as a dedicated player of dedstiny let me factor in an opinion to this because fuck it
>Make it a full MMO having you choose race, not just class
you choose a race though, but i agree, it needs more customizations options in that regard. also an emote wheel.
>Storyline is not the same for each person, your actions and how you complete missions for your race can have different outcome/gear
i like the idea, but if the gear is good then it might make it unfair because of how the game is structured, but different missions mite b cool
i don't know why it's so hard for bungo to put in the grimoire in the game, the lore is deep as shit especially with the added hive book of sorrows for TTK
>Keep gear balancing for single player and multiplayer separate.
nah, i like this, keeps it one whole thing, one of the reasons i like the game is cause everything is the same on both pve and pvp
>Have a variety in mission structure (Taken King does this somewhat)
agreed, also add more enemies on vehicles or vehicles missions in general pls
>Multiple raids
they have multiple but only one relevant, i agree slightly that they should have the old raids brought to new light levels though
>"Expansion packs" actually expand on the game instead of being more of the same (Again, Taken king does this somewhat)
taken king did this already, rise of iron seems to be a middle ground between the dlc expansions and ttk though
>More weapon variety (I want to use a Line Rifle or Torch Hammer damn it)
i agree, especially the line rifle, after getting my ass blasted by those fucking hob goblins i'd like to use it too.