>This kills the Shitnuvo
This kills the Shitnuvo
Other urls found in this thread:
it's not cracked yet
you got bamboozled
>The city of (you)
Oh whooooooop deeeeeeeeee doooooooo you get to play a game everyone played like three months ago for free because you're a poor loser who can't keep up with current trends. Woooooooooooooow I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
>This salt
>Projecting this hard
Also, have a le NOT! joke all for you my young friend
Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh maaaaaaann youuuuuuuuuuu suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure shooooooooooooooowed me!
How miserable you are if you can't afford 60$ to play a video game? You can earn 60$ in few hours holy shit and you waited so many months to get it cracked.
Literally autism.
I was never interested in nudoom but playing it for free would make me want to try it
Is that page legit?
I alwats though those were fake because uploaders usually dont have websites..
I'm not miserable at all, I just saved sixty dollars!
No it doesn't, it's a shitty bypass that requires the demo in the store to play it. They're probably gonna fix it by tomorrow
>corporate shills out this hard
Better back up those hot pocket protectors, your about to be out of a job.
>if you don't spend it on the game it's just burnt
that isn't how it works. this way i can play doom and order from boston pizza
Hopefully now that it can be pirated, I hope more people can experience this kick ass game.
It's not even that good you fucking retard I'm just sick of you kiddies thinking you're some rebel for being a poor piece of shit who can't afford a $60 game on launch.
not as miserable as you sound right now HAHAHAHAHAHAH
>Again the ">you are poor" argument
Is like hunting for food vs hunting for fun
it is... I download all my games from it
so fucking autisitc
>couldn't afford a game on launch
this game is not worth 60$ for just single player campaign, look at how wrong you are. How dumb do you feel right now?
It doesn't matter if you play a good game late, it just matters that you get to play it.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow baby can use cut and paste on ms paint he's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!
why do people like Nu-Doom?
You cant mod it, which if Doom I and Doom II did not have mods brutal doom would not exist which this game is heavily inspired from.
So many arena rooms, forced low ammo cap, monsters looks like hulking masses instead of iconic demons, bullet sponge bosses, garbage mp, snap maps to prevent from too much creativity.
TL:DR its just generic gore that cant hold up.
Yeah you would be cringing after getting owned so hard you fucking bitch!
lmao baby thinks he's hot shit with his 5 year savings from minimum wagecuck job.
Come back when you're at least this rich.
How we spend our money doesn't affect your life, user
Fuck off, Melonpan.
enjoy your side of slime with that paycheck
Until the demo is taken off Steam.
The way to stop denuvo is to not buy any games with it. I know you autistic fucks cant stop yourself, so its just gonna continue
Let me know when it gets below $20. I might actually be interested then.
lmao how's that job at English McDonalds boy? Go wipe the stalls for me some wanker biskit just took a wee liddle cripe in there lmaoooo
ugh.... I rather stay poor, Amhed
>I think my own purchasing decisions will have any impact on the industry so I'm going to inconvenience myself!
Good for you buddy
It pains me to no end what's happened to Id. The worst part about it is that one of the Id developers on his own time recently took the open source code for Quake and made a new version called vkQuake using the new Vulkan API in order to help maintain the legacy of the game long term. That's something that will never be possible with any of their more recent games.
>You cant mod it
I don't let modding influence my opinion of a stand alone game. Doom 1 is still a fantastic game, even without the WAD community.
>So many arena rooms
I don't see this as a complaint personally, as the arenas are almost all pretty well designed, rewarding players who explore every nook and cranny during the fights.
>forced low ammo cap
Fair enough, this, the health and armour upgrades, and the rune challenges are my biggest issue with the game. They're backward design choices which run contrary to the game as a whole.
>monsters looks like hulking masses instead of iconic demons
I like the monster design: With exception of the new zombie designs, they all look interesting, and for the most part like faithful enough updates to the classic designs.
