What the hell is this game about? I keep hearing about it and I feel like I should know that but it gets called "X"...

What the hell is this game about? I keep hearing about it and I feel like I should know that but it gets called "X", "Generation", "Online", "1", "2", and it confuses the hell out of me. Is it an online or single-player game? Is it a MMO? Is it free to play or you have to pay for it? Is it for PC or console? I don't wanna spend too much time googling everything but this is kind of confusing. So far it seems to be like a more cartoonish Dark Souls.

Monster Hunter Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


There's a thread already up, check the catalog you catalog.

Is aerial lance any good?



Monster Hunter is pretty much a game where you kill progressively more dangerous magic dinosaurs and then use parts from their corpses to make better armor and weapons. Rather than having large numbers of weak enemies in levels, you pretty much just have one extremely strong enemy that you fight, with other monsters just being like arena hazards that can be largely ignored.

Movement is extremely precise and you need to carefully space and aim your attacks so you aren't vulnerable


I've seen literally nobody talking about it so probably not

>not knowing it's customary to start out a MH thread with a retarded question

Too bad the two on the left are the only ones with good gameplay

Event Quests!
61 - 7144 - 6292 - 1702

come hunt weird stuff
we can do it by turns or something

is the Brachydios insect glaive worth investing in?

I'm getting kind of tired of this Seregios one

No. It's the 2nd worst aerial style behind bow

I know jack shit about IG but I think the Brachy weapons for fast weapon types are generally fine

>reposting that baitpost

I don't believe that user was serious, but if he was holy shit


well IG is fast so I guess it's worth it then

Blast works on the same virtue as other status effects as in you hit with it until it triggers right


I enjoy this thread starter format


fucking meme game

i love it



It's why I like Guild Lance's new third poke, three hits with my good ol' Dios Stinger means Blast for DAYS

el lo el

What do you even do in this game?

Where can I spend my wycadamy points?? I can't fucking figure it out

> using varia suit armor set with a fucking frying pan hammer along with 2 toon link palico's.

i cant take this game seriously anymore holy shit

Nigga it's


gaijin's face looks too chubby for his body.

Thunder lord the best armor for Dual blade?

in 1-3 you actually hunted monsters
from portable turd onwards you mined coal or hunted monkeys

> no mhg on vita

Hunt monsters
to make weapons and armor
to hunt bigger monsters

Thats the loop.
And it is fun.

Weaboo cat

Aisha best girl.

>someone actually copied that post
Staring out MH threads with a shitpost/bait is still dumb as hell and I don't see the point. We've had successful threads without shipost/bait OPs.

This vid made me look up the song and it's not that bad.

Nigger everyone have a 3ds and pirated mhg. The problem is that it's stuck on 3ds.

not even good for gunlance? :( just bought the game, main gunlance and huge fan of mount spamming

So where did all the bones in the Nakarkos pit come from?

>Pick hammer
>Pick Ariel
Never looked back
It feels like picking up charge blade for the first time
I think I've only carted twice and that was to the fucking crab, but thats it.

Fuck you, Guildmarm is best

Monsters it ate.

Where is he?

dammit woman, stop throwing parties at home while I'm out at least wait for me before you end it!

Before you get the actual Nakarkos quests the lady at the hub and some NPCs mention all kinds of shit vanishing in the area, including caravans and monsters.

The shit it kills, obviously. It starts using heads/body parts as heads from other monsters for sock puppets

So really, Nakarkos gear isn't Nakarkos gear at all.

The upgraded blue sparkly gear is though I guess.



She doesn't care about you. All she wants is the brachy dick inside her releasing his explosive semen inside her womb.

>How did thousands of bones and corpes end up in the lair of an elder dragon that needed to be taken down because it was eating entire echo systems of monsters
It's a fucking mystery

Gee I don't know, maybe in the part of town with all the fucking cats.

it's better for gunlancing (normal) since you can full burst after the aerial jump slam, but there's better styles

I don't have it, but there's a piece of art of nakarkos pulling a rathalos out of the sky, though all you see are it's tentacles.

>could get full skills from an armor set minus the legs
>Legs from another set + an amulet gives me another skill
>I can dye the legs to match but it's not the right shade of blue

When do I unlock free color wheel for dyes god damn



If you're really, really having trouble maintaining your stamina then maybe. But as far as full sets go, you're better off with (Hellblade) Glavenus for maintaining sharpness or Toka for chain crit and crit boost/element

How the fuck are rathaloses NOT extinct at this point? 90% of monster cutscenes has them kick another rathalos ass.
No wonder rathian cucked him with fucking kut-ku.


