Priest got purify in the upcoming One Night in Karazahn expansion. What the fuck in Blizzard thinking?
Priest got purify in the upcoming One Night in Karazahn expansion. What the fuck in Blizzard thinking?
>mage this as a common
>priest get purify as a common
rip arena priests dreams we hardly knew ye
>silence is a 0 mana card
>pw:shield is a 1 mana card
>combine the two while stripping most of the benefits of each and you get a 2 mana card
thanks blizz
What were they thinking? How did they justify this? What was the reasoning and rationalization behind this card?!
card draw is rly good and you can silence your eerie statues
great card if you deck is shit
Power Word Shield draws a card for ONE mana, while also providing a benefit that is more useful than silencing your own minion.
The Silence card can silence yours or YOUR OPPONENTS minions, for ZERO mana, making it easier to fit into combos.
Purify is a bad card. So bad, that even if you build a deck around it, that deck would improve by you replacing Purify with something else. It isn't good enough to put in a deck built around it.
6 mana 7/7 cost 2 cards
Yeah, I hope they will nerf it.
just compare this shit with stuff like shiv, wrath or slam and weep
Ben thinks people want Silence priest back.
2 Silences
2 Purify
2 Wailing Souls
There are plenty of targets with ancient Watcher, Eerie Statue, Moat Lurker etc
Doesn't mean the deck will be any good, Priest needed new mid range cards like Dark Cultist.
>Priest wants big butt minions because of heal hero power right?
>But then they cant kill the opponent with big hp stuff, so they need to run big stuff in general, right?
>Ok but we cant let everyone have good cheap 7/7s, so lets make neutral big stuff either cost a lot or have some shit weakness, like not being able to attack at all.
>But man wouldnt it be sweet if priests could silence their own big guy to make it win the game for them?
>But lets not make it a dead draw, lets have it cycle.
>Oh but if it cycles then its like ironbeak owl for control, we dont want that.
>Ok well lets make it cost 2, and only effect friendlies so that we double make sure no one plays it to silence enemy minions.
>Looks like we got a card, boys!
Wailing souls are out of standard
Priest already had access to Wailing Soul and a zero cost Silence, and the neutral silence card (of which Owl used to cost 2 mana AND put a minion on board).
That kind of deck was never ran. It is too weak. Shit like Control Hunter, Malygos Shaman or Face Warrior are better decks.
>it's a Naxx card
Jesus, just goes to show how little that card was played for me not to notice.
Watcher/Statue priest is gonna happen, trust me guys
I'll try it out for sure. I love awkward decks.
Yeah, just imagine playing a 4 mana 4/5 when getting watcher + purify. This is what's gonna push priest over the edge
Priest is getting quite a bit of gimmick going.
At least Priest of the Feast seems legit.
Can't wait for the 10 mana brawl again so I can revive my rag 4 times
So hunters, druids, warriors, and mages got great shit this expansion.
Everyone else got fucked in the ass.
The only good card in the entire fucking set, and that's just because it's overstatted.
And warriors got by far the best stuff as always
sasuga Blizztards
Current preist decks don't run too many spells these days though and all of them require specific conditions
Everyone got some neat and nice stuff except Priest which is LITERALLY ded
>resurrect says summon a random friendly minion
>this card doesn't but most likely functions the same
goes to show how much blizzard cares about priest when they can't even have card text consistencies
Some of the dragon cards are looking pretty neat. I'm looking forward to experimenting with beast druid, dragon pala, and my Reno decks are likely to replace a card or two. But in terms of overall impact, especially after they locked a bunch out cards out with Standard? Very, very low.
yeah just check out how much play hooded acolyte saw :^)
>you get to pick what it summons
Now that would make it worthwhile.
Assuming you survive the early game and get to play it, of course.
>best stuff
they got a bolster meme spell, and a shitty portal
fool's bane is decent but has a hard time fitting in place when brawl exists and is generally much better
yes you can fool's bane with the new 3 mana minion that makes you immune on your turn but that's 8 mana and you won't be able to kill things past 4 sometimes
> Warrior already has 5 viable decks
3 mana 3/2
Attacks a random target after it normally attacked
Fixed priest for you
people are still playing this?
Shut up, Yugi
1 card as you get 1 back
still shit
Fool's Bane seems pretty solid but that's really the only thing warrior got.
Hunter got 3 big winners for class cards, Mage got the Valet, and Druid got the fucking 6 drop summon a copy of a friendly beast. That is fucking something right there.
I'd say Hunter got the best deal out of everyone.
Rogue and Warlock got fucking nothing. Discard and Stealing are completely unreliable due to being 100% RNG decks. Enjoy pulling those shield slams or discarding the wrong card.
Oh and the fork, the fucking fork. 3mp for a 3/2 and then the DR is put a 3/2 weapon in your hand. Not equip, in your hand. Makes tentacles for arms look good.
2 cards as in 2 slots in your deck that could be used for something better
This doesn't fix anything, what the fuck.
When priest actually gets to attack it's already in good shape since you can pick your target (and heal afterwards), the problem is you never get to do that since nothing sticks.
ITT: rank 20 scrubs.
Priest can steal bascily any card.
Any good card for other classes means a buff for priest
Are you blizzard?
Cause that's fucking awful.
