How do you feel about playing video games with someone?
How do you feel about playing video games with someone?
when will to love ru end
When they Fuck
so never?
>niggers are only allowed if they are sexualized little girls for my pleasure
-Sup Forums
Cute brown loli =/= nigger.
little brown girls are undeniably the best type of lolis except tanline lolis, preferably school swimsuit tanlines, no diamond on this earth is harder than my boner for a good artist that does tanlines
>drawn picture-girls with aryan facial features drawn brown are somehow niggers
Just post the source already.
>brown = nigger
- Neo-Sup Forums
>you will never get drunk with your qt gf and play halo co-op and laugh at how bad she is again because she left you because your general cynical/pessimistic attitude and worldview that you developed after over a decade long depression and a culmination of her being the first person you had a personable and close relationship since you were 12 started to rub off on her and she didn't want that toxicity to take hold of her even though she was the only person you were ever happy and optimistic towards
Once I finally get my gun I can end my life, why does it take so long in some states?
nemesis to love-ru
>he thinks delicious brown girls are niggers
get a load of this faggot
>Played 3 hours of Lucioball
Fun as hell!
This Brown is delicious. Flat is justice.
Brown loli is delicious justice.
But we love you user.
We'll be your gf.
Shindol is pure cancer
Well what ethnicity do they belong to then?
How about you google instead of being a retarded fuckwit?
they are DRAWINGS YOU FUCKING FAGGOT, drawings don't have a fucking ethnicity, they are lines on a piece of paper or pixels manipulated in photoshop.
Like every anime, manga and dÅjinshi girl she is Asian unless stated otherwise.
Brown anime girls are not niggers!
jesus christ that got dark
NO, niggers need to exiled from America, even nigger lolis.
Literally the same thing, not even Sup Forums
Keep in contact with her and a woman shouldn't determine if you are happy. It makes you seem weak infront of them.
Well considering that virtually all anime girls are drawn with white facial features (protruding nose and flat forehead), they are very very tanned whites, although I have seen styles where the girls facial features look more Asian.
>It's a white thinks they look like anime episode
Kill yourself.
Fuck this. Post more cute brown anime girls
Mop the dough, did you pour more gov better be that time...motherfucking bitch coffin dumb hoe motherfucker?
>all anime girls are drawn with white facial features
Looks like a stormcuck is leaking!
Well I haven't been happy since I was 12 except for the years when I was with her, and I haven't been happy since she left. My attitude, worldview, and depression are exponentially worse than they were before I met her and get worse each day. I'm beyond hope, I'm done. Sometimes I wish I never met her, because at least before I met her those things were manageable, but I can't take it anymore now.
>Anime characters are white
When will this meme end
Found the triggered third world shitskins.
Inb4 he post the cherry picked image
Hmmmmm videogames
Brown its are just sandniggers, but they all have the same traits of chimping out and below the IQ of 80 as their nigger brethren.
And no, just because you run into one decent sandnigger doesn't mean that the race isn't full of shitters. That libtard meme has to go go go.
Not even worth a (you)
Mikan is still the best.
which one?
I have several.
They barely have enough facial features to argue their race
It's like saying a stick figure is white
>Asians are the master race
You ruined your chart with unmeasurable qualities.
>japanese guy hates his own race
>standing ovation
>white guy hates his race
>gets called a numale fag
I'm not saying that anime characters look asian, because they clearly don't seeing as they don't have slanted eyes, in fact it's the opposite, they have very wide and big eyes plus their hair are colors other than black. But to say anime characters have white facial features is beyond retarded. Anime characters do not even have facial features except for big wide eyes. Their lips and noses are almost non-existent and they hall have the same head shape.
Why is dick size the exact opposite of this?
a lot of times they're based more on ambiguous pacific islanders than africans. if a character is meant to be african or black it's usually obvious. Anime is fictional though so sometimes it's a blend and not necessarily reflecting any real
Only the Japanese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong. Every other Asian is nigger tier.
Theres nothing wrong with appreciating the characteristics of another race goy
Hating your own race isnt a bad thing, it helps us promote diversity
It's fun until they decide to side-step missions, fuck off, and ruin everything.
Latest chapters are getting pretty close.
Rito's god-stumbling finally got diagnosed as a side effect of him not getting pussy, thus his body is seeking the pussy on it's own to relieve stress.
