You bought an ubisoft game

you bought an ubisoft game

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The last Ubisoft game I bought was Rainbow 6 Vegas 2.

Hey, Rocksmith and FarCry 3 are pretty good games user.

And I'd do it again.


fucking leafs

U is a vowel, you mong.

dog be like holy shit this dude is so cucked i cant even

>The application has closed unexpectedly, do you want to send a report ?

>what is adoption

>So brainwashed by Sup Forums that the first thing you think of is cucking instead of adoption
Baby isn't even mulatto.

Last Ubisoft game I bought was Pandora Tomorrow

what's it like being wrong all the time, OP?

Yes, but it doesn't make the vowel sound, you fucking moron.

This, honestly. That baby doesn't look biracial.

This. Rocksmith is a great game. Far Cry 3 was the best in the series. Too bad I didn't know that before I bought 4

You bought that? It was a ps plus like 6 months ago

That baby looks comfy

even the dog knows top kek

"You bought a Ubisoft game"

Say that out loud, and tell me that makes any kind of linguistic sense.

might buy for honor desu
not gonna buy a black child tho, black lolis arent sexy

>adopting a black
I think that genuinely might be more embarrassing than just allowing you wife to fuck black dudes. Why the fuck anyone would ever adopt outside their race boggles my mind. If the point of adopting is to allow a person to have a kid who couldn't, why would you not choose one that looks like you? Then you could at least pretend the child is yours, instead of spending your whole life being reminded "oh yeah, that's not actually my kid", having others question it, and having the kid question it.

It is pronounced "Yu-bee-soft" not "oo-bee-soft".

Some people want to adopt to give a kid a better life rather than just because they couldn't themselves.


Dude. Just stick to shitposting. Cause you Literally make no sense and come off retarded. At least with shitposting you can pretend to be retarded

Well, if we're posting these.

Man, Lowtax is having trouble ever since he divorced his wife.

>The dog is the father

It's pronounced you-be-soft, try watching one of their keynotes some time.

>that forced smile by the guy
>that look the dog is giving him

Gets me every time.

The dog knows

Getting beaten up by Uwe Boll was the beginning of the end for him.

But there are many white kids living in poverty just as shitty as blacks so the humanitarian excuse doesn't work. You have to go out of your way to adopt a black.

Dank meme, my friend.


>willingly raising another man's child
>choosing a nigglet of all things


it's the dog

>But there are many white kids living in poverty just as shitty as blacks so the humanitarian excuse doesn't work. You have to go out of your way to adopt a black.
Or they just picked a random kid and his skin color happened to be one thing and not another

Why are you not getting angry that the kid has black hair? Obviously these parents are racist against blonds.




Fucking exposed.

>Or they just picked a random kid and his skin color happened to be one thing and not another

You really think that? They obviously chose the black one.

Post a source stating they did

When you're barren as a desert, you don't have a lot of options.

The other user has a point. You're the only one here attaching significance to something that isnt actually significant. Maybe they picked the kid on his skin, maybe they didnt. You're the only one upset by this.

This actually makes sense

I buy only Ubisoft games because denuvo and lots of shit that makes them a nightmare to pirate

I pirate ALL GOG games and would never buy ones since they are easy as fuck to just download

Shitty photoshop, do better so i can save and use this image later.

Get over yourself. The majority of users here also are tumblr users.

I would adopt an asian child just so I could retire on their math money

The last decent Ubisoft game was Rayman Legends and I bought it

Neither you nor I can post a source. However, I'm saying 1 + 1 = 2, and you're saying 1 + 1 = 3.

A fundamental understanding of SJWs will allow one to understand that they obviously chose, "the black one".

they're instilling white values in it and essentially removing one more criminal from the streets

>samefag to save face after getting BTFO
Oh Sup Forumstard, will you never learn.

His post makes perfect sense, having a one race family creates a more harmonious family for the parents and the child, with less conflict within and outside the family.

