Let's talk about the PS4

Let's talk about the PS4

>Japanese publishers would've all jumped to mobile if not for PS4 selling loads and Sony giving them financial support
>Mid-tier devs get a lot of help from Sony to make smaller games
>PS4 has massive mainstream appeal aswell as games to satisfy niche players
>Varied first-party line-up that attempts to complement what third-party misses

Can we admit that PS4 is shaping up much better than what Sup Forums was shilling during its launch and it's overall a good thing for us?

>can Sup Forums admit [a Sony product] is good
Good luck with that senpai. This place has massive bias against Sony.

You're not allowed to say anything positive about anything Sony related on Sup Forums

Sup Forums if anything sucks on the Microsoft dong, and champion companies like Blizzard Activision and EA games.
They are also hypocritical and discuss a shitty game like MGSV for 2 months non stop.

Since they've become bitter and don't enjoy playing games, they come here to market and shit talk. Less than half of threads created contain formulated opinions about games.

It still doesn't have any good games.

And dissidia looks like it's losing it's RPGy stuff.

I think sony have pulled their head out of their ass after last gen's slow burner and backed a lot of games you can enjoy on your own, knowing most of the big multiplayer games will be third party. Microsoft on the other hand is trying to make every game multiplayer because multiplayer hides a lack of quality.

Im very happy I got a PS4

I thought MGSV was decent even if was a massive disappointment. It's hard to deny they polished the fuck out of the gameplay. I can understand Sup Forums being obsessed with it since a large part of Sup Forums plays MGS and MGSV was still worth playing even if far from perfect.

>Sony giving them financial support
Sony doesn't give them financial support

>lot of help from Sony to make smaller games
Sony doesn't help devs to make smaller games

>Varied first-party line-up
Seriously, where do you get all this bullshit from?

If you have a PC, a PS3 and a Vita you have literally no reason to get a PS4 besides playing some games with better graphics.


Sony is basically the only reason Japanese video game developers are even trying to make great games with quality assets comparable to the West. There is an alternative universe out there where they died off and went to mobile or stayed on handhelds (all handhelds, both Nintendo and SONY, are shit)

>Sony doesn't give them financial support
Yes they do. Look up SFV. That's just one example of Sony helping Japanese publishers out to make a game they would otherwise be too poor for.

>Sony doesn't help devs to make smaller games
Every indie dev begs to differ. Sony are known for helping smaller devs out with good tools and assistance.

>first-party isn't varied
You got games like Gravity Rush, The Last Guardian, Horizon, Ratchet & Clank, Driveclub, UC4 and Bloodborne all having their own appeals. Better than any other first-party offering this gen in terms of variety.

Lol you're utterly mad as fuck at the truth you ignorant shitposter

The console hasn't been worth owning for the entirety of its lifespan so far. Literal fucking years have gone by with one or two notable releases. If the console is only JUST NOW finally getting its shit together, that doesn't deserve praise, it deserves scorn.

You are wrong about everything you just said, everything.

Hold on faggots, if Sony supports so much those jap publishers and devs, did you stop to think where the fuck they take money? Are you faggot socialists or something? If I buy a game I want that publisher to get the most of it. But Sony says fuck you, and sends a cut to some fuckers in Japan who I maybe have zero fucks about. How is that OK?

I can't play Project Diva Future Tone on any of those devices


>gravity rush
Am I the only one who finds that shit confusing as fuck?

I have all those and I still find reason to boot up my PS4. While I prefer multiplats on my PC, it still gets enough exclusives (if the game is in a shitty version on Vita, I'll get it on PS4) to warrant a purchase.

My PC is a 5yo Compaq Presario, My PS3 is ded, and my Vita is only good for weeb games.

If I had a decent PC, I'd be more inclined to agree.

Replace PC with PS4 and you'll have no reason to get a PC either, only the PS4 will actually get exclusives so you were wrong regardless and PC is a bloated multiplat machine with no games besides indie shovelware

OK I had to google that.

Faggot weeb shit need not apply. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with you? Have you even looked at that game with objectivity? It's like something Chris would play.