Nemisis, who enjoys trolling Rito is unexpectedly the cure, as she's been getting him closer to getting laid when she takes over his body.
He had a naked bitch in his room, on a weekend all alone, about to fuck and the only thing that stopped him was a phone call from his sister killing the mood.
Even the author knows it's been going on too long. Rito will destroy all the pussy soon.
>ywn wake up to this
>censoring the vulva peek
>high tier
Enjoy your batshit insane megalia feminists.
>Asians confirmed true master race
Retards have been saying that for years, it's just blueballing man.
A few recent manga have even dropped the giga-nigga stereotype design when depicting people of African descent, and has opted for delicous brown design instead.
My school had shitloads of Vietnamese, and they all looked like the lorean in your pic (just without whore makeup obviously)
What a dumb chart
>White people are niggers compared to asians
I haven't followed the manga.
Is lala x rito completely over by now?
what anime/manga has the best harem
>boyfriend sits on my lap while playing games
>distracting me and getting me killed
Sex is great but it does get annoying when I just want to play.
Why does Jamal rape little Suzy?
Because it is a known fact that more savage animals have bigger peckershafts, and guess what Asians think of whites
Pro-tip: Jamal and Hans are the same Savage-tier
Sad thing is if you present studies and facts that show that there are differences in race people put their heads in the sand and spout the "equality" meme.
I quite enjoy my nationalism and sovereignty.
I didn't make that picture. It's something I found while browsing Sup Forums. I'm just pointing the that the Japanese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong are the only bro tier Asians, because they're not being cucks and Koreans still can't find a self identity for themselves.
That monster girl anime with the snek girl and the harpy girl.
I forget the name.
And niggers are super niggers compared to asians, the low get lower
>Is lala x rito completely over by now?
It's a harem series user.
Here is the harem, Haruna is first.
>tfw this graph is distorted because spics and arabs count as caucasian.
Yeah but last I remeber lala was completely irrelevant despite being the main love interest in the first anime.
I played Gears of War when it came out using hafl the controller my friend using the other half, sometimes switching
this because at the time I had broken my hand
really cool of him and cute situation thinking back
Monster Musume. It really is the best one.
Is it okay to fuck your sister?
Games are more fun
Monster musume
I'd say Whites had the better social structure and culture and art.
>what anime/manga has the best harem
Trinity 7.
Every girl has her own character and personality, they don't exist for Arata's sake. They have goals on their own and so on.
They don't fall for the MC immediately, in fact some girls still don't care about him.
MC is not beta.
>It has to be spics and durkas
Face it Jake, you are basically Dayshawn in the eyes of Asians
No people accept that there are differences in races. No one disagrees that Asians are the smartest and that they have the smallest dicks.
The only time people will disagree with studies and facts showing differences in races is when it portrays whites as better than blacks. For example, like I said no one disagrees with asians being the smartest (hence them being smarter than blacks) but if you say whites have a higher IQ than blacks that's when people bury their heads in the sand. But if you say blacks are better athletes than whites then people have no problem because the difference doesn't portray whites as better than blacks,
Yeah thats it.
Except Rito isn't resisting anymore.
>Lets Nemi sit on his face.
>Lets Nemi straddle that cock while on his phone.
>Nemi teases about "alone time" and he's down to fuck. But is disappointed when she wants to game.
Meanwhile all the girls are super forward lately about how much they want that dick.
>mc is not beta
Not possible.
How is the virgin otaku going to self insert?
Bbbbbbbut it doesnt count ;_;
The same ethnicity of all anime girls, duh
the brown ones are just ganguro
And they still won't fuck. You do realize years ago Momo gave him a kiss in the dick and people said the exact same thing right?
Jesus you never learn.
>delicious brown
>the same thing
Also this was entirely unprompted, my dude. Everything okay?
I don't think they're included because spics and sandniggers aren't counted as people. Also, no one wants to date and assimilate with sandniggers and spics since their culture is so fucked up, except for libtard whites but they're also not people.
>Every girl has her own character and personality, they don't exist for Arata's sake. They have goals on their own and so on.
>They don't fall for the MC immediately, in fact some girls still don't care about him.
Somebody give this guy some testosterone shots before he turns into a girl
Mushoku Tensai