I love the Overwatch characters. But the game itself doesn't look that good. Another low skill casual based shooter. Another CS:GO or Team Fortress 2. Rounds are determined as much by luck than anything. I can understand why girls and dudebros would like it. But why does Sup Forums?
I love the Overwatch characters. But the game itself doesn't look that good. Another low skill casual based shooter...
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It's a fun game with more depth than people give it credit for. Matches are absolutely not decided by luck.
casual is relative. If you only want to play the most skill intensive game then quake is always there. OW isnt the most competitive game ever but skill still is the biggest factor in matches and the gameplay is enjoyable.
If its not for you then its not for you, but maybe give it a shot
Like what?
Yes, unlike those games with RNG in them this game is full of luck
I know you're trolling op, but what skill based shooter do you think isnt casual? Csgo is the least casual skill wise, but you can get stupid skins easily
Counter picking, team composition, knowing when and when not to ult/use abilities, working as a team to effectively defend or attack the point of payload. It's more than just a generic run-and-gun shooter, and you'd know this is you actually tried it for yourself.
Matches are decided by who uses their ult first.
Zenyatta's ult is basically an ubercharge for the entire enemy team, Zarya's is basically instant death if any one of your other teammates has ult unless there's a Reinhardt, it's a game of chicken with ults
t. Rank 30
Well if you don't like it don't play it. To me it seems like it strikes a good balance between competitive and casual. If you just wanna have fun there's quickplay or whatever weekly brawl they have up, and if you want a little more intensity there's comp, where you'll often find premades (Or partial premades) who are playing to win.
Overwatch has not even sold 400k copies on pc
>Counter picking, team composition, knowing when and when not to ult/use abilities, working as a team to effectively defend or attack the point of payload.
Any moba has everything you've listed but it does not make them any good or less casual.
>It's more than just a generic run-and-gun shooter
Wrong, it's less. Overwatch does not even have fall damage or ammo management
It's fun mate haha
>girls and dudebros
Games are fun no matter who you are pleb
>Zarya's is basically instant death if any one of your other teammates has ult unless there's a Reinhardt
Which is odd, as black holes are usually quite adept at killing people unaided.
>Any moba has everything you've listed
Name a single one that encourages swapping characters multiple times in a match.
>loving characters but either not playing the game or not liking the game
That sounds just like something an Undertale fan would say
Swapping characters negates the "depth" of your game
No, I will not go back to TF2 or CS and buy your stupid hats or skins
>literally has over 10 million playing it
>Swapping characters negates the "depth" of your game
But it doesn't, what kind of stupid argument is that?
>Character picks X
>You pick Y
>They pick Z in response
>Repeat ad ininfitum as the roster constantly changes and you have to change as a result to counter
Teams that don't change heroes lose.
>I will not go back to TF2 or CS and buy your stupid hats or skins
>plays a game where you buy skins, sprays and voicelines.
Alright then.
Then why do "pro" teams in "competitive" overwatch have roughly the same character composition?
>worried TF2 shill
Go away
> But why does Sup Forums?
because Sup Forums is dudebros and casuals this place changed alot in the last years.
That's funny because TF2 was only mentioned in OP post. Oh wait, Overwatch defenders don't have any arguments so they just call everyone tf2 shills.
It's different for different maps, there's no gold standard team comp. Zen/Lucio are the only two heroes who are picked on both teams in basically every match now.
It's about the same as an argument that consists of
>Every MOBA has this, it doesn't increase its depth
>Oh wait, every MOBA doesn't have it, oh that's just because it doesn't increase depth
OW is a nice-looking game with the depth of a paddling pool. It's basically HOTS in 3D with guns.
>Overwatch does not even have fall damage
neither does quake, guess that means quake 3 is shit
good thing we still have battlefield 4 to teach us all about realism :)
> press the moba kill everyone button to win
Sorry but no.
Wait, if both teams press that button, who wins?
