ITT: Games that have absolutely devastated you and have made you depressed

ITT: Games that have absolutely devastated you and have made you depressed.

Finished this game just yesterday and I don't know guys, my heart is heavy and I've cried so much. Everything is so hopeless and futile. No matter what you can't do anything. You can never win. Nothing matters. What's the point? Why bother?

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Man up, faggot


inb4 "not a game"

You could always die. That way, you skip right to the end.

You mean irl

I hope you're being ironic.

Hurr durr le it's just a game.

You realise this kinda shit can really hit hard and all too close to home right? That's why this even exists.

Not really devastating, but many feels were many.


I also wanted to call the suicide hotline after playing that, so fucking bad. If you cried to that you're either a girl or a faggot.

Literally a shit version of Steins:Gate

Biggest difference is that choices actually matter and you can't just hit restart whenever you fucking want because of divergent timelines.


next episode

"Oh phew it got undone with time travel"

hella hella hella

What's with all the LiS threads lately?

Fucking this.

Wait what's wrong with crying?

The first chapter is free now.

They made the first episode free, so everyone who avoided it all last year is now playing it and realizing they like it.

How can you feel sad about anything when the bitch just reverses time and fixes anything that should have triggered your feelings

Max could have used her powers to both evacuate the town AND save Chloe. Happy ending for everyone.

Stupid fucking game.

I liked the game but it didn't even come close to making me depressed

The people in Arcadia Bay were retards anyway.

>Snow when it's 80 degrees out
>Double moon
>Dead beached whale

I'd get the fuck out of there when I saw the second one. They deserve what they got.

How could she have achieved that?

Was the ending really necessary?
Why the fuck didn't Max & Chloe just leave Arcadia Bay?
Why the fuck did Max go back and break Time Traveler's Rule #1?
Why the fuck was she surprised when she STILL ruined Chloe's life?
Why is Max retarded?
Why is Kate so cute?
Why did I enjoy playing LiS?


>Snow when it's 80 degrees out
this happened where I'm from in the middle of summer around 10 years back, though it was more like 65-70 degrees.

Seriously though OP, I'm not being ironic or memeing or whatever. You need to kill yourself as soon as possible.

man you are a walking testament to the pussyfication of the west

kill yourself

Anyone who likes this teen b-movie of a game is either an autistic retard, or a 15 year old girl.

Did your town get destroyed by a massive tornado? If not then rest assured your lesbian hero sacrificed her bi curious gf.

I mean it's fine to get emotional over stuff, but life is strange is so corny and banal you can't possibly take it seriously. Not telling you to kill yourself, but just know that your taste is absolutely awful

Reminder that Warren is a creep.

>peeks from outside Max's windows
>folder named Max on thumbdrive
>ape ape rape (A guy going far away. With a girl. Alone together)
>asked both Brooke and Max out at the same time to go ape
>Cannibal Holocaust
>watched Kate's vid one and a half times
>messages to Max are literally "please respond"
>forces himself on others who obviously dislike him

I wonder how many betas realized how pathetic their behavior is when they interacted with Warren.

Only one answer.


Life is Strange is my favorite game ever but it didnt make me depressed or anything, what sad thing was in it?

>literally ''our'' guy

Who /cuck/ here

Nothing like the double moon or shit like that gets explained

Lesbian shit even though they've only known each other for a week, havent talked in years

Chloe is an obnoxious bitch who keeps killing herself due to her own stupidity. This is used as a kicker in literally every episode and every time its used as cliffhanger, even though its fixed with time travel every time

Characters are shit

Hipster music

Dialogue is the worst thing in history

Last episode was absolute bullshit

No actual character progression, no-one develops or learns anything by the end

Its basically the worst type of time travel story. One that ends the way it began.

I'll refer to the other guy who mentioned Steins;Gate. It's got pretty much the same plot but is a billion times better, and the end game is to save everyone while maintaining the illusion of status quo, creating a new timeline that is very hard to achieve. A far more harrowing and sophisticated plot. Instead of timelines being harsh and needing to avoid them because of how depressing they are (like in LiS), S;G is better in that it actually creates some good timelines, but makes people realise that you need to sacrifice your own happiness for the overall good (saying X and stopping a world war)

>Life is Strange

You fuckers don't even know the meaning of sadness

The characters in Life is Strange are much deeper than the ones in Steins;Gate. Character development in Life is Strange is literally perfect.

Op here. That game was pretty painful too.

Easiest end game choice ever.

Fuck Chloe. Every god damned episode you were saving or fixing her life.

>Let me blackmail the richest fuck in town, can't go wrong
>Gets shot

>Let's drink and play with guns
>Gets shot

>Lets play on the train tracks
>Gets run over by a train

>Maybe Chloe is only like this cuz her dad died

>Save Dad
>Chloe ends up paralyzed in a fucking car accident

>We know where the rape dungeon is, should we go to the police?
>Nah, lets tackle this shit ourselves
>Chloe gets shot

At the end, I didn't even hesitate. The precedent is set, I'm sure if you sacrifice all of Arcadia Bay for Chloe, she'll just end up dying in the next god forsaken town they go to and Max will fuck that place up with her time travel powers trying to save Chloe, again.

At some point you just have to give in and recognize that Darwin got some things right.

LiS didn't hit me that badly, since I hated the damn town, and let it get destroyed without regrets.

This game however... Hit way close to home. >tfw no qt gf to travel across desert with.

Oh but I do user. I really do.

I've played through both but Life is Strange made things feel so real with its voice acting and its camera work.


>I'm sure if you sacrifice all of Arcadia Bay for Chloe, she'll just end up dying in the next god forsaken town they go to and Max will fuck that place up with her time travel powers trying to save Chloe, again.
This is exactly what I thought too.

