meanwhile at canadian Sup Forums....
Meanwhile at canadian Sup Forums
I can't afford any video games
We don't play video games because they cost $100 a pop.
Why are we so screwed?
whats your fav tim hortons donut to eat while playing video games and what kind of coffee do you get (while playing video games?)
personally im a dark roast 1 milk with a sour cream glazed donut kind of guy
Did you guys try pirating, ayy?
I prefer timbits to donuts.
40 timbits, ALL CHOCOLATE.
Just go to a No Man's Sky thread.
Fantastic taste, although honey cruller goes better with coffee
cream boston.
What the fuck is a Tim Hortons?
I'll eat your donut
>only 20gb's of canadian internet ration allowed or you have to pay triple your monthly fee
it's an awful knock off of robins doughnuts that toronto subhumans enjoy
Don't forget $1k graphics card.
There are Tim Hortons in the middle east.
I was looking up its' origin and found that out,.
>it has a total of 4,413 restaurants (24 company-owned and 4,389 franchised), including 3,660 restaurants in Canada, 650 in the United States, and 113 in the Middle East
>toronto subhumans
>is a hipster about donuts
Oh, and that math doesn't add up, there should be 4423
How 'bout ya fuck off there bahd.
Tims isn't amazing but it's always consistent.
Why are canadians such attention whores?
chocolate timbits look liek RABBIT POOP
>Tims isn't amazing but it's always consistent.
I have never had two Tims iced coffees that tasted the same. How do you fuck up iced coffee
Fuck off Randy. I fucking knew it.
if you pay for your games, you win
Fuck off you cheeseburger walrus.
Maplefags: why did you elect a libcuck to inevitably sabotage your country?
>why do I have to pay 60 dollars which is actually equivalent to 45 dollars,less than the US price
Why are canadians braindead?
>sabotage our country
What is there to even sabotage?
I don't like to have food on my hands while playing vidya. I drink a large Dark roast double double though. IfI had to pick something it'd be an apple fritter
so I can laugh at desert rats when they nearly freeze to death at 5C
I'll give you a hint.
Because the other option was re-electing Harper. Again.
Classic randy and his retarded iced coffees
Hahaha holy fuck this is me im in ontario 80 bux plus tax is too much for the 5th same version of the same game
I wish I could buy more games, but eh, I have lots and I want a nendoroid.
I don't drink coffee but I prefer the cruller
Put on a shirt damnit
You absolute madman!
When will the US annex canuckistan?
It's ironic that Harper was probably our last hope. He was the last one who remotely stood for english conservative values. Now were gonna be cucked into the ground by the french
Oh shit, I'm sorry
>Go to best buy or walmart
>new 5th gen game btw 70-80 bucks
We're third world now.
Name one thing wrong with Harper.
>cant wait for colder weather to ease pc strain
he was called the weedman for a reason, at least he BTFO those idiots as well
Harper started out good, but he got drunk on power and ruined the country.
Justin is pretty much just as bad due to incompetence and prepping the bulls, but there was no other viable option unfortunately.
honey cruller or gtfo
Selling the country to China.
In 56 years.
>He takes Tims to go instead of spending every night there with buddies, smoking and having iced coffees
he sold canada out to the chinese, signing a treaty that allows chinese buisnesses to do absolutely anything without any oversight for the next 30ish years
the furthest south Tim's in North America is in Norfolk, Virginia because that's where our navy does joint training with the Americans
>tfw Trump said the biggest mistake the US made was giving us our independence
Fucking retard is the epitome of the US education system.
everytime I go to tim hortons its full of paki dudes swearing and yelling at each other with their whole families its not the environment I would want to sit down at. I also dont have any friends
>newspapers still existing
Absolutely degenerate
fact: canadians are the most powerful race in the world
you sound like a smelly arab
seems legit
Dark roast here too. I get it medium with 2 milk only. I'm a fan of the blue berry muffin.
Harper's only conservative value was hating gays and trannies. On anything else he's as much of a neoliberal globalist as any other world leader
destroyed the job market with "temporary" foreign workers
destroyed our economy by turning us into a banana republic
turned us into bomb shelter/money laundering operation for Chinese bureaucrats
you already tried that remember
it ends badly
pretty sure you haven't been allowed to smoke in a tims for the last decade, unless that had that smokers corral for everyone to gawk at
I voted NDP
As for the rest, people have already forgotten what a shitbag Harper was.
