What's the Sup Forums consensus on Sonic Adventure 2?

What's the Sup Forums consensus on Sonic Adventure 2?

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It's shit.

Fun as fuck, amazing soundtrack, Chao Garden needs to come back Better than the first Adventure

Worse than adventure 1

only reason people like it is meme garden

You don't really run around at the speed of sound.

But you do have places to go even if you're not following a rainbow.


You're welcome.

Good game with bad parts, or a bad game with good parts.

Honestly most sonic games could be described as that.

Sonic/Shadow Stages: Great
Eggman Stages: Good
Tails Stages: Meh
Knuckles/Rouge Stages: Shit
Multiplayer: Godlike
Chao Garden: GOAT

90% of Sonic/Shadow stages: 7/10
Eggman stages: 6/10
Tails stages: 3/10
Knuckles/Rouge stages: 2/10
Final Rush:10/10

One of the greatest games of all time.


Why hasn't Sega made a mobile Chao garden? It would literally print money.

Pretty fucking awesome.

Overall control over characters (sonic especially) is better than any of the other 3D games before or since.

Scoring system makes every level infinitely replayable for higher ranks/different kinds of runs (time attack, score attack, etc)
The sheer number of different missions to mix and match the above makes it easily the most replayable game too.

Music is fucking great and the idea of each character having their own genre is neat.

Story is just the right amount of seriousness for it to work as a decent, corny action story while having generally enough light hearted charm to balance it out with shit like meeting the president and insulting Knuckles's driving skills.

Then there's also the surprisingly deep chao raising side stuff which is easy to spend hours on on its own.

And then you have multiplayer, complete with three different modes of play, a kart racing mode, and the chao stuff.

Overall, I love it.

Generally inoffensive.

knuckles levels were good

Does it make me an edgelord if I think Shadow is cool as fuck?

Why are Eggman stages so much better than Tails stages?


The eggman stages were planned from the start whereas tails were an afterthought

granted the was true of knuckles relative to rouge but both of their stages were equally godawful so I dunno.

Because Tails levels were an afterthought.

Thats asking why someone hasn't made a cake out of all icing. The Chao garden was good because it gave you a break from normal gameplay and let you grind out certain levels to get certain animal or drive. A mobile translation means waiting 2 hours then giving your chao a couple drives and shoving its face with fruit in the mean time.

Pretty bad compared to 1. But the Chao Garden was based.

It bein on steam is pretty gud

As opposed to SA1.

Sega should really remake the Adventure games before even thinking about making a third one. They've aged like milk.

Except the Chao Gardens, those are still great.

>instead of sonic and furry friends each having a route
>now you get to use multiple furry friends at once!


>Reddit memes

Are you fucking retarded?

Lurk moar.

It's not amazing, but it's better than adventure 1 in every aspect except for the plot.

The plot in SA1 was uninteresting, but it was plain retarded in SA2. Not that the plot was a selling point for this series in any case.

The problem with SA2 is that they split everything into: speed, hunting, and run and gun. Normally Sonic stages should have more variety but in this game they made them "hold up to win" with platforming on literal rails. This and other negative aspects of the game set precedents that plagued the series into the present.

You could say the same for Sonic Adventure in a lot of ways, but Sonic Adventure feels at least feels like a bridge between the classic and later games. SA2 is clearly on the other side of that bridge.

speed levels are great
mech levels are long and boring minus cosmic wall
treasure hunting sucks and luck based
music is radical as fuck

Not that great of a game but I fucking love it anyway. Replayed it a few years ago and still had a lot of fun. I will never get all 180 medals.

It's like Dark Souls.

Everybody loves it (myself included), but it's actually kind of shitty and unfinished.

The "go fast" stages are generally great.
The tank stages are alright.
Knuckles/Rouge each have two horrible levels and the rest have a tendency to be either pretty fun, or fucking irritating.

And the Chao Garden is amazing.

I'm Sup Forums as fuck and like everyone else on this sub I'm pretty sure we're in unison when we say it sucks.

Great virtual pet game with a shitty sonic minigame.


Fuck the hipsters who hate Sonic for no reason.