Chole was such a fucking idiot it was impossible for me to like her.

Played it several years ago when I was young and getting into VN. Found it sad but nothing much
Replayed both games now that I'm older and had encounters with similar situation.
Fucking hell

/lisg/ was a mistake.

were the games that bad?

Don't remind me

Generals are a mistake.

Episode 5 was a mistake

i'm with this dude

nothing wrong with a good cry but if this is your threshold, you just need more exposure

The ending of SOMA kept me up a few nights.

no, containment generals were most definitely NOT a mistake

Steins;Gate comparisons trigger me. There is pretty much nothing same in them. One is a science fiction story about overcoming the possibility of a time-travel controlled dystopia and one is a light fantasy story about growing up and learning to live with ones choices.

Lord of the rings and warhammer 40k both have orcs doing orc things as well, they are literally the same



time travel is frequently a shitty mechanic because it completely trivializes bad things happening

i will admit steins;gate did it right but in a lot of fiction it just makes something go from average to shit in no time flat

This and pic related tore me apart

Steins gate is boring as fuck until ep 12 literally nothing noteworthy regarding the plot happens until mayuri dies

When this world is no more, the moon is all we'll see. I'll ask you, to fly away with me.



Nigga, read the VN.

Immortality is a bitch

>ep 12
Stop being an animeonly and read the fucking VN

There's Daru-kun, Chris-chan, Luka-chan, Suzu-san, Moeka-san, Feris-chan, Braun-san, Nae-chan and more! In the spring you seemed so lonely... But now you're fine. You don't need Mayushii to be your hostage anymore


>look mom, im hardcore

Non-existent character development isn't character development.

Have you even played Steins;Gate. You learn so much about every character when you visit their timeline. Even side characters like Moeka have more to them than anyone in Life is Strange.

>tfw timeline where ZTD never happened must be infinitely better

I had similar feels when I finished playing.

It's by far the piece of media, whether game, film, or show, that had the biggest impact on me.

Take your time.

The only one

Jesus fuck the fucking memory stories were so insanely good. It's weird how such an otherwise generic game had such amazingly well written short stories.

The only time a game has genuinely made me tear up

>I failed
>I failed
>I failed
>I failed

Much more effective than

>Hella hella hella hella lel so randum

>Crying over an sjw shit game

a lot of those episodes are focused on character development (especially okabe's) and do gradually set up the ending

>being depressed over tumblr the 3D visual novel
user, please. Even Katawa Shoujo was more depressing than that failed abortion of a "game". Go read some decent VN for a change.

Noximillian did nothing wrong

Asriel reminds me too much of my best friend.


Same story with different skin.

In the end the bottom line is that you're fiddling with time travel to save the life of someone you love, while something more sinister that you don't understand is happening in the background.

The science stuff in S;G is fluff. What makes it good is the great cast of characters, the heart wrenching moments (which go past the shitty "oh no mai waifu got shot!" bullshti like in LiS), and the fact that your choices genuinely matter.

What genuinely triggers me is that people praised LiS so much when S;G is sitting there being still a fairly underplayed game.

You mean he's kind of a fag?

They just don't feel as real to me. Maybe it's because we get to control Max and view things from her viewpoint. Okarin just didn't give me the same thing. I loved both "games" either way.

no game has ever made me anywhere near as depressed as 5cm/s

It's a shit game and there was no point to it all because MUH TIME TRAVEL.

Are you guys this fucking autistic or desperate for women attention you feel that it's real or what?

Garbage game. Legit.


Maybe. I just miss both of them.
Suicide ain't painless for the ones you leave behind.

>s;g is underplayed
maybe the vn, but the anime was a huge hit

Exactly. S;G is one of the only stories in recently memory where time travel hasn't been a shitty undo button mechanic.

That's why stories like LiS will always be cheap, and why S;G truly was masterful i nthe way it handled the subject matter.

It found further complications in time travel (different agendas, different time machines, some timelines were actually better on a personal level but not for the greater good, some timelines highlighted peoples secrets in the original timeline, etc) Rather than "oh, this is a bad timeline, better undo it!"

It also has better dialogue.

Kurisu explaining time travel like it was a moe magical girl show beats any dialogue exchange in LiS by a country mile.

>how dare people compare two works of fiction with a similar premise
nobody's saying they're identical

No-ones talking about the anime you stupid nigger shit fucking hell go and die in a hole you little bitch.

The anime is great but the game is better paced and is about twenty thousand times more detailed and soulful than the anime.

I'm not the type to tear up, but I read S;G recently, and boy, that bit is quite the fucking downer.

And whats worse, there's that tiny bit of time where you/Okabe know something is up because Reading Steiner didn't kick in, but there was still that glimmer of hope that Suzuha managed to fulfill her mission. It just made the truth that much worse.

Painful was great, I never expected an Indie RPG to actually have such a great tone and story...


Finishing Crisis Core fuckin killed me. Cried like a bitch when Zack died...

read some Camus, OP. Find the impenetrable summer inside you.

>People actually liked Life is Strange for the story
Hahaha what?

The game was great for the sole purpose of laughing at how hilariously bad the writing was.

Sure, but we're talking about the game.

The anime is definitely great but the game stomps all over it in literally every department apart from animation.

Because the game has no animation.

Story is more detailed, and Okabe makes more sense as a character because you see it all from his perspective. Character timelines are explored in more detail (and there are some that aren't covered in the anime), the soundtrack is better, the genre is more subversive (because to get all the good endings in the game you have to go back to different save states and change the flag moments, just like in a time machine)

When talking about S;G as a game you simply can't use the anime as a guage. It's like talking about Phoenix Wright after just watching the anime.

Hey Sup Forums, when is Steins;Gate 0 going to come out?