Do you eat like a noob Sup Forums?

Do you eat like a noob Sup Forums?

Who the fuck is Fatal1ty

is this goobergater food?

I had his mouse.

I wonder how much his business has been BTFO'd by Razer...

He was the top in the Quake scene. Waaaaay back in the day.

i lov some goober gamey gabby goofy gater food xD

Fuck off. I got my own snack

>infused with ginseng, caffeine, & TAURINE

Youre gonna die

You can see all the makeup they used to cover his acne ridden face.

Who /beer/ n play here?

Everyone I knew including myself had his headset.
It was cheap, comfortable and very reliable.

My nigger

>not just eating a hardboiled egg for a snack
Delicious, quick, rich in protein and good fats, and gives a good energy boost.

It's funny because he's actually a really relaxed and positive guy. you dip the oreas into the jalapeno dip?

an cholesterol

Fuck pre-packaged "food".

Who here cooks his own gamer fuel?

>good fats
Numale whale detected.

It also makes your farts really smelly

i do.

What the fuck do you do? Pause the game whenever you fart, bend down, and start snorting your crotch?

dietary cholesterol is not related to body levels of cholesterol

Are those activated?

Does delicious baked shit from M&M count as noob food?

>It's a Ja/ck/ episode

Is this guy still relevant? Holy shit I feel old now

>caffeine, taurine, ginseng
They're beyond activated

>tfw don't eat anything while playing

Nah, I'm not smug enough to bend down and smell my farts like that.

yeah but what about the almonds?

This is disgusting
Enjoy your diseases

I seriously thought that was a joke pornhub video from the thumbnail.

set for the night lads

But his gaming success predates the existence of the snack food.

>Karamel Sutra
mah nig





No it's not.

holy shit that's fucking disgusting

how is he not dead

fucking ground meat is not supposed to be served rare.

First of all, there's nothing wrong with elevated levels of cholesterol in general. The real indicator for cardiovascular diseases is not the absolute level of cholesterol, but the level of Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol in your blood, which is the bad cholesterol. Elevated levels of High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol are beneficial to your health.

Second, eating eggs doesn't raise you LDL cholesterol.

More like set for diabetes.

iirc he earned champion titles in quake 3, unreal tournament, doom 3, painkiller, and some other games. basically he was the top pro gamer at some point.

no. he'll become relevant again if he decides to resume playing on a pro level, but right now he's a businessman and only plays and enjoys modern casual games because that's all he has time for

I think is immunity at this point.

Like the "shoot yourself with small caliber bullets" but real.

You can eat fresh minced meat raw (Steak tartare), but he still looks like he just sucks at cooking and didn't leave it raw on purpose.




MMMMMmmmm, I love me some delicious rare.

I had burgers today actually. The buns, ketchup/mustard, and cheese were the only things that came from the store.

>beef came from a herd of black angus cows about 15 miles away, corn fed with no preservatives or anything
>tomato slices came from my backyard, no pesticides and grown in dark black soil
>pickles came from a neighbor across the street, sweet as fuck

Looked much better than this.

Is this the new water meme?

I think you guys are overreacting a bit.

please stop posting

I fucking hate Jack. He's such an idiot.

You would think after all of the times he got dysentery from undercooked meat he would finally invest in a meat thermometer, but nope.

I don't even know what I'm looking at anymore

fuck meat thermometers, every time I use one I end up burning my steak.

>eating shit
>falling for autistic advertising
>worshipping demented celebrity

Fucking why do this, Americans?

Me neither.

But why?


Drama when it blows up.

There's currently a huge shitstorm whirling right now over a bigass CS:GO gambling site having been exposed as (surprise!) a money laundering scam where the owners rigged the matches.

>This thread

I remember when Fatal1ty decided to stream that one time and his chat was like a literally killzone where anyone who remotely referenced or mentioned nuts got perma banned on sight.

>Used to eat raw hamburger all the time
>Eventually get threadworms
>Worst shit ever, ass itchy all the time, poo infested with wriggly white worms, would scratch anus while I sleep and wake up with dead worms under fingernails

Cook your goddamn meat.

>winning tourneys in silly fps
He should play games that take some real skills.
Games like DotA and LoL


Get your ass back to work Dan Ryckert

please stop posting

i'm begging you

crush that can for jay owen.

You just don't appreciate revolutionary cooking skills.

it doesn't have to be this way

you can stop it

good lord who eats like this
eat least get some peanut butter goddamn


Have some counter-Jack

If you follow the meat thermometer exactly it will come out well done every time. Well done is garbage steak.

I want you to take your hand and press your fingers into your cheek gently. That's a rare steak. Now your chin, that's a medium. Now your forehead, that's well done.

