What's the scariest enemy in any game, Sup Forums?

What's the scariest enemy in any game, Sup Forums?

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CoP Snorks for me

First time playing I went out at night and got lost in high grass/water getting attacked by snorks, could hardly see anything except when they suddenly jumped from the grass into my flashlight and attacked me.

Totally freaked me the fuck out and made it impossible for me to go into areas with snorks that were claustrophobic

Other players.

why, my peenus weanus of course :) hahaha! its my weeeeeenus peanus! haha. my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D

Regenerators in RE4 are pretty high up there. They look freaky, move erratically and are very hard to kill unless you're well equipped and don't panic like a bitch.

Bloodsuckers are mildly terrifying the first time through Agropam. Same with the Controller, but it only appears twice in all of SoC.
Bloodsuckers just become annoying after going through the game once or twice, unless you hear their breath after they get within 10 feet of you.


Anybody play Overlord 2? Those fuckers with the suckers and containers on their backs that would suck you up in Minion mode.

>he has crouch bound to c
>can't dodge them cause of it
>can't just spam crowbar in vents

>tfw I removed 90% of the lighting sources from the Agroprom Underground and set the bloodsucker invisibility mesh textures to a blank texture
Whole new experience.

Tinnos mutants from Tomb Raider III. They freak me out now even more than when I was 16 and playing the game for the first time

I imagine that shit is intense during a firefight. Don't you fight some guys in the corridor right after seeing the Bloodsucker?
>first time playing it
>mfw the yell the Bloodsucker does
>mfw I only expected the Controller
>mfw realizing this is the game Bloodsuckers came from

Squiggle peaches in Silent Hill

>I imagine that shit is intense during a firefight
It is that. It's a bit of a shame because NPC's can see you perfectly regardless of the light level, but I don't know enough about the AI to be able to fiddle with the source and have a real go at fixing this.
The source code for the different AI modules used in the game is a crazy mess, but I'd put that down to C++ rather than Slavmagic programming.

Winter Lanterns from Bloodborne.

Black knights in Dark Souls before you're used to them and underpowered.

Seconding this. I never got the blood rock in Micolash's dream because I refuse to go near those fuckers.

tfw underleveled max

>from bloodborne
God dammit. I thought your picture was those fuckling squid guards in Demon Souls. They scared the shit out of me the first time I saw them.

You could kill them in Wii version with a shotgun shot to the knee and zandatsuing them with the knife. But yeah the first time you face them, you shit your pants.

>that shockwave attack
>that paralyze attack
>the way it stabs you while you're paralyzed

>Undead burg
>See black knight
>Why not.jpg
>mfw he doesn't deaggro
>Impaled at the bonfire

Those assholes in Rayman 3 that can't be killed. You first start off in this lava/red are filled with bones then you end up stuck in this dark area filled with these huge, literally unkillable assholes.

Killed the game for me as a kid.


Especially in dark corridors


they move too slow to be scary. plus you figure out pretty quck that you can just blow off their legs and run past.

See, no one has replied because they don't know that CoP means Call of Pripyat.

They probably thought this was a COD thing.

user, ar eyou daijoubou?

>being this afraid of summerfags
>when another post was about SoC
I can understand cause of the thread where some fuck didn't know what S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was, but come on. You're just being paranoid now.

Motherfucking Knaarens.

>If you survive the stab, they perfectly time the shockwave so it hits you on wakeup

I fucking hate tower of latria.

Just like my peenus weanus :^)


Nobodys from kh2

Holy shit what an autist.

Why does everyone say this guy was so easy?

Him and the fury were the only bosses that gave me trouble.

And don't say the spoiled food trick, there's no way you could have found that out first try.



I found him pretty easy without any help. Night Vision + Shotgun wasn't much trouble. Of course he would have been way tougher had I been going for non-lethal. Honestly I had more trouble with The Pain.


I don't have BB but i liked that webm of that one calm enemy that suddendly turns and runs in a creepy, almost broken animation-tier way to the player.