>Sup Forums
That said I've heard more bad than good lately, and despite admittedly liking it I can see other peoples' problems.

Not really, I actually kind of liked him in SA2. He wasn't even that bad in Heroes. It's just when Shadow rolled around, they went full Conker's Bad Fur Day on a character who was already on the edge (heh) of being 2edgy. And had none of the soul or wit to accompany it.

I'll never say that SA2's writing was good, but at least Shadow wasn't any worse than the rest of the cast. If anything he was a little more bearable.

It felt more polished than the first Adventure. While definitely not an amazing game it certainly isn't the shitshow many people tend to make it out to be.
>Sonic & Shadow's gameplay are great, the best Sonic's controlled in 3D
>Tails & Eggman's gameplay, while out of place and a bit boring, was solid with some interesting levels (primarily from Eggman)
>Knuckles & Rouge's gameplay is fine, but the radar nerf to prolong levels is bullshit, and most of Rouge's levels (particularly later on) are absolute shit
>The boss fights are piss easy/not very well designed
>The story is on the darker side for no real reason but isn't Shadow the Hedgehog levels of unnecessary edge
>The music offers a lot of variety and memorable tracks
>Chao Garden is GOAT

>Final Rush:10/10
My nigger

blacks don't go to school :^)

Sounds like every other shitty mobile game on the market, I say they do it.

Fucking amazing even though it could have been highly improved.


want to replay it on pc, but the game keeps freezing, apparently it has some kind of problem with recent GPUs

It's a magical game that seems buggier with every subsequent playthrough

It's cheesy and stupid and I love it

>Sonic fanbase


3D Sonic was a mistake.

t. Megadrive Master Race.

I wonder if people would be interested in a dolphin netplay tournament of this game.


Sonic Stages (-Crazy Gadget): Great
Sonic Stages (+Crazy Gadget): Good
Shadow Stages (-Biolizard): Great
Shadow Stages (+Biolizard): Meh

Eggman Stages (-Sand Ocean): Cool
Eggman Stages (+Sand Ocean): Meh
Tails Stages (-Hidden Base): Meh
Tails Stages (+Hidden Base): Bad

Knuckles Stages (-Aquatic Mine): Semi-Great
Knuckles Stages (+Aquatic Mine): Decent
Rouge Stages (-Mad Space): Meh
Rouge Stages (+Mad Space): Cancer

This is how the game is rated being FAIR. Objectively the best part of the game is just the Sonic gameplay. And Chao Garden.

They could tie it in with their other mobile Sonic games so that rewards you earn in Dash or whatever becomes items to give your chao. With microtransactions in both games, they'd be rolling in cash.

Well yeah he's basically the Vegeta of Sonic.

Trunks = Silver.

>cool as fuck

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Sonic: A
Shadow: B
Tails: C
Eggman: Sometimes A, sometimes C
Knuckles: D
Rouge: E
Everything else: what you said
Completionist Chao Garden: E

The game that made me start hating the Sonic series. It was a huge disappointment compared to SA1.

Why does everyone hate that boss fight? Personally, I liked it. It wasn't as hard as people make it out to be and overall I thought it the fight was very fun.
He was better than Finalhazard, that's for sure.

Chao Garden is GOAT. Most of the rest of the game isn't that great.

Played so many hours to get my all S chaos chao. Even looks like Chaos and everything: shiny sky blue with translucent highlights.

Literally the only way I would ever play a sonic game again is if they just released a Sonic that was Sonic gameplay from SA 1 and 2 with a chao garden.

The music was just too groovy

Knuckles' rap is the dopest shit ever.

What was wrong With SA1 Tails and Gamma, for curiosity's sake?

I would.

Both Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 need semi-remakes.
Make Big optional, improve the boss fights and cutscenes and make Amy faster. (SA1)
Fix the radar, tweak the controls of Tails' mech and downright remove the level Mad Space (SA2)

Does anyone agree?

>if using modded SA2 where you can give shadow all sonic powerups (magic hands, bounce bracelet, you get the idea)
>fight becomes easier to beat than my asshole after a gay party
>without them it becomes a fucking waiting game

i also suggest you play the other characters in other levels theyre not supposed to be in. Knuckles in white forest was fucking fun


I remember it taking a few tries to beat. My memory is a little iffy but i recall you can shoot out of the ring or somewhere you don't' want to be if don't angle the homing attack properly.