You sound much more upset. They chose the kid because it was black and the parents had white guilt drummed into them. It is what it is.

>A fundamental understanding of SJWs
Post source they are SJW, and a source they picked this child because of its color

I know you cant, but its funny to prove how stupid you are.

they could be raising a white child instead

>However, I'm saying 1 + 1 = 2, and you're saying 1 + 1 = 3.
Uh no

All we know is ? = ? and you're claiming to magically know what those ? are if you want to use that shitty as fuck example

You must have more data than we do since it isn't obvious at all for anyone that doesn't live in your mind

If you think you prove me wrong, where is your evidence? You're the one trying to prove something now, aren't you?

lazy shitposting upsets me

>tfw you didn't fall for the Rainbow Six Siege Is Good meme

>all those female Operators

Adoption is literally cucking yourself out of the gene pool.
Also, keep adopting those black babies, niggers are more than happy to supply the demand

>However, I'm saying 1 + 1 = 2, and you're saying 1 + 1 = 3.
>A fundamental understanding of SJWs
You're pulling shit straight out of your ass without the slightest hint of shame

Im proving you have no evidence. Prove me wrong, post evidence.

>Hey guys the earth is round
>What the fuck dude that can't be true because it offends me

This is you guys right now.

>You're the only one here attaching significance to something that isnt actually significant.
Genetics are insignificant? Come on, man.

This is the most desperate attempt to save face ever.

You made the claims faggot, you have to post source.

>see situation
>apply concjecture
>sell them as facts
>omg guise it's obvious

I can post a source proving the earth is round

You cant post a source proving they picked this child based off their color.

Jesus you cant even prove thats their kid, adopted or otherwise. For all we know its a stockphoto and none of them are related in any way.

>Adoption is literally cucking yourself out of the gene pool.

Adopting is not some kind of contract that forbids you from having children on your own

You are ignoring what I say because you know I'm right. Sorry if that offends you.


Sup Forums is leaking again

Why adopt a nigglet when you're going to have children of your own?

Go on then, post what im trying to 'prove'

Im still waiting for you to post source this is a family, that picked the kid based on skin color btw.

You can post a source claiming that they didn't. You're basically saying that god exists even though all logic suggests he doesn't exist.

muh safe space

>based on skin color
Nice claim you have there.
Now prove it

>wasting your life shitposting on Sup Forums
A man who lets a black guy fuck his wife is more of a man than you. You're the real cuck here.


What's wrong with her face?

I absolutely loved Far Cry 2 at the time.

Except couples are far less likely to have biological off-spring after their first adoption.

You're such a fucking retard, you can't into basic principles of logic or arguing, it's not even worth pointing out your idiocy any further because you wouldn't fucking get it either way
Why can't you morons just go to some other shithole
Yes I mad fuck you

You're the one making that claim. Im making no claims at all to anything other than the one that you have no source for anything you say.

Well done, you proved you're shitposting. Here is your last (you)

Why do SJWs assume that only Sup Forums hates niggers?

Everybody hates niggers.

Whites hate niggers, Asians hate niggers, niggers hate each other.

It's normal.

What a thread, OP!

Reverting to ad hominem suggests that you are defensive, and therefore, find my opinion valid.


>You can post a source claiming that they didn't. You're basically saying that god exists even though all logic suggests he doesn't exist.
No. Im saying that we cant say either way.

There is no evidence they got the kid because hes black, and there is no evidence they didnt care what color he was.

Simple basic fucking logic user, please go back to school before you make claims without evidence again.

>millions of years of evolution to adopt a nigger baby spawned from low iq subhumans that are too stupid and worthless to bare a child

its the same nigger, and least interracial children eventually die off because most of them are such genetic travesties nobody will breed with them. adopting a child is completely meaningless.

fuck off Sup Forums

How do you know this? I mean it seems like your persecution complex is really making you perform some serious mental gymnastics.



>The majority of users here also are tumblr users.

this is what tumblroids unironically believe


>You are American
>You play weebshit

t. american evangelical