Where were you when valve decided to fix the hacker and reseller problem once and for all?
Where were you when valve decided to fix the hacker and reseller problem once and for all?
So because they don't have an even halfway decent anti cheat they're screwing people over? Bravo valve. I honestly don't know how anyone can still defend them.
who is getting screwed over? maybe you should stop buying 80 copies of a game to sell to hackers
valve doing retarded shit once again
>paid mods
>banning arbitrary csgo plugins in THIRD PARTY servers
>dota 2 compendium maps not being available after TI because FUCK YOU that's why
>no more of this dota 2 commentator because muh gabe dislike him
fuck valve
Maybe valve could be competent at their job for once and get some actual non shit anti cheat. Don't blame other people for them being completely incompetent.
>However, more worryingly, if you gift it to a player who receives a permanent ban, you won’t be able to gift that particular game ever again, to anyone
Full fucking retard.
>don't gift vac games to your shithead friends
>don't give vac games to people you don't know
oh wow so hard
I was at home
Only russians and kids will complain.
this, even fucking cod doesn't have hackers on it
>valve shills
> if you gift it to a player who receives a permanent ban, you won’t be able to gift that particular game ever again, to anyone.
i buy my games in g2a, and other key reselling sites. You get steam deal price without the wait. This fucks me over, so no.
Only in shifgh vac protected games. Of which none are worth buying.
I thought G2A sold steam-keys, not steam-gifts.
I feel like this only impacts CSGO gifting.
But this is only for VAC games that you gift from Steam.
>he doesn't like steam
best thing since sliced bread
this 2bh
yeah except for the first 6 years.
no one gived a shit about steam and tried to avoid using it before summer sales
>people defending the fact that if you buy someone a vac game and they get vac banned, you cant gift any one else the game
jesus christ
there is only like 1 good game that uses VAC anyways
>valve desperately trying to stop cheating
This, how can people breath with so much valve shit down their lungs?
>being friends with a cheater
>literally ever in your life
its fuckin nothin
Joke's on you, I have no friends on steam
Sounds more like they're cracking down on RU scammers because Timmy the Retard just CAN'T STOP getting phished or getting involved in roundabout, shady gifting trade bullshit.
I was under the impression g2a sells you a cd-key. it doesn't sell you a stub that says, 'sign into your Steam account and contact Mr. Vlad Squatovich to get your Game Gift'
on some sites you could buy steam gifts where you just get given a steam link and get gifted the game when you click on it
Was estimated for 5K profit through resell on g2a. Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>stop buying games cheaper and give me your fucking money you fucking bitch
valvedrones will defend this.
I never got the point.
If you're going to buy a game from a scummy third party like G2A, just pirate it.
If you want to support the developer, buy it normally.
What the fuck is the point?
>What the fuck is the point?
How many fucking times do you gift games that this is an issue?
>lol, you're from a poor country? Tough luck buddy
>You should've been born elsewhere
>Gamers exist only in NA and western Europe anyway :^)
>Find a better job neeeerd
>What, pay/hour is relative to the cost of living? Bah!