Denuvo is over

Games you can play now:

>Just Cause 3
>Rise of the Tomb Raider

Upcoming games:

>Total War: Warhammer
>MGS V (fully updated)

You just have to get your hands on the full game and apply the Voksi bypass. Be sure to use a new Steam account.
That's it.

>bethesda releasing a denuvo demo basically allowed us all to play denuvo steam games for free

Todd did it again the absolute madman.

Other urls found in this thread:

i can forward game requests directly to him as I have him on Skype, just post here

>Games you can play now

inside dont work yet isnt ? im triying with no results

By i already play DRM free games on GOG.
What makes the cracked DENUVO client worth it?

crack status

it works fine im playing it right now, if you're using the 3dm release wirth the bypass then stop and use another

what do you mean? i can post the bypass for the different games if you want but they are pretty much everyone on the internet by now

Kickass is down

Where do you guys buy your games now? :3

NOOooo! ...It was supposed to be uncrackable...


git gud

Far Cry Primal :^)

Can't wait till Steam fixes the problem, and piratefags continue being assblasted.

what game you looking for?

Piratebay, retarded.

We always get this questions and it's always piratebay or kickass. Learn how to use the internet, if you can't download illegal shit, don't download illegal shit.

It still is, you're simply bypassing it by exploiting a flaw with Steam's auth protocol

but how to make work inside? you paste the steam overwriting it ? and where do you put the rest files in the 3drm ?

do we love him again Sup Forums?

So... where's the download links for the cracked games? is OP full of shit?

If it means downloading each game from different sites then applying complicated shit, it's not even worth the effort. I just wanna see Inside, Abzu and maybe Rise of Tomb Raider.

that's probably coming after total war and mgs v

>Crack is a steam bypass
>all Denuvo using devs will remove their games from steam.

It's a win-win.

first of all don't use the 3dm release of the game, i had trouble with that

then just extract the files to the game folder and follow the instructions its simple

>Denuvo devs remove games from steam
>the most popular platform to sell games
>their sales plumet even further

Yes, let it all burn

This thread is one huge pirate loony bin.

When did Sup Forums become so preachy against piracy?

remove their game from steam and put it where exactly?

Denuvo shills

their own stores.
get ready for 100 more uplays.

Kids who couldn't afford games back then have grown up and now can actually pay for their games. Except the salty NEETs who can barely afford their own food.

Piracy is wrong, no way around it.

Enjoy it while it lasts pirate keks, come Monday it will be patched.

denuvo doing massive damage control

didn't hurt Mirror's Edge 2.
if you have the money for a viral market hype machine, Steam becomes irrelevant.

Because Sup Forums is filled with people who have grown up shitposting here and became actual, semi-normal adults with jobs? That's my guess.

It's 100% grade A pirate bullshit once again. They have agenda to make it seem like it's futile to stop their stealing, so they'll stoop to lying and arrogant statements in order to make it seem so.

Reality on the other hand... well, anybody is free to go see if it actually is as they claim.

>come Monday it will be patched
Just enough time to play a few games with 9 hour single player campaigns :^)

Inside and Abzu take less than 2 hours to finish, you can just ask for a refund if you don't want to pay for them
RoTR is already cracked if you read the OP

But I'm already playing MGS V?


>Rise of The Tomb Raider is a shit game I wouldn't even pirate it
>DooM is a shit game I wouldn't even pirate it
>all Denuvo games are shit and aren't even worth pirating

>didn't hurt Mirror's Edge 2.
ME2 bombed lol
Literally no one knows it even exists

denuvo doing massive damage*


And yes it hurts, doesn't it, thief?

Nice damage control

>Literally no one knows it even exists
Keep telling yourself that

I'm usually a pirate fag, but:

>Have to register a steam account
>Have to be online each time I want to start the game up
Yeah, nah, I'm good. I'm just gonna buy Deus Ex: Mankind Divided when it comes out. I don't trust that shit for a second.

Call me when they actually crack Denuvo and make it playable offline.

Yeah same.

Have a nickel thief, get yourself a cheap game off of Steam.

Actually it probably did, looking at how badly it sold.
EA is one of the few companies that can afford to keep their games off steam. Unless they're as big as Ubisoft or Microsoft most companies can't afford to sell AAA games exclusive to their own platform without taking a massive profit hit.

I've put my steam folder in windows "trash", is it enough if i just reinstall steam again after restarting my computer with my VPN then create a new account with VPN then play doom until i'm done without risking my the ban of my main account?

I've seen countless "I completely forgot that game was a thing" posts on Sup Forums
Lack of piracy is really hurting its word of mouth

Don't worry though, mr shill, I'm sure it'll take a while for developers to realize denuvo is hurting their business, enough time for you to take the money and run :^)

I can't afford my own food, if that helps.

