The first 151 are the best and the only ones that truly mattered. What the fuck counts as pokemon now? Keys, a fucking ice cream cone? Also Mewtwo is the only legendary we fucking need, fuck that blue fish, fuck that lion, Mewtwo should be the strongest bar none. Also the show was actually worth watching. Now it's just the same repetitive shit with a Misty clone with no real charecter. Even gamefreak acknowledge that gen 1 is the best with Go and the alola forms.
The first 151 are the best and the only ones that truly mattered. What the fuck counts as pokemon now? Keys...
Other urls found in this thread:
Gamefreak didn't make Go you dingus
>shitting on pokemon designs
A reminder to get a load of this and be grateful for what you have
Some of these are pretty dope actually.
>a dragon that isn't even dragon type
>metal fairy that steals people's keys
Now which would you say it better?
It already takes concentrated autism to be a Pokemon fan. What the hell does it take to be a genwunner?
>hating Mr. Mime and Wigglytuff
You are not going to make this a repetitive thing like Sup Forums threads. Everybody should report you for spamming, and I will. Get your garbage copypasta out of here.
>b-b-but meme watch
Not understanding gen2 and gen 1 were thought of around the same time by the same set of people
all good
the fuck is this image trying to say?
Staryu and Starmie are miracles of the universe, get the fuck out.
Not being an autist fanboy I guess.
Don't blame other for your own shit taste
That last yokai is qt tho
t. XxSquirtlesmahboixX
>Mewtwo should be the strongest bar none.
>what is Mew
Yeah, fuck off, genwunner. RBY are some of my favorite games of all time, but stop acting like the ones that came after it didn't contribute good shit either.
>implying the anime was ever worth watching even back then
It went to shit after the first movie and when they started cycling out characters like Brock for Tracy, but even before that, the anime was always a subpar representation of the games. Digimon did everything it tried to do but better.
You guys are literally fucking cancer. Its people like you that ruined pokemon.
Grimer and Muk are literally perfect and its the perfect example of what Pokémon is like.
I don't want a good looking nignog becoming something else. I just want the same nigger I caught wild, but now bigger.
If you are gonna meme there, then where is raichu? He is literally a bigger Pikachu in the same way Muk is to Grimer.
I have no idea how they ruined a perfectly good design like Tangela with its evolution, which is also a literally bigger Tangela but done wrong.
How do we fix this?
>now which would you say it better?
Gen2 might as well be Gen1 seeing as how most of the Jhoto Pokemon were supposed to be in Red and Blue.
Mew has always been a weaker mewtwo the fuck are you on about? Even in the anime it was like that.
Stopped reading right at your greentext, what a dumb niggerina.
>STILL shitting on pokemon designs
Fine, get a bigger load of it
gen 2 > gen 3 > gen 1 > ... the rest
the combat turned to shit with the phys spec split the the designs went down the drain
Shitposter on the growth.
>baiting this hard
Just admit you have autism.
So you can rant about vanilluxe and klefki forever, but you forget to mention that Gen1 introduced a rock with arms, literally a bunch of undercooked eggs, and a ball of tentacles with discount sonic shoes? Seems pretty fucking legit to me.
Let's see how many people I can trigger this time.
gen 2 is part of gen 1
I'm going with Charizard on the account that a pokemon being a PAIR OF KEYS is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
>Meganium and Swampert that high
>Feraligatr that low
Consider suicide
>Shit talking Tangrowth
Fuck you, leave my nigga alone
literally no one should be talking about pokemon anymore.
1) it's for children
2) even children don't like it because yokai watch is 100x better
>being a PAIR OF KEYS is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
That's not what Klefki is, dumbass
>Hating Blaziken but loving Chikorita's final evo
Shit taste.
It's a part alright.
>muh gen 1 .
Fuck off. Every gen had shit designs.
It's fucking Pokemon. A game for children.
Does it matter? It's still retarded.
>Not liking Delphox
>Liking Typhlosion
How can one person's taste be so shit and so good at the same time?
I got baited by the gen 3 pokemon on the left side.
gen 3 was fucking awful and the fact you are using gen 3 to insult gen 4 and 5 when gen 3 was just as bad triggers me to no ends.
kys already
>what is Mew
>Now it's just the same repetitive shit with a Misty clone
This one I do not agree.
Pokemon was always a repetitive anime.
I mean right side.
I am dyslexic.
Why do genwunners complain so much when they won't be playing any other gen anyway?
It isn't. You're just a dumb nigger flailing his arms around and insisting something he admits he doesn't understand is retarded.
It's just a fucking fairy, and the shit it likes to steal and fuck with is keys. It's a very simple concept that you can't wrap your head around.
They gave a tentacle monster arms. For what purpose? Also they ruin the mystery by having the fatass jut out like that. Tangela was a perfect pokemon /:^)
Klefki, Charizard is a generic dragon you see in like every RPG
Because they're extremely autistic, but the worst kind of autistic: when they're obsessed with something they hate instead of something they love.
Does anyone else loves how this user's entire point is that the pokemon is a fairy so its okay?