A good steak will sit around medium rare to medium.

I'm going to teach you the perfect way to make a good steak. Buy something that isn't shit for one, something that isn't tougher than nails. A NY strip is a great steak to start off with. It should be about 3/4 of and inch thick to an inch. Unwrap it from the package, and take some paper towels and pat it dry. Salt and pepper the steak. Allow it to reach room temperature. You don't have to go crazy to cover it, just a paper towel over the top is fine.

When you're ready to cook you're going to use olive oil and heat up the pan. When you put in the meat it should sizzle immediately. If it does not allow it to continue to heat. Heat should be at medium high. Do not flip your steak more than 1-2 times. The hot pan and salt cause a brown crust to form on the steak, this is known as a mallard reaction. Wiki for details. It's okay to check if a good crust has formed. Once it has, flip the steak. Allow it to crust.

While this is happening set your oven to the lowest setting, 150-170 degrees F.

Get a plate that can be placed in the oven. Gently touch the steak with tongs, don't fucking skewer it, and once it feels about like your chin or about between cheek and chin it is done. Put it on the plate and in the oven for a 15-20 minutes. DO NOT SKIP THIS OR THE STEAK WILL BLEED. A good steak needs to rest to lock in the juices and you will have little to no bleed.

There you go, perfect steak every time. It works with tougher cuts, but it's not that enjoyable to eat.

Is this some sorta fucked up terrine?

fucking fatality? when was the last time he was relevant?

What the fuck is that shit running out of his taco?

>tfw never had proper brisket
>tfw favorite barbecue joint shut down when the crisis hit
>haven't had good ribs in 8 years

It's been a while since I've seen this.


Banana with bread is pretty aight. But not with fucking mayonnaise.

Jack never ceases to amaze me. Like even when I first started cooing I was never that bad.

And the fact that he has a semi successful line of sauces and a youtube channel just fucking baffles me


This sounds awesome and I will try it someday

Unfortunately I still live with my folks and I'm their cook. Both parents hate red meat and would rather just eat well-done.

>eating almost uncooked / raw white meat

Is this stupid nigger retarded ? What in the actual fuck ? White meat is the #1 meat you need to thoroughly cook, even if you only eat top quality chicken that you took from the farm yourself it doesn't mean jack shit and can still contain bacterias. Namely e.coli.

I think it's an omelet.

anyone can have a youtube channel.

I have 3 for chrissakes.

>eating beef
>Early in the illness, patients usually experience psychiatric or sensory symptoms, which most commonly take the form of depression, apathy or anxiety, and occasionally (in a third of the cases) unusual persistent and painful sensory symptoms. Neurological signs, including unsteadiness, difficulty walking and involuntary movements, develop as the illness progresses and, by the time of death, patients become completely immobile and mute.
>The clinical presentation, progressive nature of the disease and failure to find any other diagnosis are characteristic of vCJD.
There are no completely reliable tests to use before the onset of clinical symptoms.
>Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) is a rare and fatal human neurodegenerative condition which is classified as a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) because of its ability to be transmitted and the characteristic spongy degeneration of the brain that it causes.

Yeah my parents are the same way. When I get a chance to spend on myself or a date I always do it my way. They're always convinced that they'll die if it's even slightly red, so I just stick with chicken or pork for them to eat because it has to be well done anyway.

>eating meet in general
Ever since I became a vegan (you really should, it's pretty baller, Sup Forums), my self esteem's gone up and it feels good not contributing to the shitty conditions of animals.

Your risk of dying from heart disease is higher, when you eat shit food, than the risk of you dying from eating beef. Making beef the staple of your diet will most likely make you much healthier, because most people nowadays simply eat shit.

Imagine being his son and having to choose between dying of food poisoning or being strangled.

does it hurt to know I revel in the death of every cow, turkey, chicken, and pig?

It's true, you never need to ask if someone's vegan.

I meant a successful one. Though I am convinced people watch him just to mock him at this point

>Ever since I became a vegan
This is way too obvious, you need at least to try to mimic the rhetoric of low carb high fat folks, but distort the science behind it, if you want someone to fall for your bait.

But animals are so tasty.
Animals combined with herbs and vegetables is like the best combination one could ask for.

It's not that farfetched.

I don't give enough of a shit to stop eating meat/animal products. It tastes good, and it's not like the meat industry will ever not be a thing

What you greentexted is more commonly acquired from long term cannibalism than cows. That's kuru, nigga.
Know where you get your meat, user.


I wish i could but my knowledge of food isn't big enough to get a proper vegan diet. I will most likely get problems, like déficiences.

i thought we had an understanding

Better learn how to cook at age 4.