True, all memes aside Sup Forums is horrible for looking for real discussion for video games. Is the PS4 worth getting over the vita if I want to play jrpgs? I already have a PC, Wii U and 3DS

Well, pull your head out of your ass, and go get something current gen

Fuck off and kill yourself

A PC is not a console my friend. I use it (need it actually) for a multitude of things.

It just so happens it can run games better than consoles as well, but that's not it's purpose.

I mean, it pisses all over your little kid console at so many levels it's not even funny.

But I already have a PS4.

>Better than any other first-party offering this gen in terms of variety.
Factually incorrect.

>no reason
>Ace combat 7 is on ps4

I got one reason.

Pretty much all Vita games get a PS4 version these days. So yeah absolutely. Might want to wait for Neo though but not sure when it's coming out.

I'd say if anyone is closer to suicide is the kind of infantile permavirgin shutin who plays games with virtual anime girls going ~NYANYANYA~ past the age of 10. Perhaps 12 if you are a girl, but that's it.

Pardon my ignorance, but what's the spaceship game right above The Last Guardian? I recognize everything in that pic except that.

Do you know where you are?
Lurk for two years before posting newfag.

I have to admit that game looks cool as fuck. Still, I'm sure there's something on PC that tops it.


The Ratchet and Clank remake

>Varied first-party line-up that attempts to complement what third-party misses
Yeah, so where's Ape Escape?

>My game machine is better than your stupid game machine because my game machine can run apps like microsoftword.exe

Yeah and the PS4 is better because it actually has games and is getting exclusives, something the microsodt word bloated multiplat shovelware machine will not get

What's more important to you at the end of the day? Games? Or Microsoft word?

And sorry multiplats aren't worth running at higher settings and paying Nvidia $1000 on a new GPU just to do it while needing a base cost of $700 just to meet the PS4 in performance and needing literally twice as much to see a significant graphical difference

>owning a fucking Vita when every game on it is better on PS3 and PS4

There's not a single good game on the PS4 which is why I sold it.

Everything is just boring, Infamous SS was okay, but everything else? Garbage. Not a fan of Souls games too.

How does that invalidate my argument?
I wish I was a newfag to be honest.

What's the one above that, with the dreadlock archer?

Remind that Sup Forums shat all over the simple fact that a FUCKING BUTTON was called "share", a fucking useful button that allows you to share videos or pictures of your game wherever you want.
Remember that Sup Forums clinged to NOGAEEEMS and MOVIEES when PS4 had twice the number of games AND exclusives than xbox or wiiu.

This place is an infected cove of extremely biased people.

>Mid-tier devs get a lot of help from Sony to make smaller games
Don't you fucking lie, A and AA games are dead. You mean indie shits.

Ratchet and clank ps4


Maybe in the west
They're still alive in Japan, but A and AA games just get shit on and called "weebshit" here

>Remember that Sup Forums clinged to NOGAEEEMS and MOVIEES when PS4 had twice the number of games AND exclusives than xbox or wiiu.

You can have all the "games" you want if they're called Order 1886 or Driveclub no one gives a shit.

The fact still stands:
PS3 + PC + Vita > PS4

Literally no reason to get a PS4 if you own those already and your PC is a decent one.

By the way I've spent a grand total of $1000 on my PC since the PS3 came out and I still use it for playing modern shit like DOOM or Project Cars.

>And sorry multiplats aren't worth running at higher settings and paying Nvidia $1000 on a new GPU just to do it while needing a base cost of $700 just to meet the PS4 in performance and needing literally twice as much to see a significant graphical difference

Dude calm down or learn proper syntax. It's a nightmare to read that.

That's mostly because it's summer, give it a couple of weeks and you'll probably see less. This is an image board built off weeaboos

PS4 is better than vita you stupid retarded shitter, every vITA GAME is on PC or PS4 or PS3

>Yes they do. Look up SFV. That's just one example of Sony helping Japanese publishers out to make a game they would otherwise be too poor for.
You do realize they only paid money not to have the game on Xbone, right? Because last gen SFIV dominated on 360 due to being the tournanent pick and SF tournaments on their own move a ton of systems from both the FGC and TOs.
For merely a 500k deal, they gained ten times the investment. It's just Capcom being retarded, not Sony "helping" them. They only helped themselves.
Please stop writing shit you have absolutely no clue about.