It requires a coin to play on curve, it has a terrible statline, trading with most 1-2 drops, it would never, ever attack. It would be a dead turn 3 or a waste of a coin on turn 2. Terrible, useless minion.
ironforge portal isn't bad, it's like a smaller shieldmaiden (or a 7/7 lel). and it's a common so it matters in arena
And why would I play nigger priest so I can have a 1/30 chance of stealing a good card instead of just playing the class that has the good card? Any buff to a class is obviously going to have a bigger effect on that class than on a class that can only randomly get those cards.
>The Paladin cards
>warrior gets a portal
>priest doesn't
>0 mana 3/2 weapon in your hand
Do you even play rogue?
Still requires you to have both cards in your hands to play it.
You know that half of the time you'll have two eerie shitatues and no purify in your hand or vice versa.
It's a 3mp weapon.
Who said it was 0 mana?
Nevermind then, it's shit.
But it could only see play in control warrior and even then it's so inconsistent because of a random minion.
Give a minion +2 health then silence it. Draw a card
>+2 health then silence
Ben Brode is that you?
>+2 health then silence it
>turn 1 Zombie Chow
>turn 2 Purify
i feel like hearthstone would be 100x better if it just had some really simple mechanics lifted from MTG
add graveyards and give priest lots of spells that bring stuff back from the graveyard
add enchantments and give priests pillow fort stuff
theres so much they could do but they just won't because i guess the average hearthstone player is too fucking retarded to understand a permanent that they cant destroy with a fireblast
>zombie chow
Bout to use this with eerie statue tho
>6 mana 7/7 + card draw
As i understand blizzard making shitty cards on purpose just so people could get normal cards from packs much rarely and draft shitty ones in arena. Why do people play this game?
priest is full of good combos tho
shieldbearer + inner fire = 2 mana 4/4 (you read that right, a 4/4) minion that costs only 2 cards!!!
how can u lose with combos like this
That 6 mana 3/3 that destroys anything. You silence it. Boom. Priest now have infinite removal and giant bodies.
>Mfw fags think they know what they are talking about
Priest is back and you fags don't even know it
all I hope for is shaman to get absolutely nothing playable
All cards in the set have already been revealed
I haven't looked at the neutrals much but the shaman cards seem pretty shit desu.
Why wouldn't you bounce it with brewmaster instead?
>Deathlord + Inner Fire
>4 mana 8/8 with taunt
someone stop me
Honestly i'm just happy yog'n'load hunter got some nice cards and druids can now play something else than tokens instructor.
They should also remove priest as a class already.
WOAH and if you silence it with op's card, then it's a 6 mana 8/8 body with NO DOWNSIDES!!!!!!
Because 3/3 is better tempo than a 3/2 :^)
>That 6 mana 3/3 that destroys anything.
literally who
priest already has a godly 6 mana removal moron
0 mana deal 1 damage.
2 mana deal 1 damage. Draw a card.
0 mana silence a minion.
2 mana silence a minion. Draw a card. Oh wait, too powerful. Better make it only work on friendly minions.
I mean, I understand that Blizz might be setting up priest for self-silence effects next standard, but if priests other two cards weren't also so godawful you could probably ignore purify
You could have already tried that with the 0-cost silence.
It doesn't work.
Hooded Acolyte was actually pretty decent when people were experimenting decks. The big health made it survive longer and make C'thun huge as fuck.
But in the end priest can't play the control game against the aggressive decks. I don't think priest of feast will be viable.
>Hunter got 3 big winners for class cards
I don't know, secret hunter isn't really viable so the two secret cards will probably just see play in Arena.
Beast druid, here I come!
>Brann into Warden
this card is fucking ridiculous
>Tfw druid main
>Nobody really plays druid even tho they are good as fuck but still stay under the radar
>Tfw druid is going to be mainstream and my hipster sense are flipping out
Why blizz
why are there so many class cards in this adventure ? I thought adventures only had 1 class card per class
Token/Yogg/Fendral druid is already mainstream
You mean no one plays priest, paladin, rogue or mage.
>turn 5 Stranglethorn Tiger
>no way for your opponent to get rid of it 99% of the time
>turn 6 Menagerie Warden for an additional 20/20 in stats
I'm sorry what
People are ignoring the two drop taunt and the discover a dragon dude that slot into Priest builds quite well. But yeah, this card has to be a mistake.
Oops. An additional 10/10 in stats, meaning 20 stats total. Not 20/20.
There were 3 for each class in LoE and 2 each in BRM
My favourite Decks were Oil Rogue, Handlock and Echo Mage.
Fuck Standart.
Too bad Deathlord is a Naxx card and not useable in Standart.
>Priest got nothing again
oh yes, let this shit class rot. No one likes to get his stuff stolen.
Would rather get rekt by a nigger priest than a 4 mana 7/7
would rather lose fast than slog to priest bullshit
>Play against a warrior (26%)
>He plays nothing until he has to answer your threats or make room in his hand
>play against priest (4%)
>He actually plays for board control before turn 6
but what if you're playing one of the 3 or 4 other viable warrior archetypes?
LMAO playing wild
wild is great, you just choose paladin, pick the best card for every manacurve and the deck plays itself
why are you bringing warrior into this?
I'll never understand this logic. You are okay with the game having shit balance because you don't enjoy playing against priest? There are a lot of people who think this shit too, I am just kind of baffled that people are okay with one of the classes being unplayable, which in part makes it a shittier game.