I guess it is too hard for you so let me explain.
In mobas after the draft is complete you are essentially stuck with heroes you have chosen for the entire match. That is why hero composition is important in them, since you have to consider all pros and cons of every hero you pick as well as how your heroes will stand against enemy heroes. Ability to change hero midgame reduces the importance of initial composition.
>neither does quake, guess that means quake 3 is shit
Quake 3 has fall damage
But it also increases fluidity and dynamic gameplay, as well as increasing the importance of knowing the counters to the entire cast
>Quake 3 has fall damage
Quake 3 is also fucking garbage, what's your point?
overwatch is fun, but it's filled with fucktards who main 1 or 2 characters and refuse to switch to a counter or communicate with the team.
>I love the Overwatch characters.
This will come up later.
>But the game itself doesn't look that good.
It's pretty average. Slow, and casual, as you would expect from a bliz game.
>Rounds are determined as much by luck than anything.
No, skill is a factor. There's no "crits" here to give people free kills. But the ultimate abilities are so powerful they can change the round instantly. Think TF2 ubercharge, but every character has something huge charging, and it charges the more you dmg/heal/etc.
>why does Sup Forums?
the Overwatch characters.
Sure, there are those people, but if we judge every game by the shit players that play them then every game would be shit
>Name a game in [genre] that does thing
>Names a game of a different [genre] that does thing
>low skill casual
It has waifus and lots of marketing, so naturally Sup Forums loves it.
The game always looked shit though, so I don't know what people were expecting, but let's not pretend that anyone here has any standards to speak of.
That's why you play a skill-based character like Genji or Zarya instead of fucking Bastion.
It is
while you can preform complex maneuvers being a sticky spam demoman with a pocket medic is all you need to win games
Well maybe Blizz shouldn't have made a class based shooter with 2 zillion characters be forced 6v6, and then artificially balance it by forcing people to counter pick instead of play the game.
>I've never played Spy before
>difficulty: 1
On console maybe
I'm not a faggot who is a useless nigger half the match so I have the least amount of playtime as him yeah
Maybe against braindead morons on Hallways: The Map
How exactly importance of knowing the counters increases with ability to change hero at any given time?
>what's your point?
Overwatch as FPS has less "depth" than any other FPS.
Overwatch as MOBA has less "depth" than any other MOBA.
>Blizzard could have updated WOW or Warcraft 3, instead we got this pile of repetitive shit
>defending Hanzo with a Jetpack
I don't know what is worse, Sniper mains or Pharah players who think they are good because muh medals and then ree at the team while they hover away from the point
This is very helpful, thanks.
>retards who don't play will still fall for the meme and think this is an accurate representation
t. salty tracer main
You got this pile of shit because the Titan MMO never launched, so they repackaged all the assets into Overwatch, hence why they're already selling you skins and shit from day 0, because this is a blatant cash grab to recoup dev costs, and will only be maintained as such.
A fine example of that is how you're being sold LIMITED EDITION SKINS 3 months after launch.
>look that good
You never played it?
I don't even play Pharah, but she's so easily countered, she's often exposed out in the sky and unless you can land directs every time, she's really really weak.
>mei/hanzo difficulty 3
run around a bit
either get ambushed or ambush someone
That's Overwatch. There's no real skill testing. No way to really improve. A 1 on 1 match could be skill based. But the levels are too small with too many people to make it more than a cluster fuck.
>hard to play
Throwing E and shift all day long while chucking damage at people.
Why the fuck is he difficulty three? I suppose you DO have to lead with him but I doubt they base difficulty on how hard it is to hit people with left click.