There's not a single good game on the PC which is why I sold it.

Everything is just boring, console ports like Gears of war was okay because I'm a dudebro but everything else? Garbage. Not a fan of Indie games either

>I'm still going to obsess over these two games that nobody is even talking about to prove my point that the good games that I'm actively ignoring don't exist
Good argument.

Also for the record, Driveclub isn't a bad game. Have you played it recently or are you just spouting memes? It's a perfectly decent arcade racer.


ITT: PS4 owners absolutely buttblasted because they bought a $500 paperweight

>inb4 i'm not poor

Learn to value your parents' money you little faggot

It's the same year round

>Japanese publishers would've all jumped to mobile if not for PS4 selling loads
The 360 and the Vita had more Japanese devs. PS4 has shit.

Ono already confirmed that SFV wasn't even happening until 2018 at the earliest since the company was so broke.

Or Horizon, The Last Guardian, Ace Combat, FFXII remake, Kingdom Hearts 3, Shenmue 3, Yakuza 0, Nier, Death Stranding, but lets ignore those, right?

>Any of those except Gravity Rush A or AA games
So you got brain problems huh.
That's true. EDF is a good example of that. God bless nips and them keeping gaming alive but also fuck nips for trying to kill gaming with mobile shit

Driveclub is a perfectly decent arcade racer if you buy it for $5.

What other games are good? Bloodborne maybe if you're a fan of that. Infamous was alright but short and has no replay value. What else?

>You do realize they only paid money not to have the game on Xbone, right?

You do realize they'd literally make more money by not signing with Sony, and releasing their game on as many platforms as possible like every other fucking publisher dose, right?

Capcom nearly went bankrupt a few months ago retard

>the "PC does not have exclusives" meme
Just because it's genres you don't even know about due to being a drooling consolefag doesn't mean it doesn't get them.

>you need a 700$ GPU to get the same PS4 performance
Oh, why am I even in this thread.
Keep going, Timmy.

>all unreleased or not even exclusive

It was kinda a win win on both ends, Sony gets to hog it on their console and capcom has the funding to make it. Faggy move to be buying exclusives because that only hurts the consumers who bought xbone but from a business standpoint it's a smart move

I totally agree.

That's why I said that if you already own a Vita, a PC and a PS3 you have no incentive to own a PS4.

Because of the very reason you mentioned. Thanks.

I swear this board is a shitposter's wet dream. You guys spend so much time autistically buried in your little kid games that you are beginning to forget how to even think or argue like an adult.

360 had absolutely nothing after they announced the xbone, that's why PS3 sold more, actually, japanese devs kept releasing new games for PS3 until some months ago.

If you own a Vita you're a retarded braindead nigger who needs to be purged


Being buttmad enough to type like that. Calm your tits user, you're talking about video games, not politics or anything actually relevant to your everyday real life.

Or are you though?

Tell me one game in that list that is not an exclusive.

Wew lad

>new GPU just to do it while needing a base cost of $700 just to meet the PS4 in performance

The ps4 can't even beat a budget 1.3 tflop gpu with a shitty dual core i3 in every single game. Which it should be doing.


Ratchet and Clank, Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Gundam Breaker 3, Tearaway, Gravity Rush, Super Robot Wars, Infamous SS, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Odin Sphere Leftraiser

This year: The Last Guardian, Gran Turismo Sport, FFXV, Yakuza 0, World Of Final Fantasy

Next year: Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn

>the game wouldn't have happened until 2018
Which was the right thing to do considering the game is still in pre-alpha since they had no manpower to develop and out-sourced every single thing, from netcode to 3d models to engine to gameplay.

Sony helped you get scammed out of a full price unfinished game. 4theplayer.

>Still, I'm sure there's something on PC that tops it.
If it's a legitimate return to glory, there's nothing on PC that tops it. If it's the same halfbaked shit as 6, AH, or the PSP games though, it's not even worth playing.

