Collection Thread

Did I do good Sup Forums? I picked these games up at a thrift store for $2 each. I don't know anything about them, but I've seen Tomba mentioned a few times here and figured if a game got a sequel that must means that enough people liked it for it to be decent. Are Tomba and the Croc games good?

Also collection thread. Post your vidya collections.

All great games. Enjoy.

Found a copy of yakuza 2 and dropped $50 just so I can have the entire series. Still don't know how to feel about paying that for a ps2 game though...

It could be worse. I paid $90 for Tail Concerto, a PS1 game, not too long ago.
You shouldn't feel too uncomfortable with it. Was it unopened or used?

>$2 for Tomba

If you're not lying and it's a decent working copy, then fuck yes you did good. Hope you dig it, both games are 10/10. Shame most people only know of them because of memes.

I enjoyed Croc back in the day on my Saturn. Keep hoping that it'll get a PSN release though.

I haven't tested it out yet but the back of the disc is in decent condition, minus some scratches. I was kind of worried about it as the back of the box make it look like it has really ugly artwork, but now looking at some screenshots it looks much prettier than that let on. Good to know that its a great game though! The AP thing makes it look like it has some RPG elements to it.

I picked up a working phat PS2 for $20 and a 36" Sony Trinitron CRT TV for $5.

Got some beers and about to relax and let the nostalgia kick in

Got this at my last stop to my local vidya store last weekend

>Chrono Cross
Although I don't understand why you'd get Disgaea or Devil May Cry; both of those have had higher quality re-releases. Why get the original versions?

Croc is alright, I prefer Gex though.

I always like getting the original versions of games

I remember getting a PS1 and Croc for christmas way back when. Fuck that was a good game.

Had a chance at a free 36 in wega. An hour away and no help so I had to pass. I really regret it :(

I paid $70 for this lot at a flea market last weekend and I feel like I over paid. I could probably break even reselling, but it's not worth the effort.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets GBA is a legitimately good game, and at least you got a Pokemon game out of it.

i hope most of that money was for the gameboys themselves, those games are worthless aside from 2, maybe 3

nice tomba is supposed to be rare

Tomba for 2 is really good man.
My ps1 collection is small but only paid like 60 all together over a period of time.

systems look like they're in good condition

all those games are worthless though

>$2 for Tomba

>Are Tomba and the Croc games good?
Tomba 1 is a must-play for the PS1, it just oozes charm and uniqueness. While Croc 1 is flawed in some aspects, (tank controls, weird camera, etc.) it's RIDICULOUSLY comfy. Have fun, OP.

Also have a small GameCube collection. 3x wavebirds. 2 smash, 2 double dash, sunshine, party 4, 5, and twilight princess

>at least you got a Pokemon game out of it

True, but it's not as good as my last deal on a pokemon game. I got a copy of White in a box for New SMB DS and another copy of White with the box (no manual) and a copy of Soul Silver loose for $2.

That was for the lot as a whole. The dude wanted $50 for either the GB/GBC lot or the DS/GBA lot or $80 for everything. He wouldn't part anything out, but I talked him down to $70 for everything.

Atomic Purple GBC is in decent shape. The battery contacts are corroded, but they work. The Teal GBC is missing the battery cover, but not corrosion and it works. The DS is missing the stylus and the GBA cover. Both the DS and GBA ports work, so eh.

Just got these today from a thrift store I've never been to before today for $4 each. Both in perfect condition with virtually no scratches. Either they never got played or were resurfaced, but the cases and manuals were excellent.

Best deal back then was soul silver CIB for $5 for me. Didn't really enjoy it much but had my fun with it and sold for $40. Now its so high.