> bullet sponge bosses
I disagree, the boss fights were actually handled pretty well. Still hold true to the "shoot it until it dies" strategy of the old Doom games but with there own tricks which keep things interesting.
> garbage mp
Fair enough.
>snap maps to prevent from too much creativity.
Again, fair enough, but they are providing free updates trying to fix these. it's not good old fashioned WAD's, but they're trying to make the best of a bad decision.
It's all down to personal taste obviously, and I can't blame anyone for not enjoying it, but I had a blast with Doom 2016: It feels like the Doom 3 we never got, which takes more inspiration from the arena-combat shooters of the time like the Serious Sam games and Painkiller than the weird pseudo horror game we got.
cause its super fun and very well designed mechanically and visually, best FPS in few recent years for sure
there is modding with snapmap (albeit limited)
its a treat for hardcore players on hier difficulty settings too
Sega, criterion, and microsoft's complete 180 on kinect say, "Hello!"
Yeah and we couldn't have done it without you. Well done!
That's it? I don't want Doom anyway. Call me when they actually crack this shit open so I could play DXMD, MECatalyst, and the NFS reboot.
It kills nothing, they accomplish what they set out to do: Protecting the first few weeks/months of sales, which is the only thing anyone cares about.
Its not your fault your dad left your mom. It is your fault you turned into a faggot.
>Having that pic in your PC
Thank you for correcting the record!
No but seriously, the more it gets cracked the faster it becomes to break
All that money wasted trying to force users who will never spend a dime on software to pay up, meanwhile there are potential customers who would throw money at them if they'd support more platforms that they simply ignore.
The worst part is Id still builds their games according to cross-platform principles. Unlike so many other dev teams they've never fallen into the trap of writing something that will only ever work properly on a single version of a single operating system. So if Zenimax actually cared about delivering products to paying customers they could easily release support for the platform that so many of Id's players grew up to use, but its clear they just don't give a shit.
That's why I've been replaying the old Id games recently. Its amazing how well Doom 3 runs with the modern updated engine on AMD's open source graphics drivers in 4k.
it's not that we can't afford it, hell I have 5000 dollars on my account balance plus 50k+ free on my credit cards... I just refuse to give bethesda money until I deem if the game is worth those $60 and this goes for any AAA company these days
Fuck...you got me :(
if it's on skidrow's page, then it's real, I get most of my pirates from there, and I've never gotten a fake or botched download from them
>plus 50k+ free on my credit cards
do americans really believe that credit amount is a disposable value?
The autism is real.
The rest of the world's governments do. Your govt probably owes America money, unless you're from China, which means you're breaking their internet law.
The Multiplayer is really awful
I didn't like the Pinkies being armored in the front, though the decision to do so made sense, and their charging was also a pain.
>nothing on blackcats or GGn
once the first denuvo games get cracked shit picks off steam... I bet by this month next year denuvo games will be cracked probably the moment they get released
No thank you.
it's not free money but sure comes in handy sometimes, I mainly use them to buy clothes in bulk with some payment facilities like 12 months with no interest if you pay with credit card... also I have all my services schedule to automatically get payed from said cards so I don't have to go office to office making payments at odd days... I just go to the bank 1 time a month and pay all my services by paying my credit card... this comes handy when I'm on a bad month and got little to no money to cover some of my non essential services ie. my cellphone plan, my internet, netflix etc...
having credit cards is not bad nor disposable value, you just need to not be retarded to responsible handle credit
M8. that's the game. Not the crack.
"wow guys look how not mad I am"
I-Im not s-stop s-saying im m-mad f-f-f-faggot
But user
>not saving your money for actual needs
>not spending 30$ instead of 60 on games when big sales hit
holy shit you're one of the biggest goys i've seen in a awhile
>estimates that 40% of all B2B software is used illegally each year.
>Imagine what 40% more revenue
Wait what? Did they just draw a flat out straight 1:1 relation between illegally used software and missed revenue?
Did you actually pay to install Denuvo on your computer?