>I have never looked at the Steam catalog.


Lost Horizon (or maybe Last Horizon, I forgot which. It definitely had "Horizon" in the name though)

>Update] [Auto] 8 new posts
I drank a ot of rum but vita owners are stupid as fuck

I kinda wanna buy a Vita just because my roommate never gets off of our (my) ps4 but at this point I might as well just buy another one

>Oh, why am I even in this thread.
Keep going, Timmy.

Show me a $300 PC that outperforms a PS4. Go ahead and try it. You obviously dont know shit about console parity either. Look at how 90% of multiplats look on a 2x titan X build and compare the visuals to a PS4.

Instead of a calm rational thread, it devolved yet again into a matter of strawmans and childish tantrums. Discussion on Sup Forums is dead.

>Gran Turismo Sport

Don't support that piece of shit.

Nooo, I just checked it, it was "Horizon: Zero Dawn." Sorry

Go to bed drunkie no one cares about your opinions

Why all the hate?

>I compare a CPU to a PS4
>This seems like a logical thjing to do

Show me a $300 PC outperforming a PS4 until then dont talk shit you pathetic faggot

>want to buy a ps4 machine for fightan and Persona 5
>Persona 5 won't be out until next year
>I get to hear all the acceptable english voices instead of the glorious nip ones because ???

Just ignore the fact that heaps of those you listed haven't even come out yet.

Shenmue 3

>guerrilla games
>development hell
>kojima after the garbage game that was MGSV

>Things nobody said

Capcom wanted it out the door, Sony didnt need it but Capcom wanted to meet a fucking deadline in time for a comp

Shut the fuck up you dont know shit once again

Yeah I expected this when I clicked on the thread but it's for some reason entertaining to me to watch these manchildren attack each other

It's going to get worse with Europeans waking up. Late night NEET time Sup Forums is the only good Sup Forums.

Oh shit the PS4 is even more pathetic than I thought (and the Xbone as well for that matter)

>Show me a $300 PC outperforming a PS4
Show me a PS4 that sells for 300 at retail and lets you play online without additional payments.

It's just the console war threads, they're just contaiment for shitposting. The good threads are never on front page, you have to find them yourself.

I also forgot Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Just admit you dont give a shit about games. You dont like the PS4 or Sony, thats the bottom line, it's fine just dont act like someone who cares about video games when the PS4 has solid titles.

You want to be an Xbox/Microsoft fanboy then do so elsewhere.

The Slavs should be waking up soon

Thanks for bringing that game to my attention though. I will keep an eye on it.

Someday I might actually buy a PS4, but so far I'm still waiting for more games I like to come out for it.

In the meantime I pass my time baiting faggots.

Actually, there's only a few things that come close to replicating the mechanics of Ace Combat on PC

>Sky Rogue
A highly minimal Arcade shooting game that set you in levels with an arcade score counter. customizable aircraft and money upgrade system

>Vector Thrust
A cell shaded Game that also uses similar mechanics, quite unpolished with it's voice acting but takes many staples of the series like the conversations between characters and how they're portrayed with I've not played too much but it seems to be fairly grounded in its reality and I'll expand on that after the next entry.

>Project wingman
This is about the most 1-1 copy of ace combat I've ever seen and it's built in unity, quite nice and runs smoothly but still in pre-alpha with only one actual level.

The thing I said about reality is what separates ace combat from other flying games because ace combat isn't great because if it's mechanics, the mechanics are fun and rewarding but the world building in the games is where they really put the spit and shine as it tends to come up with crazy boss battles akin to a metal gear in the sky and ground it in a crazy world which explains why it has and also has fun with the idea of having super weapons.

No other aircraft game seems to have the same level of writing and worldbuilding and that's what separates it from the flock.

while it's easy to make a game with the same mechanics on PC and point at and say "look see, it's another flying game just play that", it's simply not on the same level.

Paid online and no worthwhile games. PS4 is a bigger joke than PS3 was.
>b-but in 5 years it will have games and be cheap
then I'll wait till then