ITT: Casual Filters
ITT: Casual Filters
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easy, you're just bad
That shit wasn't that tough come on senpai.
That part was literally impossible actually. I dropped the game after failing it for like 40 times, shit just wasn't fun anymore.
I almost got it on my very fist try and I really, really suck at videogames.
Git gud, faggot.
How the fuck can you be so bad, the only hard part of that level was the first time you beat the tank and Selvaria comes in and one shots everyone she sees.
Surprised this wasn't the OP's
SUKUKAJA. Jesus, does nobody use buffs in RPGs?
never going to 201% again
>Be me
>Be 15
>Get to THIS flaming faggot
>Get violently raped hundreds of times
>Come back 6 years later
>He's ez pz
>Feel angry even more at myself
To be fair, the first time you play that mission you have no idea that thing is going to show up, and if your troops are positioned badly they can be pretty fucked. I did it second try, but the first time can be difficult.
Unless Nocturne is your first RPG it can be hard to adjust, in most JRPGs buffs (aside from full party haste) are worthless as are debuffs and status ailments.
Throw grenades into the vents to instantly destroy them
Yeah, but having to replay it once doesn't make it a casual filter, especially because it's basically impossible to fuck up once you know what you're up against.
this faggot in SC on hard difficulty
You can solo that mission with Alicia after she becomes a beast.
>no idea where to go prior to him
>go to the desert area past the large bridge
>lots of decently high level demons here, get some good levels in
>recruit 1 or 2 or them, get a good healer
>run up and run over this guy on my first attempt
I should replay SMT Nocturne. I haven't played a ton of JRPGs but the mechanics in that game are fantastic.
Not that guy, but
>constantly restarting the mission
>always mess up one minor detail
I remember leaving my main tanks back open to the back canon on that fucking thing after like 10 attempts, there's just a lot of shit to watch out for during that mission.
I would say stopping the kidnapping mission was a bigger casual filter, I had to look up a cheesy way to beat that.
I really don't see how someone can get stuck on this guy, his gimmick is really easy to get past.
Am I missing something here? Why is the Cocoon from Peace Walker in Valkyria Chronicles?
It's just tedious and long.
>kidnapping mission
>Not just charging in with all your shocktroopers
The only time shocktroopers were useful.
the new mh filter
If you're unlucky, you fail once as nothing could prepare you for the butt-fucking fury of a valkyrie.
Then, you keep only one scout hidden near the tank (to spam grenade into the radiators), while the medals characters bravely hide in the southeast base to give action points (and sometimes poke the enemy infantry if you feel like it).
>any post about a dark souls boss that someone found difficult
>always followed up by some kid who just has to let everyone know that the boss is ezpz and he 360 noscoped the thing with his hands tied behind his back
like clockwork
Not really.
Bladewolf forces you to parry or get fucked.
By the time you get to magnetic manlet you should have grasped pretty much all the techniques the game has to offer.
Not even remotely challenging. Just annoying. Maybe if it was in MH4U and had a 140 GQ version, but nah.
>tfw I'm still stuck against that shit
Is the game easier after this ? Or it's the average difficulty for the rest of the game ?
>everyone says Monsoon is the casual filter
>not Sundowner
Sundowner punishes you far harder for aggression and careless mistakes. I'd wager the majority of players lose to him their first go.
Wait a minute...that card...
I play Etrian Odyssey games and find the Matador difficult.
The whole game is a casual filter, but exposing players to this literal sack of shit so early on was absolutely devilish
DSP gets through Bladewolf with like 1 parry, he's not that hard to just muscle through.
oh god the memories are back
You know this game is pretty weeb but I think I can tolerate it so far.. Kinda weird how I can take out a whole squad with just one scout though.
>Valkyria shows up and wipes out most of my lancers
That's really anime my brotha
>Get lost in the woods with stupid bitch
If these assholes start blushing at compliments..
