( Morrigan Disapproves -10 )

( Morrigan Disapproves -10 )

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( Alistar Approves +10 )


>help him
>don't help him

thanks, Obsidian

Did Morrigan rape him?

>the best girl in the game is your sister
>can't marry her
>you're stuck with a pirate whore or a shitty elf
>the next game has nothing but SJW options

Dragon Age II is the absolute shit and I'm still mad I pre-ordered it.

For some reason I kinda wish I played Da 2 instead of DA:I.

Haven't touched DA:I in a month now, just dropped it after the ball quest. It's such a fucking slog that game where the only time your character expresses any emotions are in the main quests.

The dwarf dlc was pretty good though if not a bit underwhelming with the ending.

i'm pretty sure that's his deepest desire

>took sister to Deep Roads
>she's fine the whole time
>we escape
>suddenly she just dies


You have to take Anders with you if you want her to live.

I would rather have my sister die than have Anders in my party.

>fucking her right after Ostagar before the companion gift dlc was in

I like him in awakening.

when I disrobed her and saw that perfect meaty pussy bulging out of her panties I was like HOOOOOOOOOOOO

also leliana is fucking dreadful, literally rather have Dog as a friend


i'm so fucking mad right now


>talking shit about rivalry Merrill, one of the best romances Bioware ever did

Why did everyone liek her ?

>Bioware named someone the Iron Bull

Someone missed the point of Kreia...

Dragon Age is such an unfortunately awful series, shame, I liked Origins a lot.

Pure as snow

it's super easy to fuck morrigan right after recruiting her. the hard part is getting to do it more times after that because she will resist

That's why i'm only playing in old Bioware games.
There's a wincest mod for BG2 so i can romance the best girl.

>install a mod that lets you choose which sibling dies
>roll mage
>it's just Bethany's voice and character with Carver's voice and attitude

I liked Sten for being the only one who acknowledges the ridiculous detours that are in DA:O.

>we're supposed to be fighting the dark spawn why are we climbing a mountain for some ashes

Fug, Bethany's BODY and character I meant

no fucking wya

>Someone missed the point of Kreia...

The point being stuffing the most pretentious and insufferable character of vidya history into the Star Wars lore?

those backgrounds look like lowest settings

This. Chris Avellone is insufferable.

How is 2 and 3 compared to origins. I bought it 1 1/2 years ago and loved it but never got around to the dlc or the sequels. I heard allot of people say they weren't nearly as good.

Merrill is best girl

And honestly, I liked all of DA2 romances except for Anders', because it's just creepy.

Guess you are just too dumb. Its okay.

2 is way better than I. It's remarkable that Bioware managed to make a game much worse than 2.

> Take based Fenris and Anders on her loyalty quest
> they completely shrek her on every line of dialogue on how fucking retarded she is
Fucking kek, remember telling her to fuck off few times in game that I played, couldn't get over the fact that they changed how the elves look

>became as flat as a pancake
>still dresses like a whore even after giving birth and raising my wife's son

Because unlike Carver, she was okay with you doing stupid shit so long as you act pro-mage. Her moral compass is pretty whacked, actually. She's okay with morally questionable things more than Carver despite being 'pure'.

Dragon Age II has like six maps, characters who are suddenly gay for no reason, a sjw plz do not slut shame character, enemies that drop from the air, and the main plot ends in terrorism.

Pic unrelated.

>TFW have to kill fenris at the end of the game

>sjw plz do not slut shame character
she's anti-sjw in every single way imaginable

Nah, sjw's love Isabela. PoC, bisexual, and they say she dresses like a slut because she is an empowered woman.

that son is not mine he looks like a total beta

the point of that lecture was to always think about the potential consequences, and not just make decisions on a whim.

God this pisses me off to no end. She's more or less royalty at this point. Why the fuck would she wear what the world perceives to be rags and our world perceives to be something a prostitute would wear.

It makes no fucking sense.

He was a completely different character in Awakening.

I still don't get how Awakaning managed to be so (relatively) good compared to the other games. Even Hamburger Helper's writing was good in Awakening.

Shouldn't Hawke have been a thief since his siblings were a mage and knight?

What was the canon characters for each game?

U wot? Carver was an edgelord only beaten by the other elf.

He's a completely different character in 2 though
Less Alistair expy, more insufferable, edgy cunt

Human male Warden
Dood Hawke

I really hated the endingfor DA2. If you side with the mages or Templars it ends retardly. "Oh no we are completely beating the Templars, lets use blood magic to prove them right and try to kill our only non-mage ally!" or "Hey I know you helped us slaughter those blood mages, so I'm going to go psycho bitch right now and try to kill you."

