Its acutally pretty good. even the tank stuff is awesome .
Its acutally pretty good. even the tank stuff is awesome
played it on PC, the game looked fucking wonderful, specially at 60fps
I also enjoyed the tank, regular combat was as fun as always, and I loved the plot twists involving the toxin, specially how it ended, the game was tight as fuck, the only thing I might have changed was reducing the ~45% of the game being batmobile to ~30%
Lies. The game is trash, the main gameplay cumbersome, and the way the game goes out of its way to make you use the car to solve nearly all your problems is awful.
Plus there's like 2 half good dungeons and the rest of the game is reliant on drones, brawls, and half baked predator missions. Worst Arkham game, and that's not even touching on the awful story
>played it on PC, the game looked fucking wonderful, specially at 60fps
When it worked? Sure, it looked beautiful.
But even when it worked you could still get stutters, you could still get unexplained game crashes, you still got memory leaks.
after the first big patch everything worked perfectly for me. even the performance was great
>works fine for me
The game is still a piece of shit port so much that it has a no playtime limit for refund on Steam.
It's a shame really, but it's just one of those straws that broke the camel's back for me and made sure I will literally never buy another Rocksteady/WB game ever again.
I'm sorry my man, but I waited for the... august? patch to play it (I did try it on release and it was a broken mess), and fucking loved it
>It's a shame really, but it's just one of those straws that broke the camel's back for me and made sure I will literally never buy another Rocksteady/WB game ever again.
they even fixed AK, MY straw was MKX not getting Kombat Pack 2 and the GGPO netcode, that was the lowest of blows on PC players
I mean, FUCK, there's like over 750k sales or something on PC, do they really think they wouldn't profit bringing this stuff to PC? really?
As their version of the last batman story it was decent. As other anons pointed out gameplay
Y was fucking way too reliant on the batmobile, there is no reason to have 3 boos battles involve the car
Is the game fixed on PC now? It's on sale and I was wondering if I should grab it. Would it work fine on a 970 and an I7-4770?
The tank shit was awful, the rest of the game was fine though if you like the batman games. Really nice visuals.
what's your RAM? I played it fine with 16gb, just turn off Nvidia's physx, smokex, etc, and maybe turn off AA
Played it on PS4, game was mediocre to be honest, story was shit, most "bosses" were bad. Honestly I had more fun with Arkham Origins.
>even the tank stuff is awesome
no, fuck you
It's basically Arkham City with shitty batmobile segments that serve no other purpose than to drag the whole game down.
The combat was great and the tank segments were decent enough the first time around, but fuck you sincerely if you're going to sit there and say they didn't get annoying as fuck by the time you teamed up with Ivy.
Story dragged on too much. A lot of the missions had really satisfying endings even though actually playing them was amazing.
It's worth the $20 I paid for it for sure and it's probably the only game in existence with a justifiable amount of content in its season pass, but as far as the Arkham series goes it rightfully deserves its spot at the bottom, better only than Origins
Yeah it's 16gb too, maybe I'll just get it and refund it if the performance is garbage
>Honestly I had more fun with Arkham Origins.
Origins was terrible, Arkham Knight is better than Origins by a damn mile
>fight a contstruction vehicle
>chase bad guy in tank 3-4 times
>chase other bad guy in tank
>fight dude in mech suite with waifu
>tank battle no. 4747484949 on iceberg
outside of pyg and the one of the joker clones I don't think they tried anything you, boss fights in knight really were shit
right, I forgot about the refund system on Steam
just remember that this is a pretty heavy game, so you might have to lower some settings to get good framerates
it looks amazing at max settings, specially when you jump from a building and start gliding and the rain starts hitting the cape
Why was the PC port such a fucking disaster at launch? doesn't the game still run on the same engine the other arkham games did only with added post-processing and some nvidia bloatware?
With a 970, 16GB RAM and i5-4690K I get 60FPS constant at max settings 1080p (no nvidia settings). Even with nvidia settings on it's 60FPS most of the time, dipping down to 30-40 during intense batmobile sections.
the game was ported in a very short amount of time, I believe
whoa, so those patches that came later actually did improve it even more? I'm on a 980 so I should be able to get it going real nice
the big question is, why can't they just throw a bit more money and time at the PC port, and get way more sales? WB is a bunch of retards
>Arkham Knight is better than Origins by a damn mile
At least Arkham Origins had good boss battles, I can't think of a single redeeming point for Knight.
> I can't think of a single redeeming point for Knight
Some of the side quests were solid
>good boss battles
well, at least they looked pretty
> I can't think of a single redeeming point for Knight.
the graphics
the soundtrack
best melee combat in the series
car is hit or miss, but a plus if it's a hit for you
best plot in the series
actually, AK doesn't need any 'redeeming', it's fucking great
>best melee combat in the series
It's literally the same combat from previous games, the only new thing they added in Knight was dual/batmobile takedowns.
I liked some of the new Riddler racing things...but story wise it made NO fucking sense.
But the combination of racing/speed trial AND platforming puzzle leading up to it(with your stupid car, the fuck does this make sense in the story. Logistically or otherwise).
>best melee combat in the series
It's the same as it was in City, maybe even worse since you have to abuse the special takedown more times than you'd want because the game loves to throw in multiple enemies need to be stunned in orther to damage.
>car is hit or miss, but a plus if it's a hit for you
If you dislike the batmobile segments, which a lot of us do, half the game becomes a chore to deal with.
I could easily feel a difference from Origins going into AK, Origins was really off and felt worse than everything in the series, even after I got used to it. Maybe AK seems the best to me because I had played Origins last.
Also, AK has more gadgets to fuck around, doesn't it? (they only add new gadgets with every game I believe)
>If you dislike the batmobile segments, which a lot of us do
and a lot of us don't
>, half the game becomes a chore to deal with.
indeed there's a ton of batmobile segments, I enjoyed them but they shouldn't have made it like half of the game
I liked it. But no OP, the tank shit was garbage
>Also, AK has more gadgets to fuck around, doesn't it? (they only add new gadgets with every game I believe)
They barely ever come into play, I was able to clear entire rooms of enemies with silent takedowns from vents, and by the time you're actually required to use a gadget or two to progress you're already nearing the end of the game.
>I don't use them, so they don't exist
c'mon now