ITT: Fix Destiny

ITT: Fix Destiny

>Make it a full MMO having you choose race, not just class
>Storyline is not the same for each person, your actions and how you complete missions for your race can have different outcome/gear
>Keep gear balancing for single player and multiplayer separate.
>Have a variety in mission structure (Taken King does this somewhat)
>Multiple raids
>"Expansion packs" actually expand on the game instead of being more of the same (Again, Taken king does this somewhat)
>More weapon variety (I want to use a Line Rifle or Torch Hammer damn it)

More areas on fucking Earth. I wanted to explore that shiny ass city dammit. I wanted to see places that weren't Russia. I have to admit, I didn't play the full game for very long, but I was surprised to see that the beta offered about a good quarter of the exploration you could do, if not even more.

>more open.
>more players in areas
>melee combat
>character customization
>actual large scale pvp
>atleast classes
>make it more than 6 abilites per class
>fix shotguns
>less linear level design

>atleast *7* more classes

someone post the artbook

>having you choose race
So did you fail to notice your Exo squadmates?

I honestly dont think there is anything they can change to make me come back to destiny.

It was fucking gorgeous and the guns and gunplay were amazing, but damn if there wasnt jack shit to do.

I never bought any expansions because the game honestly wasnt worth it for the RNG

>character customization
Oh yeah, this. Thousand times this. The armour system in this game is fucking atrocious and all the good looking pieces are legendary or exotics.

Then there is the limited options when designing your character before putting on armour, jesus christ.

as a dedicated player of dedstiny let me factor in an opinion to this because fuck it

>Make it a full MMO having you choose race, not just class

you choose a race though, but i agree, it needs more customizations options in that regard. also an emote wheel.

>Storyline is not the same for each person, your actions and how you complete missions for your race can have different outcome/gear

i like the idea, but if the gear is good then it might make it unfair because of how the game is structured, but different missions mite b cool


i don't know why it's so hard for bungo to put in the grimoire in the game, the lore is deep as shit especially with the added hive book of sorrows for TTK

>Keep gear balancing for single player and multiplayer separate.

nah, i like this, keeps it one whole thing, one of the reasons i like the game is cause everything is the same on both pve and pvp

>Have a variety in mission structure (Taken King does this somewhat)

agreed, also add more enemies on vehicles or vehicles missions in general pls

>Multiple raids

they have multiple but only one relevant, i agree slightly that they should have the old raids brought to new light levels though

>"Expansion packs" actually expand on the game instead of being more of the same (Again, Taken king does this somewhat)

taken king did this already, rise of iron seems to be a middle ground between the dlc expansions and ttk though

>More weapon variety (I want to use a Line Rifle or Torch Hammer damn it)

i agree, especially the line rifle, after getting my ass blasted by those fucking hob goblins i'd like to use it too.

By that, I meant choosing Human, Fallen, Hive, Vex or Cabal.

That would be amazing as shit
>ywn play as a Colossus fightign for your emperor.

Stop copying the bad parts of WOW, aka dungeon/instance grinding and generic boss fights.

>Make it a full MMO
>Everything else in OP
Well, that sure is how WoW became a dumpster fire.

Hive and Vex are Chaotic Evil.

>large scale pvp

tfw they will never bring back the large vehicles maps and the interceptor will never be broken like it was in the alpha/beta

I find it isn't an MMO in the sense I would like it.

MMO design I like is where you feel different from someone else, who you pick and what you pick will give you a different experience. Destiny? Doesn't matter if you are a Warlock, Titan or Hunter, you will have the same experience with different ways to kill the same enemies.

That's why I proposed the different races like

Yeah and?

Playing evil characters in an MMO can be fun.

Can you not imagine floating around as a Harpy or running in like a screaming shit as a Thrall?

focus more on PVE than PVP

I dunno why people insist on being better than one another. just team up and have fun you asshats.

The story would've been better if the guy who speaks for the Traveler was a total fraud who was manipulating everyone, and then shit goes down or something, not just Good vs. evil boring-ness it became

You seem to be under the belief that Bungie/Activision won't take the laziest possible way of solving problems, when everything about Destiny refutes that.

Well, duh, that's why we have the thread right now.

We can come up with better design than Bungie and show our creativity. These threads I find are some of the best ones. I like trying to fix shit in games that had potential.

They jewed marty hard, I don't think he would even want to come back.
He still owns a share in bungie, and shows up to meetings. That has to be pretty fucking awkward.

How to fix Destiny
>Gun stat that determines how good a gun feels to use
Remove this, make all guns not shit.

>Customization that matters
Add this
>Areas that are big and fun to explore
Give this
>Enemies and bosses that are varied and engaging instead of HP sinks
It's not hard
>More abilities and shit instead of passives
I mean fuck

>How to fix [game]
>[impossible bullshit with no connection to reality, money or game development knowledge]
Every thread, every god damn thread.

I think that's the joke?

Admirable response, I guess.

Still, there's only so much that can be done to improve something when the foundation is bad. The issues with Destiny aren't in the details, but in the major elements of the game.

>blaming the Jews for your small penis

I honestly think they should care a lot less about multiplayer. Trying to balance guns and abilities between real players and NPC's make the game a lot less fun.

>make it a full MMO
>Different rewards on how to complete a mission
>Variety in mission structure
>Multiple raids
>Expansion packs that actually expand
>Weapon variety by using the ideas in the enemy weapons

remove timegates
remove sniper AA
remove shitty perks (oh boy, finally got the 0.1% gun drop I wanted, too bad it has fucking exhumed)
put the fucking grimoire cards in the fucking game, jesus tapdancing christ why is all the lore OUTSIDE of the fucking game
add the inventory management of ishtar commander to the game, why do I have to use a fucking program on my phone to manage my inventory in this game
remove jumping puzzle sequences from raids, why the fuck is this a thing