College and healthcare should be free. Every modern, industrialized country does it...

College and healthcare should be free. Every modern, industrialized country does it. Calling it a handout or "free shit" is a bullshit attack by the powers that be. You know why congressmen don't want that to happen? Because they get free healthcare and a six figure salary paid by taxpayer money. And of course, the insurance companies, who make money by being middlemen creating no value, want to keep their profits high.

Wake the fuck up, Sup Forums.

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Wrong board please delete


Why do we have taxes anyway? Why can't the government just give those workers a fixed pay instead of EVERYONE else having to pay for them? Seriously.

>college is free
>everyone goes to paid ones instead

wrong board fuckass


How will you pay for all this? Keep in mind the wealthy will ensure they don't.

it sounds ok user, you're good. now go try it with the real boogeymen

>it's a Sup Forumstard episode

>Berniecuck spotted

>what are taxes

>live in America
>get jewed by colleges and healthcare or shot because some police officer/ghetto nigger feels like it

>live in Europe
>get culturally enriched

lads i'm doing a White 2 nuzlocke

Do I choose Oshawott or Tepig

>take money from people to pay for stuff they dont actually fuckin need
get a fuckin job

Sorry, we have over 600,000 taco-niggers hopping our border every single year.

Canada's population in 1980 was 24.3 million and 36 years later it's 35 millionish.

USA's hispanic population in 1980 was 14.1 million and now it's
56.6 million

Even if they breed like mad for anchor babies, that's way too many fucking hispanols per year.

And I'm tired of treating them like a minority.
They are 50% of L.A. yet because they don't do as well as Asians or Jews (actual minorities in L.A.) they are considered a minority.

Minority just = poor person that isn't white.

you get free college and healthcare if you don't live in a 3rd world country

Poor and disadvantaged =/= uneducated

t. burger

The big problem with everyone going to college, is that employers will just use a new benchmark to evaluate potential employees. A college degree will be the new GED, except you need to work an extra 4 years for it.

>What are tax loopholes

Get cancer commiefag.

Really? Do you actually think the rest of the developed world is "communist" because of its healthcare?

t. Economical and politics illiterate

Liar, you had every intention to post this shit here.

you're wrong, government is a blight on the world

government should be as small as possible and taxes should cap at 3% of wages

prove me wrong, commie

Tepig, you're way more likely to get a water type later

People used to not have to go to college to have a successful career, the real problem stems from the fact that most high schools are now glorified day-cares. I've seen non-advanced-placement classes. They are bullshit. The teachers don't have the authority to discipline their lower-class hooligans, and the hooligans don't listen in return

>live in New Zealand
>the only thing you have to deal with is asians

I dont believe in free college, but I do think trade and tech schools should be free.

Anyone who has studied global economics knows that a country like the US who has moved from manufacturing economy to a service economy will never go back to a manufacturing one so the government should be sending blue collar manufacturing workers to tech and trade schools to tech them to be electricians or HVac techs which are well paying jobs and thus boost the economy.

Does this make me a Bernie fag?

>choosing starter in a Nuzlocke instead of doing it with a coin flip
what the fuck

>Its a "my brand of communism totally works" episode

Nice vidya thread thread you fucking faggot

roll your shit

>three starters to choose from
>coin flip

why don't you just move to zambia or whatever third-world shithole, then you can live your retarded lolbertarian fantasy where you build your own roads and provide your own power, water, sewer, and security

Yeah, but you also have be a Kiwi

No wizard bullshit please.


College yes, healthcare not so much

For actual emergencies yes. But for every single little issue seriously overloads your medical system and causes huge cost blowouts.

libertarianism is the patrician's political position and the only way to be truly free


*to the tune op the imperial stormtroopers theme*








well in finland helth care costs but with discount ~50-80% in comparison to the U.S system



>Be other developed country
>Be 80%+ white
>Have free health care

>Be America
>Have literally 40,000,000 niggers greater than the entire population of Scandinavia
>Thinking free health care is remotely a good thing
>55% welfare rates for nigs
>50% for taconiggers & 70% for Juan Gonzalez
>Thinking this is remotely sustainable

Oh wow Sweden?! How did you ever pull off such great health services in an all white country. How fucking hard was that?

But op is clearly talking about the fact that he's supporting bernie=a commie.
And I'm from a ex commie country and wish every commie/commie-supporter a slow death preferably caused by cancer.
And that's it.

good post I read it

>Be America
>Have a criminal underclass that hates you
>Ironically, you pay for them to hate you
>fuck you whitey
>white privilege (whispers of Asian privilege now LOL)


Just like every attempt at communism every attempt at a libertarian community has fallen flat on it face.