When the fairy type shouldn't even be a thing to begin with? I find this user incredibly hilarious that he genuinely believes its okay because its a fairy.
You know, the weirdest thing about Gen 1 was that it was made by most of the same staff who made Earthbound and Mother 1, which accounts for Mewtwo's resemblance to Giygas.
Not really relevant to the topic, I just think it's neat that both series have the same sort of atmosphere minus the weird humor.
Because it's actually false-flagging Gen 2ers who have had a chip on their shoulder ever since the GBA came along and they couldn't just transfer over their old pokemon to new hardware.
They use Gen 1 as a smokescreen because Johto was such a shitty region nobody cares about it, and the games themselves ignored the Johto pokemon for superior Kanto ones.
I agree, new pokemon look fucking retarded
I'm playing heartgold on my old DS now, and I want Gengar. Is there any website or something to find people willing to trade? I've literally never traded before because my friends are casuals
>OMG it's a fairy
>Can't you see how that's wrong? It's a fairy
>And that is bad because it's a fairy
Saying "nuhuh it sucks" over and over isn't an argument, mi hermano.
Fairies are based off fairies from European folklore. Little trickster brownie and sprite types. That fits the Pokemon aesthetic fine since they've always based Pokemon off of popular legends and tall tales.
Some new pokemon were just leaked. What the fuck are these? Thanks a lot nintendo :/
they are the same type of people who post that all vidya suck and hope it would crash.
aka edgy teenagers who you shouldn't give a shit about
You realize that the Gen 2 Pokemon are literally Gen 1 Pokemon who were cut from RBY because of storage issues, right?
>the one on the right
>26 year olds are edgy teenagers
Sure thing kid.
Remember how old you have to be to have played gen 1 when you were 8-10, the age you are suppose to be when playing the game.
>When France is
Explain to me why ghosts are fine, aliens are fine, giant piles of sentient goop are fine, phoenixes are fine, but fairies are somehow off limits?
>Also Mewtwo is the only legendary we fucking need
What about Mew and the birds?
America is. India is. Why don't you think Europe is?
Yeah, what's next, a pokemon that's just some junk I found in a drawer? Like some screws, some magnets, and some ball bearings. That'd look so dumb.
All those things were introduced when the pokemon concept was being made.
Fairy is not.
That's Kalos, not France.
Actually, it probably is. Real countries exist, because otherwise we would have Lt. Surge, the lightning AMERICAN, or mention of the existence of Indian elephants in Gastly's Pokedex entry.
Why don't you play the games first before shoving your dick into this stuff, autist?
>tfw pokemon will never go back to Japan
they could have played them on a emulator.
or they're GO players
or they were mostly exposed older pokemon, so they sperg out when they see something slightly different
So you also hate Steel types and want them gone, is that right?
>Gen 1
>dubbed pokemon
Come on, you are literally grasping at straws now.
That world map is proof of what I say, no continent look like those.
But aren't nugenners the edgy teenagers? Gen 1 achieved such immense popularity that even complete normies can usually name a handful of them, and they are the ones that get used to represent the franchise in other games/media. Meanwhile kids who grew up and are still growing up are tremendously butthurt that the game they grew up with gets 0-1 characters in Smash Bros
>disliking Blaziken
>liking Typhlosion
>Feraligatr not the best
Aside from that your taste is solid
Steel type was part of the original concept user. Ho-Oh was already designed when red green launched.
>no continent looks like Africa
/vp/ pls go
so pokemon shouldn't introduce new stuff now?
>this is a pokemon
Why in the name of fuck would you introduce new stuff when you haven't even fixed the old stuff yet?
I can never tell how much of these threads are falseflagging.
fixed what?
fairy was mostly made so dragon's wouldn't be so OP anymore
That's a lot of segregation, user. Not really realistic as most people aren't filthy pirates.
>The year of our lord 2016
>Still being a filthy genwunner
>Cherrypicking one of the only good gen 1 designs and the worst gen 6 design
>"Gen 1 pokemon were literally the peak of human creative design. I once took six penises at the same time and one of them was my Dad's."
There's a point where falseflagging for long and hard enough actually becomes MORE autistic than genuinely believing it, so at least feel secure in knowing false or genuine in their feelings they are still retards.
>People say Modern Pokemon look like Digimon
This is a Digimon
Wait, people hate Typhlosion? What he do?
Why do people get so asshurt over Klefki?
Dragon's entire design is that they are strong you stupid shitlord.
That's why ice exists, to beat up dragons.
You should honestly kill yourself.
yes they are.
the amount of normies emulating pokemon on phones is insane
Surge's Japanese title translates literally into Lightning American. He is from America, which means it exists in the Pokemon universe. Other countries are likely a given too.
Why are you so desperate to be right about a literal children's game on a Chinese basket weaving forum?
>mfw people say those are seeds
>mfw they are eggs that evolve into a fucking pineapple tree and then into a coconut tree
He's worse than Quilava.
>shitting on pokemon designs
>in 2016
This is a toughie. How about a load of this?
>Pokemon Design in 10 years
Will you be able to stop it Sup Forums