I dunno, i do like the music for the boss. Very moody.

Ban Amy though
Getting special moves at half the ring amounts is bork as shit
Metal Sonic is completely fine though, maybe even underpowered


Is there a mod that let's me do that, senpai?

That's the best there is.

>not doing the speedrun strat

A truly fantastic game and one of the best of its generation.

>One of the best OSTs ever
>Sonic and Shadow levels are some of the most fun in the franchise
>Chao Garden, arguably the best minigame of all time
>Campy, iconic cutscenes

Knuckles and Eggman gameplay isnt the most amazing thing in the world, but theres so many features added on (Chao, multiplayer, medals), that you are highly incentivized and enjoying going through even those missions.


>pick metal sonic
>the rail level gets picked
every time

> It wasn't as hard as people make it out to be and overall I thought it the fight was very fun.
Bullshit. Biolizard's last phaze I always hear some fucker ALWAYS getting BTFO every time. Only for Finalhazard was the lasers, but that only seem to be version specific or some people just playing like shit.
That's a bit sad when Mania is a thing now. But as for 3D Sonic, unleashed it's "Better Generations" as in "Unleashed w/o Werehog to trigger the autists", than I agree.

>there ain't enough delegates in this town fer two of us, donahld

yes. of course there is.

>speedrun strat is balls hard to do right and i fuck up every time
i try, really i do but fuck man i just dont like it. i'm fine 100% running megaman X6 and that keeps me happy

>the best minigame of all time
Excuse me?

SA2 Mod Loader

Extremely unpolished, the treasure hunting and mech gameplay can be a chore, a special kind of glitchy that could ruin fun or you never experience a major glitch at all.

Chao garden is there and seems to be the main thing loved from it.

Adventure's gameplay style was killed with 06.

that last phase, man.

But all you have to do is mash against the right edge

>Adventure's gameplay style was killed with 06.
This makes me really sad, because the Adventure gameplay style had so much potential. They almost got it right with Adventure 2 (Only use 3 gameplay styles) It just needed a little polish. But then 06 came and made Sega turn away from this system. Shit sucks, man.

id rather have my RNG user

Anyone who doesn't like this game can suck a dick, your taste in life in general must be absolute shit.


The variety of game styles : GOAT

If it was just sonic and shadow stages it would have been boring. It still managed to keep a similar feel across them with the upgrading of abiltiies and the same collectibles.

How many games are there that can synthesize multiple game styles so hardcore GOAT?

DIE HARD TRILOGY couldn't even reach this level, nakatomi plaza mode and airport shootout mode were baller but the taxi mode was aids poo.

>steal a pumpkin from the regular game and put it on the chaos head

Why even live when this already happened.

Oh god. Now I remember. It all comes back...

Definitely. Like other people said though, ban Amy and also ban the secret unlockable characters as well. Especially red-mecha Tails.


worse than sa1 dunno why it gets praised

biolizard is fucking easy as shit

the only remotely difficult boss fight is the final shadow vs sonic because you can't just bounce him to death

KLK actually has a bit more in line with Shadow the Hedgehog's own plot than SA2 specifically, what with the black arms trying to harvest people as food and the protag being revealed as half-alien.

Been playing this game since 13 years ago and it's still fun.

Nah man here's what you do
>Set the brackets to have 3 rounds
>each match is a best two of three
>Round 1 is City Escape, Metal Harbor, and White Jungle as a tie-breaker
>Round 2 is Green Forest, Sky Rail, and Radical Highway
>Round 3 is Player 1's choice of non-gimmick level, then Player 2's, then Final Rush
So no snowboard/grind race, no amy
And I guess ban the secret characters? I didn't know there were any, I thought those were just costumes and didn't do anything



SA1 (beach, ruins, hotel)
SA2 (Hero, Dark, Neutral)





>you have 15 minutes
>I'll do it in 5
Other than that I have no major issues.

>not posting music from the game
you fucked up