>be dwarven noble in DA:O
>raise Aeducan alpha male for a son
>morrigan raises little bitch human half-breed

Because the costume is iconic and Bioware had a cosplayer voice Josephine and a cosplayer on their marketing team who was friends with the wife of Ross from Game Grumps and they were on a reality show and once stole $5000 for an unfinished costume from a cancer patient.

thats the point retard

each action will have a consequence whether you like it or not

>Human male Warden
Warrior, in your opinion?

What about Inquisition?

>"Come with me, user! And we'll be rich and see the world!"
Wat do?

>total beta
Alistair confirmed

That's because Justice made him go mental

There is a line in the game where they literally mention she has STDs.


I like how she seems less evil after turning into a wife and mother and how she seems to be warming up whenever she talks about the warden

I think it was a nice touch

Tit shrink was NOT okay though

>Big tits sis will never snuggle with Hawke

>empowered woman
>gets addicted to Hawke's dick so much she physically can't live without it
>praises him constantly in dialogues with other people like Sebastian

>walking AIDS

well this game taught me a valuable life lesson about the difference between a cumdumpster and a worthy bride

I like small tits so it's a + for me.

They have magic in this world, this is pretty much irrelevant.

A Demon made me do it is some of the most laziest writing and infuriating retcon shit ever.

>epilogue starts playing
>''the hero died 4 months later because of syphilis''

Her face got 10x better though.

Her character development is one of a few things DAI did right. Warden fucked all the edge out of her.

>whenever she talks about the warden
I thought save files were borked since DA2, what does she say about the Warden?

I'm monitoring this thread.

I never said it made sense, just that it happens.


Her face was already 10/10, Bioware back then was only hindered by technology at that time and not because they were appeasing to SJWs.

Notice how Leilana became significantly uglier and manlier in every release?

>fucked all the edge
>only one time

They were living together after the events of DAO and were rising their son.
Morrigan in DAI sounds a little embarrassed admitting that.

Can I still transfer my save from 1 to 2 if I have 1 on origin but get 2 on steam?

They redid it after the trailer and people complained.

But she went inside the portal in Awakening or did they retcon all of that?

Stuff like that she dearly misses him and if he would ever hear of this that he wouldn't stop grinning for a week, it was all very cute

I think its about time to POST THOSE CHARACTERS.

She says he is a good husband and father and that their son misses him greatly

She also mentions that they will join him once again once her work is done in DAI

Not that guy

They lived together after the events of witch hunt specifically.

You have to do Dragon Age Keep and save the settings to your Origin/EA account and physically have origin on your computer or some shit to even import the choices you made from Dragon Age Keep into your game.

And Warden pursued her in Witch Hunt, going together with her in the end.

this is for inquisition

Late reply but the Human Mage's default name in Origins is Daylen Amell. Hawke's mother in DA2 comes from House Amell, which would mean that if the Warden and Hawke were related that way they would be cousins. Both would also be malificar due to Darkspawn taint and Hawke's trailer.

You can fuck her way more times than just one in DAO though. You can literally fuck her all night at camp, every night at camp.


I still remember that shitstorm over the white Isabela mod.

My favorite one.


This guy looks like a high quality Oblivion character, if that makes any sense.

>Literally the only mage not to get taken over by blood magic or homicidal rage, barring maybe the player's Hawke.
>Has to deal with clan that hates her competence at shit they just gave up on.
>Has to deal with retarded clan leader who gets herself possessed.
>Has to deal with clan that attacks her for defending herself from the retarded clan leader.
>Friendship Hawke option is convincing her that they were all morons and to forget them.
>Also a lesbian.

Merrill's route a best.

it's funny because she was white in origins


Inquisition the default world settings had origins female Dalish Warden who died and banged Leliana, Hawke is Male Mage

No canon Warden I think, because no one really mentions them if you didn't import. He's/she's a "Hero of Ferelden" and killed by Archdemon, nothing more.
But there's three option imo:
1. Male noble warrior, because that's the character in the CGI trailers.
2. A dalish lady, because that's in the 'default world state' in DA:Keep
3. I personally like to think it's human mage, because they're a Amell, thus related to Hawke. Gives the series more 'continuity'.

But the default Hawke is a def a male mage. He's a default in DAI and it's the same for all the promo materials and the cover in DA2.

Now that I have no idea. There is probably a mod where you can run an exe to load directly from a game savefile.

Nah m8, shes a dog.