Extremely Easy

>Extremely Easy
>Very Easy
>Extremely Normal
>Very Normal
>Very Hard
>Very Extreme
>European Extreme

Choose your difficulty, faggots.

>no dante must die
shit thread

>European extreme
Kek, when I was on little meeting with CEO of cup red he said that American reviewers and players complained a lot about first games being too hard so that's why they made them a lot easier

Really? All my American friends always go hard or very hard or hardest difficulty to flex their bravado.

I'll usually play the game at whatever one level above "normal" is. If I'm unfamiliar with the game's mechanics I'll go normal.

That's because Americas hardest difficulty is the rest of the worlds Medium.

Just like how Americas McDonalds Medium size is the rest of the worlds large.

First time: normal-extreme, depends on game.
Second time: Europen Extreme

>very normal

Whatever difficulty has me just barely breeze by

>mouth watering

>Select Difficulty:
>Tropical Freeze

Are you making me decide how I want my Nandos?


all games are the same nowadays.


>ez no re

>complete the game on mouth watering to unlock 'Flavour Town'

>impossible isn't actually impossible

>beat all 3 in 1 life to unlock IWBTB

I choose Hell.

>Easiest mode's called 'Hard'

>Secret hard difficulty: DMC3

Mmm nigga that's some sweet quads muhfugga

>all 3 in 1
>3 +1 = 4
>gets quads

extremely easy like ur mom LOL

>Maple Tree
>Peking Duck

>No Japanese bullet hell.

>>Extremely Normal
>>Very Normal


>How difficult do you want your game senpai ?

>tfw easy is still fucking bullshit unless you cheese it with tear gas

Select difficulty:

>fucking frustrating

>Choose Your Difficulty:
What do?

>What do?
Kindly ask you to remove your trip

I choose European Extreme.

As long as the A.I. isn't cheating in retarded ways (Reading inputs, having unlimited resources), I'm fine with it.

>European Extreme
Why european exactly?