Yesterday, Forsen, a former big twitch streamer and personality, streamed for about 3 hours before shutting it down due to "twitch issues". Tons of people let him know on twitter what the issue was and how to solve it, linking to leddit threads and what not. To my knowledge Forsen didn't stream anymore despite being given the solution. He probably used the excuse to go drink with his friends or some shit in the fine, white parts of Stockholm. Now, Forsen currently gets about 2.5k viewers, so naturally I wonder, how can he get away with slacking like that? And well, the answer is, the tons of money he recieved in donations and subs when he streamed Hearthstone for 30 k people a long time ago. I'm afraid I'll reach the word cap, so I'll keep it short now. If you donate too much money to a streamer, you end up hurting yourself and everyone else who enjoys watching that streamer in the long run. You make them too comfortable and they're able to slack off and take more days off and shut their stream down after 2 hours because a comment made them sad (looking at you, Sodafaggit). If you wanna support a streamer that's all good, it's your money. But just keep in mind to not do these retarded 100 dollar donations and what not, and don't chain donate. You don't wanna make your favorite streamer too comfortable, cuz it'll all come back to bit you in your ass.
Stop donating big money to streamers
i don't watch streamers
you need to stop, OP
>I'm afraid I'll reach the word cap,
Extreme shitposting
How are three hours not enough for you?
Why the fuck do you care?
Get the fuck out of my board you miserable fuck. You fags are worse than PewDiePie 13 year old fans. Don't even waste your time replying to me you piece of shit. Play video games for yourself.
>Watching fucking cancer like Forsen
Kill yourself
Why does anyone ever give a person playing videogames money in the first place? This is one of those mysterious in life i don't think I'll ever understand
First off, I'm gonna assume you copy pasted this from somewhere else
Secondly, ayy lmao at people idolizing a streamer so hard they circle back around to not wanting him to get support so he doesn't leave you. Literal basic bitch tier thinking applied to people filming themselves playing vidya.
>watching streams
Why watch something when you can play it yourself?
2/10 OP, apply yourself next time
>Not watching while playing something else
They're addicted to memes.
why the fuck would I donate money to a streamer of all people?
>tfw unironically a forsen sub
betas craving for attention
>giving him actual replies
lmao this board really has gone to shit
fuck off
I wish I could understand this retarded phenomenon that is giving money to people over the internet who stream shit you yourself can be doing.
Feels like its something everyone knows is pathetic but they let it slide because so many people do it. This money these idiots give to these assholes could be better spent elsewhere. Like on themselves.
You lost me at the word "streamers".
Get out.
>stop liking what I don't like
> people are so lonely in this world they are willing to pay others to play games for them in the hopes that they will respond to one of their chat messages
also youre hurting yourself by giving away your hard earned money just for "attention"
>twitch drama
What the fuck are you doing with your life OP?
Streamsniping thread?
>he watches streamers
does he even play good games or is he a moba or cs shitter?
The attention of the steamer? So they pay people to notice them? The fuck. Genuinely don't understand
Yeah, now he plays OW and variety games.
Can someone explain to me why Sup Forums seems to care so much about streamers and youtube?
It's almost like "streamers" are using "donations" as a way to launder money.
>Why watch a cooking show when you can make food for yourself?
holy shit, how can one be so buttfrustrated from videogames?
used to play Wizard poker and now Basically things that take no skill
No, fuck off poorfag.
OW is same tier in streaming with those other boring shits
why does professional sports exist why dont people just play sports
>watching streamers
>paying actual currency to these people
Who cares about this bullshit? Go play video games.
>Come to Sup Forums
>Video games board
>Unironically call other people betas
>not being poor because you spend all your money on bills and drugs
I spend more on weed than rent, bills, and groceries.
All I know about Forsen is that his streams are the pinnacle of Twitch chat cancer culture. He played League before playing Hearthstone full time.
>Actively watching streamers
>Not just watching twitch streams when working out or completely bored out of your mind
Come on cuck
>not eating ramen and plain noodles with tomato sauce every day because you spend all of your money on bills and alcohol
>whatching them at all
>time spent watching other people play games could be used to get better at the games you enjoy playing
>people use the excuse "I'll never be this good, so that's why I prefer to watch my streamer play"
The kind of sociopath that would broadcast themselves playing a video game in hopes of exploiting money from lonely virgins.
You'd be surprised how many people are needy in the world. Even here, a lot of shitposters crave for nothing but (you)s.
Slow down man. I just had a couple week T break and it takes so little to get me comfortably fucked up, it's great.
The only acceptable reason for watching a twitch stream is to sample the gameplay before purchasing something.
Kill yourself.
>calls people pussies for annoying him on the Internet
>threatens them over the Internet
>white parts of Stockholm
Stream watchers are literally a video game cucks.
Sup Forums - Video Games
E-celebs are not video games
not once in the op is vidya mentioned or implied
>13 year old
The meme is 12 year old senpai
>not watching streams because of the entertaining personalities
Kys yourself you sad nigger