheap on G2A.

TFW got the game + dlc fro $14 MXN

People got older and got jobs for one thing. People who were already adults and had enough money to afford all the DLC and shit were annoyed by it, but they were the adults, they could afford it. People that couldn't afford more than 60 dollars for a game in 2010 are mostly adults by now, and we are used to it.

But to be honest, games are becoming way too expensive to create and market. You can thank the graphics faggots for that one. Its kind of unreasonable to expect to pay 60 dollars for a game as big as Bloodborne + its DLC for example. If the DLC in that game was free, it would be a huge value for the money. The solution to this is to not try to collect every game like a retard. I only buy a couple games a year because most games are just not interesting at this point. But yeah.

To be honest the price isn't a big deal if you buy games you really enjoy. I could spend 100s of hours having fun on my favorite games so I'm not worried about their price.


>I like making things up!