>just bought the game, main gunlance

boy do i have some bad news for you

After clearing HR7

Could you be more specific?

they're widespread as fuck.

Why do you think Raths have a billion subspecies

>Try to carve Khezu in the nest
>As soon as it dies all the trash mobs home to me.

They're both nice.

>partying with a bunch of guild girls


go to the right side of bherna to the felyne area, then go all the way to the right

It's not a bad weapon at all even after the changes, but you can tell capcom just really hates it.

>Upgrading emerald beater
>6 carbalite ore and 1 astalos plate
>"How bad can it be?"
>3% from carve
>6% from capture

Who /no clownsuits/ here

I'm running as a Mizu slut healer

>deliver 2 eternal fossils
>as soon as you pick it up, the earth itself wants you to drop it

Reporting in. I can live without optimal skills, but I can't live with the same of being an ugly faggot.

the heat guage is really easy to manage




Welcome to farming endlessly for that one Plate/Gem you need.
Don't forget your free Desire Sensorâ„¢ :^)

>This faggot never did plate runs
You new or something? Every good weapon or armor needs plates and gems, and they're always with drop rates like those.
And on MUCH harder mosnters than fucking flashy rathalos.

but Dreadqueen is an actual good armor, that is like gloating about fashion-hunting while in full Silverwind, Dreadking, or Toka

That's not the point. It forces you to use wyvernfire whenever possible to lock your heat instead of keeping wyvernfire in the "use when you have a really good opening" zone.

Is monster hunter a yearly release now? I just bought mhg and I want to know how long until everything I do in the game will be abandoned

Currently running a full HR Narga set
I miss clownsuits

This. my first MH was 3U and after that long ass tutorial I went for the great jaggi, it took me 10 min (it was my first big monster) but I felt like a primal beast, looking at that fucker dead and imaging my hunter bathed in its blood, after that I went for peco, first time I started to shake as peco loves to buttfuck with great jaggi, I was like wtf, 2 bug monsters in the same quest, no way, it took me like 30 mins (again, I was an utter noob), after that I went for ludry and holy shit it was the first time I dealt with underwater battle, and the tutorial I received earlier was worth shit for this, dunno how I did it but I did it, when rath came I was different, I got used to got spitted in the face by the guild, and you know what... I loved it, I loved that the guild threw me quest after quest, big monster after big monster, two or three at the same time, tagging to fuck me over, but I did it, like a man, like a god damn hunter

True. Pic related is my favorite, and the one I wear most often. It's a shame it isn't that great.

this desu

I went from BuJaBuJaBu to full Mizu because I couldn't deal with being an ugly shitter forever

the evade+ and con+ are nice too I guess, but they don't compare to AuL

You'll love Hellblade Powder then.


It's really not that bad. I've gotten 5 through farming when I didn't need them and that same luck happened with the gems they drop in high rank. Overall for some reason I feel like the rare drops are dropping more commonly. I got two azure dragon gems from alatreon's tail eariler today and I just had to chuckle at that.

Is anybody available to farm deviants? I need to do either snowbaron or silverwind.

>have 2 Mizu plates and 2 Rathian plates from 5 hunts each
feels good

It really depends, Tenderizer, Destroyer and fastcharge are good enough on my GS set.

Blunt and fencing on the aknator set are good too, I'm aiming for that also.

That's a good post, shame it's about 3, as 3 is and will always be the aborted shame baby of the MH franchise.

>Nth for underwater combat was just slower land combat.

>mhgen starter bows
>feels like you might as well be trying to kill mons with spit and piss
>somehow down a rathian solo from online quests because I want better gear
>queen's longbow

Do bows stop being shit from here on? I remember loving the early arko in 3U but hot damn it's garbage here

If you must bully, bully kut-ku

I feel it more like a gameplay buff than a nerf, in previous titles gunlance was a bit linear for my taste, now it is more dynamic and feels as a more complete weapon, just my taste though

>he hasn't tried farming for a Diablos Hardhorn in 3U

The game actually got alot more fun once i got over the fact that skills just arent that vital to a hunt (Except when its hyper monsters because fuck that kinda damage)

About 70% of bow users I see are using the Bow of Hope & Valor, maybe try that?


the only bow you need is the teostra bow. well the only boy you need for rapid.

Just soloed my way to HR 28 and finished my glorious endgame weapon and armorset. If anyone wants to go on a real hardcore quest I'm ready.

A quote from a Bow user I played with the other day, "Teo bow feels like cheating"
They were certainly shitting out damage

I used the Sonic Bow early on, which was pretty okay until I got to Teostra, whose bow is fucking miles ahead of the rest.

I really like Gore's Wingarms, I want to steal them and use them on another character's design