How do we fix the current meta in Overwatch?

How do we fix the current meta in Overwatch?

stop playing like try hards

Make your own meta to counter it

Id rather that then lose with a Ana + Zenyatta. I just leave the game if I see people pick that combination.

Actually, that's able to win a lot of games if the rest of the team isn't shit

a character that can mark a player for death will never not be meta specially not when the kill times are so low on 200 health characters in the first place

Maybe on defense but those two together make for some good fucking pushes if they coordinate.

Just get rid of ults.

1 out of 10

Too strong a nerf to either one of them will make them pretty awful. Ana isn't even that bad right now except for being the hardest support to actually play. Playing mercy is just suffering though.

Did you miss when nobody played Zen because he was so squishy

The game is too simple, no matter how you try to change the meta it will just degrade into same picks again and again.

>play Ana
>top healer
>save the tank's ass countless times
>make pushes succeed with Nano Boost
>people still bitch

add a "chat on/off" feature and play whatever the fuck you want without anyone giving you shit

>bad day

>survive sleep
>survive hook
>finally die after long journey with reinhard
>still heal when being disabled for 10 seconds

People are stupid
>playing lucio as only healer
>Mccree spamming need healing
>In a fucking corridor on the second level of some building.

Push the fucking cart if you want health you little shit. I'm not skating up there when four other people need healing too.

>tfw can't Nano Boost yourself

buff the other supports. Ana needs a tiny bit, mercy needs quite a bit.

Lucio and Zenyatta are incredibly fun to play don't ruin them.

>mfw when playing reaper on attack and ana nano boosts me when my ult is ready

Lucio is fine. He just gets used a bunch because he team heals the best and Zenyata helps out with single target while have a discord orb and okay damage. Mercy and Ana would get used much more if Zen was balanced.

Zen needs his shields brought down 25 at least.

mercy is just bad now, ana bursts tanks up better which is the only thing mercy could really do. and ana actually does other things on top of it. mercy is not even worth taking for the res anymore.

Nerf Lucio and Nerf Orb of Discord down to 30%.

Why is Lucio the one character that gets to be in every single meta and no one says anything. He's fucking broken.

Lucio requires everyone to be grouped up to heal, there are a lot of counters for grouped heroes like Junkrat, Reaper's ult, Pharah, and plenty more.
Zen can fucking heal from half-way across the map, the only counter is to try and find where he's hiding and hope he has shitty aim.