Because while yes, knowing counters when you're stuck as a hero is still important, you and the enemy are stuck in whatever dynamic you picked at the beginning, so really knowing the match ups for your character is the most important. Meanwhile, in OW there is a back and forth as you try to counter the enemy and they counter you back, meaning the team will the most collective skill over all the heroes would have an advantage. The importance and depth of matchup knowledge persists throughout the match for all the character as opposed to being most important at the beginning hero select screen
No according to it's
>Kill someone
>He picks hero that counters you and kills you
>Change hero
That's how you know it's a shit chart
Most of these Red bars are high because you have to just be able to fucking aim, being percise doesn't require much skill. this list was made by a retarded Pharah main who thinks he is hot shit because all of his splash damage kills
In that particular case it's not wrong.
You can spam choke points all day like a retard, or you can move around, use sonic arrows to your advantage and land so many actual hits your Q never stays on cooldown. There's an ocean of difference between your average pub Hanzo and a really good Hanzo.
>splash damage kills
>this list was made by a retarded Pharah main
you're wrong sorry
OW is fun for a couple days then you start to realize how absolutely shitty and retarded the gameplay is. In the end it's a polished turd.
D.va is significantly superior to Harambe these days.
Winston still excels in bullying the fuck out of squishies
I 100% agree with most of what you say. A good Hanzo is a lot better than a shit Hanzo. But a good Hanzo is not nearly as good as a good Genji, McCree, Zarya, etc, which is why his bar should look more like Reaper: longer blue than red.
Source: Pro-teams that don't play Hanzo
>in OW there is a back and forth as you try to counter the enemy and they counter you back, meaning the team will the most collective skill over all the heroes would have an advantage
That is only true for symmetrical maps. And it brings us to another problem with Overwatch which is horrendously one sided maps.
This chart is both wildly incorrect, and visually painful
Four mains and two of them are supports. What the fuck is wrong with you?
this is just so funny to look at, how utterly deluded Overwatch fans are about the complexity of the
That's funny, because I win and lose all the maps on both sides rather equally. Sure, some checkpoints on maps have a slight advantage towards the attackers or defenders, but the maps overall are never "easy" to defend or attack.
>i have never played against competent people in my life
Competent people are too far and few when playing a Valve game
And that's my fault because
>2 stars
Maybe in quickplay but that is no way how comp 60+ plays. Also sounds like you played it on console because thats what id expect happens there.
How do we feel about McCree?
the rootinest tootinest cowbo in the whole wild west
>low skill casual based shooter
Not everything has to be hardcore realism, user. The game is quite fun and sufficiently flashy. It's a bit lacking in maps, though.
He seems balanced now, he'll always be a high teir character.
The real problem at the moment is Zen's Discord.
Shit needs to be nerfed.
I'll genuinely never understand why Sup Forums shits all over Overwatch and CS:GO but still has huge pockets of people that think TF2 works well as a comp game. Did TF2 ever have a decent competitive scene? I know it has some advanced movement options but has the game ever been considered viable as a comp game?
>I can understand why girls and dudebros would like it. But why does Sup Forums?
Beucase most of Sup Forums has be infested by redditshits
Funnily enough a lot of the pro-Overwatch players came over from TF2.
Like Memegull
>Another low skill casual based shooter. Another CS:GO or Team Fortress 2
Look don't have to like CS:GO or TF2, but they are not "low skill".
If Blizz is gonna try and push a comp scene then it'll attract people. I have 0 idea how OW even works as a comp game if it even does, but whatever.
Eh, it's iffy.
Most of the game does revolve around Ults, primarily Zarya's, Mccree's, Zenyatta's, Lucio's, and Reinhardt's.
Whoever counter picked the counter picking player who changed to counter pick the other counter picking player.
Anyone up for quickplay shenanigans?
Wanting to play a game with some sort of skill based mechanics doesn't necessarily mean you want to play comp.
>playing vidya
you can probably get someone from there though
>Another low skill casual based shooter
Are all people who say this like rank 85+ or some shit? It doesn't make sense otherwise.
How can you even have an opinion about skill ceilings if you're not at the absolute top?
Oh. This Overwatch stuff sure is easy