What's the Sup Forumserdict?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
I thought the demo was absolutely awful. I can't understand the praise.
its pretty fun, though I thought the amount of platform was a bit ludicrous. Felt like padding to me.
Still a minor complaint.
>wanna shoot things
>scarce ammo
>everything is blinking red and blue so I auto-melee them and get healed
Then I quit.
I is refreshing to see a game like DOOM come out in today's market.
I had a lot of fun with it
good single player, better than Doom 3
multiplayer is a generic offspring of casual&arena shooter
Single Player is pretty fun. Multiplayer is pretty shitty. Your mileage may vary with snapmap. it's not a good alternative to modding, but pretty fun if you're a fan of time splitters's mapmaker. Maps vary from "hey that's cool" to "holy fuck."
it's ok, obviously better than doom3 by a mile, if you want to shoot stuff in a singleplayer game and that's it, then this will do the job better than most. these days I'm more interested in fps games that make you feel motivated to do things in the game through storyline (deus ex) or by presenting a very compelling and immersive world (stalker/metro)... if it's just good fps gameplay, I can get that from good multiplayer games (which this isn't) and it will be much more dynamic and intense.
you need to get gud m8
GOTY easily
I liked it. 7.5/10
Solid FPS with decent to good level design, but I don't think it's the 10/10 CLASSIC some people think.
All action with a plot that doesn't get in the way but has a surprising amount of depth if you choose to read into it, though that's entirely up to you.
Wolfenstein TNO should have been like this. Not full of character 'development' which just boiled down to the protag whining every few minutes after stabbing a nazi in the head for the 100th time and those fuck awful hub missions.
I'm 13 hours in and I'm having fun so far.
Currently alternating between the campaign and SnapMap, which is a pretty good tool although very limited in terms of assets and capacity. I didn't try the multiplayer yet, it just doesn't attract me.
my main problem with TNO is that it eventually degenerated into using the energy cannon at full charge from around corners and then going to recharge it at a power station. This is the best way to preserve ammo for fights that matter as well as keep your hp/armor up. Some fights I must have recharged it like 10 times, it gets old. If that gun wasn't in the game or charge stations only worked once it would have been better.
Fun game, but really overrated.
I had a blast , though I can understand why some people wouldn't at all enjoy it.
Solid 8-9/10. SP is expertly paced. MP is more than a little on the mediocre side but still enjoyable
stinkier than u mom vagina
Not enough hell levels.
why would I at shit games?
fundamentally mediocre
Graet game, 8/10 at least
>>Can't kill things cause I'm bad.
>>Game is shit because of this.
Everybody can pirate it now, so its shit. It was okay before that.
the "locked in a room with respawning enemy waves" shit gets old, the piƱata demons breaking up pace because the game is only balanced for it gets old, and the lack of modding is a blasphemy for the doom franchise.
All depends on taste, but the only one I agree with is the lack of mods: That's pretty much unforgivable.
it's not that it's inherently bad but it's the ONLY thing you do in the game.
try to beat it without glory kills in a higher difficulty. It's not meant to.
good IMO, not godlike, butdefinitely good, the gameplay feels fluid, the guns aregreat, haven't tryed the MP tho.
they picked the worst level to showcase with the demo
why they didn't include the superior factory level instead I don't even know
If they weren't as fast as they were, I would agree, but since they're so quick and to the point they don't bother me.
Still downloading it is at 36% at this point, but I played the demo and though it was ok, I doubt it will be better than the originals though
Not as good as the first two but still alright. I hate how most maps are linear segment > locked down arena > linear segment > locked down arena.
Horrible demo, only reason I didn't drop it was cause I managed to get it via friendshare. A lot of the guns look like ass or have a pretty generic design. Music is straight up dogshit compared to the classic OST. Hate that you can't turn off glory kills, game is a bit slower but it's not too bad, game is MUCH easier.
It's not as good as Doom 1, and it's gunplay isn't as good as either of the two, but the level design is better than Doom 2's on the whole. As long as you don't expect a "return to classic shooters" and something more in line with Serious Sam or Painkiller, you should like it.
What did level did they choose?
Best gun
Satanic and metal as fuck \m/
>Satanic and metal as fuck \m/
>with less demons and less metal than the previous games
>Less demons
'Cause Doomguy made them an endangered species.
>less metal
...I want to say you're wrong. I still thought the ost kicked ass
The first level where you only have the shotgun, don't have any fun abilities like air control or double jump, and only fight imps and possessed soldiers.
Doom 64 styled singleplayer expansion when?
>not the double shotgun
Have you tried the siege mode? Besides, the standard shotgun was better.
I want it, I got the cash for it, but the banks are closed till Tuesday so I can't deposit the cash.
>tons of weapon with high-tech laser, rocket and plasma weapons that probably took years of hard research and engineering ingenuity to even prototype and probably costs millions a piece
>most powerful weapon is a classic shotgun that's been around since the 1800's and you can get from any gunstore in america
The SSG is NOT as strong as the Gauss