>Years of systematically stripping away the rights of citizens in the name of war on drugs and the war on terror
>Muzzling the scientific community
>Did his best to destroy net neutrality
>supported the TPP
>huge corruption in the senate
>Destroyed charities
>Stripped our lakes of federal protection to fast track oil pipelines
>Destroyed the long gun records and then ammended the laws afterwards to make what he did legal
Fuck harper. Fuck him with a rake. Whatever the liberals are doing now, it wouldn't have compared to another 5 years of conservative bullshit.
>B-but harper would have saved muh jobs
Doubt it. He had the worst job creation record of any PM in Canadian history.
>thinking there won't be the occasional revival of retro media
good meme
1. Liberal doesn't mean liberal (in our terms), the Liberal party of canada is centrist.
(if you don't believe that anything could possibly be that retarded, look at BC, where he ruling Liberal party - unaffiliated with the federal party - is unironically right wing and has informal but not insignificant ties with the federal Conservatives)
2. our country was fucked when he took office
3. harper was legitimately dangerous. he did a good job of keeping things boring and mellow and slightly cringeworthy to the point where nobody wanted to pay attention to what he was doing, but he shut down critics and scientists and even his own party to gain more power. the worst part is that he didn't even embrace the small-government stuff you might hope for from a conservative politician, instead spunking huge amounts of money on shitty failed projects and giving his cronies official positions, and putting all of our national eggs into the Oil basket (which then fell apart). he was a fucking bad apple and he absolutely had to go, so our natural choice in the election was [anyone else who stood a hope in hell of winning] - in this case, the only candidate who fit was trudeau
Are you me bud?
What the fuck was with that census shit? Of all the things to poke a stick at, they try and turn one of the most boring things of being a resident and turn it into controversy.
What would US even gain by acquiring Canada? Would be more profitable to annex Afghanistan even.
>>Destroyed the long gun records and then ammended the laws afterwards to make what he did legal
this is literally the only thing he did right. Fuck the RCMP, they would have kept every word of those records if they didn't have to destroy them
Usually you amend the laws first and then take action, bud.
Black was how I liked it before I kicked coffee. Didn't like eating donuts while playing games though, but I did like honey cruller.
Timmies is fucking shit. Mickey D's coffee is 10x better and Starbucks has better meme drinks in comparison to the ice cap.
Get some taste you weeb pleb.
Sorry, eh
Keeping all the Arctic land out of the hands of the Russians?
Or maybe Alaska's been lonely for too long.
You get to have more animals in your country
Hey. Guys, my girlfriends bull is not really all that interested in fucking her anymore. Anyone got a spare I can borrow?
I just want to raise someone else's kid.
Haha this. Just got my paycheque today. Half of it taxed and I need to sell a few organs to pay rent.
Trudeau is just as bad as Harper if only on the other side of the coin.
Locally I find it hilarious how there are people who still support the Ontario Liberals after we just finished a 4 year scandal with them. Ontarionians are literally the definition of cucks.
it's the brice of freedumb
سنقوم اغتصاب النساء وقتل الرجال الخاص بك، وإصابة العالم مع ثقافتنا
>Mickey D's coffee is 10x better
Because McD took away Tim's old suppliers. Why else did the quality of Tim's decrease drastically when McD started the McCafe?
Granted, it was probably because Tim's was too cheap to pay up.
Everytime I go there I spend a million zillion dollaroos to get a mediocre tasting but cool looking drink. Yipee.
If you live in Ottawa, Bridgehead is the best. If not, save money and go to Timmies.
>Trudeau is just as bad as Harper if only on the other side of the coin.
what does that even mean? I'm no trudeau fanboy, but even if you're vehemently opposed to his migrant policy and ambivalence-cum-acceptance of TPP, he's nowhere close to being as bad as harper
This is actually true. Current McD's coffee is the same as old Tim's coffee. And new Tim's coffee sucks.
>Granted, it was probably because Tim's was too cheap to pay up.
McD's cups are also way better. It's hard to go back to Tim's with how cheap everything feels.