>literally the exact same post from the last thread
Are denuvo shills real? I'm starting to think this is really a thing that exists

>I've seen countless "I completely forgot that game was a thing" posts
>on Sup Forums
Yeah because Sup Forums is full of retards who think shitting on games and pretending they are all failures is cool and edgy.

wait, ME2 is out?
is it any good?

>Strawman the post
Yup, let's ignore the fact I don't pirate games. Must be another one of those ebil puhrites!

Piratekeks will ignore this.

retards trying to show their maturity on an anonymous imageboard will say retarded things like "kids have grown up and are actual adults with jobs"

the reality is this board is tourist central

Denuvocucks have been ignoring it for months now

jesus christ some people really don't deserve to pirate

Why do some people need so much spoonfeeding?

ME2 was a failure though. Sorry the truth is too 'edgy' for you retard.

Please i need an answer

when people full price to play shitty denuvo games and now the rest of us who actually have brains and waited can play those same shitty games for free

Why the fuck did you use that picture?

>shills don't exist, they said

M8, nobody knows. Nobody's going to get banned most likely, but you would be wise to be cautious.

>pcfats being happy about rotten scraps again
what a surprise

mirrors edge 2 sold like shit, check EA's quarterly

Jesus Christ, this board has become full of underage brain dead retards.

If they are so shit then why do you want to play them?

Do you really believe your own bullshit?

not fully updated as later updates for the game have denuvo v3

>Making the same post again means I'm a shill
Copy-Pating, truly a technique known only to those who are paid to say something.

>have to use a steam account
Not touching it with a 20 foot pole, even if it's a fake account would rather not be possibly IP banned.

Not him, but how do you know if they're shit before you actually play them?

Do you really believe your own bullshit?

why you bothering with vpn?
paranoid dumbfucks should not be pirating in the first place anyway

>mfw Steam matches the IP of pirates using fake Steam accounts with their real Steam accounts and bans them on Monday

When did /v become so preachy against Denuvo?
No impact on game experience at all, its the best DRM a company could use.
>shitty denuvo games
>rise of the tomb raider, inside, mgsv

>pirates now pretend it's some super secret on how to access the game
ROFL... Hey, anything to get that moral victory huh?

If Denuvo can't be beaten with evidence, then we'll just make up some bullshit rumor that it was.

i'm sorry your precious drm got buttfucked user

>game less than 3 months old are now ""rotten"" """"""""scraps"""""""""

wew lad

because i have nothing better to do

why did you pay money for those shitty games?

Your argument doesn't even make any sense. You have to have a steam account and be online to launch the game if you buy DE:MD too, so how is that an argument *against* piracy? How is it that you go on to conclude that that's why you should buy it? The logic applied here makes no sense. And someone actually AGREES with you without feeling the need to clarify what little sense it makes?

You may not be a shill but you're certainly samefagging.

When did Sup Forums start prasing DRM?

I'm not playing basement dweller games with you.

You'll have more luck with the claim that Sonichu is real.

>Just Cause 3
>Tomb Raider


>If Piracy can't be beaten with evidence, then we'll just make up some bullshit rumor that it was.

Fixed for truth

What the fuck are you on about?

Piratekeks for over a year have been saying Now they are all downloading and playing the games.

So if these games are so shit and not worth pirating why are you all rushing at the chance to play them?

I will tell you why, it is because you are all pathetic twats who talk a load of shit. You all want to play the games but you are so butthurt that you can't that you come out with all kinds of shit about the games being shit.

Yes you are basement dweller.

When it didn't mess up the game. The big reason people hated DRM was due to uPlay and games like SimCity. Denuvo doesn't affect how the game is played like DRM does in those games.

Because I'm not gonna waste bandwidth and risk anything on a shitty crack that still needs to be verified online.

You stupid dumbass, that's when you pretend to be multiple people.


tl;Dr opinion discarded


B-but I didn't want to play those games anyway!

Reminder that nobody in their right mind defends DRM.

Anyone who disagrees is a shill and we are all aware of this.

>So if these games are so shit and not worth pirating why are you all rushing at the chance to play them?
Plenty of the people in the last thread expressed no desire to play the games despite them being cracked now. I personally have no interest in any of them. I'm glad some people can finally play them to realize first hand how shit they are.

Only three games? There's more, right?

>this pile of shit doesn't smell as bad as that other pile of shit, so I'll happily gobble it up and praise it!


stay paranoid

That's right, only dirty basement dwellers would require evidence for claims that seem to have been pulled out of an ass. Honest folk out there in the real world know full-well Denuvo was cracked inside out. It was practically on the news worldwide announced by Obama.

is you.

I get what you're saying, I don't want to waste bandwidth on shitty games either. But your "I'm just going to buy DE:MD" argument does not follow. It's what we call a non-sequitur. I really question your agenda.

>this is what denuvo shills are resorting to now