Sup Forums Plays Oregon Trail: Card Game Edition

Oh shit Lil niggas its time for Oregon trail once again but the card game edition.

Expect fording and death. Name the crew Sup Forums

Annie May




Dorito Pope

Todd Howard

What a fucking all-star team

Hilary Clinton

You can do it Pope


but nobody posted that OP

Cross out Goku and put hitler or else this thread will die. I promise you. Fucking do it cuck.

It's ops game he can name someone if he wants

gaben must feed user, its tradition

GABEN was the survivor of the an old Oregan Trail journey

fair enough todd is the better developer though

Son of a bitch. Nice pics

Quit moving so fast

Oh fuck. Who is dead


nah, we good

Out fucking standing. I already smell that greedy beaner Jose in the distance

We got fucking lucky

Fuck this is already turning to shit

The prophecy is holding strong.

Oh shit nigs its fording time. MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE?