Can we get a dolphin netplay thread going, or is that a dead meme now?

Can we get a dolphin netplay thread going, or is that a dead meme now?

1) Download Dolphin 5.0 Emulator
2) Download Mario Party, Mario Kart, Kirby Air Ride, your game of choice, GCN ISO files from
3) Host a netplay room and post the code here to play with other anons
If you're joining, you do not need to start the game. If you can't connect to a lobby, it's probably already started.

>Config -> GameCube -> Slot A/B Memory ""
>Graphics: Force 4:3 Aspect Ratio
>Right click game in your list-> Properties - > Disable "Speed up Disc Transfer Rate"
>Turn off any widescreen hacks if you have any on (If you literally just downloaded Dolphin, don't worry about it)
>Some games may require you have cheats enabled to unlock everything (Config -> General -> "Enable Cheats"). Just leaving it on won't mess anything up

If you're new and it's your first time hosting:
Pad the buffer somewhere between 15 - 30. If you need to go over 30, don't bother hosting.

Let's a go!

I'm up for any Mario Party.
Also is there a way to have two Dolphins?
Like one for Netplay and one for solo play? So I don't have to mess up with the settings everytime I play either.

Yeah you can actually make a portable dolphin build just by making an empty file called "portable.txt" in the same folder as the dolphin executable. Dolphin checks for that file and if it sees it durnig the startup it will create a "User" directory in the same folder as the executable that stores the settings.

I'm down for Mario Party too, but I'm a shitty host.


Potato PC bro here, will my sorta shit speed ruin the online for everyone?

It will probably desync if you play anything too graphically intensive. Mario Party 4 will probably work alright.

Anybody got any games going? I don't think I can host well myself.

I'm trying to host with Hamachi but my friends are getting 150+ m/s, there's any way to get a better hosting service?



We have a lot of players but no hosts.


I'm trying to host but even my friends can't join my server, i can see them joining but after 2-3 seconds they disappear. any user knows what the problem is?

Are you using traversal mode?

do they have the same dolphin version?

Yep we just downloaded it we're trying to play Star Fox Assault


It could be the host, maybe try making someone else host.

Tried it, but no one can connect either.

Do you guys have the same iso? They have to be the same from emuparidise.

I don't think that's the problem though, because even if you don't have the same ISO you can still get in someone's lobby, it just gives an error if you try to launch and someone doesn't have the same copy. Not really sure how to help with that though, I've never really had that problem myself.

Yes, we do, we actually succeeded to connect once, but the ping was so high that the game was unplayable

Yeah we managed to connect but we tried it through hamachi and the ping was too high like 150-170ms

Anybody wanna play this together? Problem is I don't know how to host.

what the actual fuck


Anybody hostan?

It has two player so I thought you were able to use netplay.

I'm not complaining about this, who the fuck thought this was a good idea for an art cover?

I've watched some gameplays
This seems like poor's man Jet Set Radio

Nigga, I've played both. Do you see graffiti mechanics in Aggressive Inline?
It is more based off of THPS (and a contributing factor of why 4 doesn't have time restrictions)
The levels also seem very memorable (maybe not the Xbox exclusive zoo)..