Nothing in this world is black and white you will never see the absolute extremes ever working it takes balance.

the best government is a mostly free market with a government that can supply basic needs which allows the people to focus on making their life better instead of just trying to survive day to day.

thank you, user. if you were within walking distance, i'd go over to your house and suck your smegma ridden cock as soon as i got there



I want to be a mage !

>You know who the real minority is?
>White people.

a) No country has ever achieved the stateless, moneyless and classless society that communism advocates

b) Bernie is a socialdemocrat

c) Commies hate bernie

gimmie dat 41


rolling for jewish honkey nigger dragondildo

>bernie=a commie.

Wiz pliz


Socialism's sole purpose is to reach communism (Marx)

US commies loved him

Let's do it

a)that's because communism is impossible
b)it's just a different name
c)commies hate everything

a) Venezuela has private property. What the fuck are you on about.


c) Pic related, a communist subreddit. Read number 8.

>there are retards who still think Bernie is a commie
>there are retards who think he is anything more than a new deal democrat

a) [Citation needed]
b) No it's not. They are fundamentally different.
c) They don't hate puppies as far as I know.

Social democracy = commie by the ballot. Same shit.

Stay cucked america


Social democracy wants to improve the conditions of the workers in a capitalist society.

Communism wants to destroy said society and everything it is based on

It already is now in America.

Socialist AND democrat?

Are you a dumb nigger who didn't understand the numbers I linked? It's a globalized world. Whites make up a small % of that world. We're a minority.

Do you not understand minority or population demographics?

Whites are a minority in the world. It's a globalized world now. We are a minority. There's 9.7ish million people in Sweden.

There's 1.1billion niggers in Africa.

We have too huge of a welfare system dumbass. It isn't sustainable unless you remove the zerg levels of fucking hispanics breeding like rabbits all over the country and refusing to carry their weight.

Get a fucking job.

Funny how amerigans never ever wonder how they pay for eternal war but somehow free health care is the apocalypse.

That's retarded.

I guess that hillary clinton supports the DEMOCRATIC peopleĀ“s republic of Korea

You're pathetic.

Ah, the old "more people per capita" response. Social health care scales fine from Sweden, to Germany, why wouldnt it work in the US?

>can't think of an argument
>realize he's wrong
>moves on to ad hominem attacks

like pottery

nothing actually is free, resources are scarce and we need to figure out the best way to allocate them. I'm not sure granting free access to people who don't necessarily need something is really the best way to do it.

Our poorest people already have free healthcare and our best students can get free college, at least in a lot of states. Insurance companies absolutely add value for catastrophic loss, but you are right, there's no role for insurance for regular checkups etc.

Whites have ALWAYS been the minority on a world scale. In 1800, Europe only had 20% of the worlds population. White population is falling, but when your population share is so small, you can only lose so much. Most of Africa's population growth is actually just offsetting the massive loss in Asia's population in the coming years.

Shillary is a socialist too?

well, there's heads, tails and upside, so there's 3


Why is he so perfect??


No, she's a democrat (i.e liberal)

Besides, socialdemocracy and communism/socialism have nothing to do with eachother. (Now. In the XIXth century socialdemocrats were actually revolutionary.)

rollin decides my Tales of Maj El playthrough

Arguing with altrights like you is pointless. I chose to call you what you are instead. Go play victim in Sup Forums

how much would it take for you to fuck your own dad?

There is a much different scale at work. In the US you have a massive population with a huge number not in the work force. It's already near impossible for the taxation to cover our current socialist systems. If you tell millions of immigrants not only do they not have to work, but the ones that are working will pay for you to go to college this country is fucking finished. We already don't stop illegals from abusing our education system.

Free college will only work if we can get our immigration under control. Our unemployment is too high, and that's only for known citizens.

Which is why we have to fight "open borders" now. Because I keep meeting self-flagellating whites who say retard shit like this.

The dumb nigger in image related wants us to shoot ourselves in the feet because we're running too fast compared to other countries.
"We must hurt ourselves so that other nations can catch up." Yeah... that's smart. Surely we won't get exploited.

I'm not the user you were talking to. I'm just pointing out how foolish you look.

Damnit Sup Forums, you're not even trying to thinly veil your shit anymore

gini coefficient, also we already subsidize med devices and pharmas indirectly

>if you kill your enemies they win

>socialist systems
There are no socialist systems in the US.

Hell, the US government is already spending more on health care than countries with socialized systems. So I don't see your "it's to expensive" point as valid.

Let the rich pay more. What do you mean subsidize indirectly?

Don't earth quakes wreck your shit regularly?
Anyways, please adopt.
Earth quakes and Asians are probably not as dangerous as retarded muslims or trigger happy Americans.