>Babies first humanity lesson not soon after
I've taken a break from the game and I don't know when I'm coming back.
This game was pretty hard desu. I tried couple of times before giving up.
I had no fucking idea you were supposed to use grenades the first time I beat it. I did it the hard way with the Edelweiss.
I was so mad when I learned you could just lob a grenade into the open hatch
I beat this level years ago and haven't played it since because I burned myself out.
>think I'm going to get your asshole pounded and dreading having to trudge through the dungeon again
>beat it on the first try
I still dont know how to defeat it, so i let my team do it. And i am rank 51 (A little above average i think
I've been searching for that fucking key for three years.
I should finish this game, it just became so fucking tiresome how random it is sometimes
>rofl you're standing next to an enemy and shooting him on your turn? fuck that, everything randomly misses and his return fire headshots five times and kills you
more like upgrade your lancers or die
>Casual Filter threads
>"I challenge you to draw your dance water dance, Skeith"
i beat on on the ps3 and got real excited when it released on pc but i havent even touched it yet
>really enjoy a game
>suddenly don't feel like playing it
>years later
>still haven't found the mood
I don't like this feel.
>mfw people think the very first dungeon in Dragon Quest VIII is so hard, they quit the game
Gangrel in TMS#FE
I remember when Pokemon had a small amount of strategy involved. Gotta go get that dig
The game isn't difficult, it just has a truckload of crap which, if you don't know beforehand, will fuck you over.
The game itself is my go-to example of a game that wouldn't have gotten the smallest bit of attention if it wasn't because of its artstyle, the game itself is utter crap
god damn. I remember fighting him in the demo and getting my ass kicked multiple times. Then when the game finally comes out, I still got my ass kicked. Bonus points, the boss conversation changes if you lose against them so many times.
You can beat him at level 4. The game gives you tons of free medicinal herbs, shields and a copper sword. Why do you guys ignore what the game gives you?
>Babies first humanity lesson not soon after
>He didn't like the cabin scene
It was great though.
it was my first time playing a DQ game. plus I was young, I didn't know better.
there are 2 more missions that have a similar difficulty spike, the rest is way easier
...what is it? I want to ruin my life
Durumu the Forgotten from Throne of Thunder, I miss watching normies wiping to his mechanics, half the raid would die on the maze.
I took me around 100 tries to finally kill this asshole. I guess I finally got good.
It's cavebitch now desu
what the fuck is a casual filter
something that casual players find difficult or something?
a point in the game; for instance, a puzzle or boss fight; that causes the majority of players (casuals) to quit out of frustration/exhaustion.
thus filtering out the casuals
yeah, it basically makes them stop playing the game
Lurk more
Fume Knight really is the perfect casual filter, because he is the ultimate test of fundamentals in the game. He doesn't really have any gimmicks except for the healing zones, but if you play through the level like you're supposed to and not like an idiot it's not a problem.
Everything else is just 100% distance and timing. With proper fundamentals it's pretty easy to get a no-dmg kill on Fume Knight.
The classic.
It's a part-rpg. If you can't manage just grind those skirmishes and level up some more.
This entire game.
>Eu3 and 4, ck2, Victoria 2 all easy to get with a little practice
>still don't understand how to move troops in HoI3
;_; my extension stopped working
The problem with VC was precisely its difficulty. It could have been SUCH A GREAT GAME, but the level design and fificult let you just breeze through it, making an otherwise great novel idea boring.
You don't. 3 is total dog shit. When the best part of the game is still the disgusting OOB management you know a game is shit.
Shame that the actual war aspect of 4 is the weakest part.
Fuck. This was actually difficult for me to a shameful degree.
>Game says Gallia is only home to about 4 million people
>Small military
>Rely on militia
>Up against a colossal opposing force with tons of recent fighting experience under their belt
The empire would've steamrolled the everloving fuck out of them if it weren't for anime logic
Go to the thread for the addon. Someone posted a fix'd version.