I beat the game: AMA

Here's a rundown of my play through:

>jump from planet to planet

>gather resources

>build Antimatter(let's you jump to the next solar system)

>Go to next solar system

>occasionally upgrade your ship or suit


And that's honestly about it.

>implying it's real

Even then
Don't you just get a new ship altogether?

Implying what is real?

And sometimes an alien will offer an upgrade (extra slot) for your suit, ship or gun

Sorry, but that game package is fake. Look at how the title itself is printed on the paper. If you're going to make a fake, at least use the right paper or use a better printer.

Holy fuck it's Fucking real, here's a pic I took before i even opened it you retarded dickshit

Open the case and show us the booklet. There is one because we've already had the packaging posted here. Also timestamp it.

Did you find anything interesting along the way? Or was it just a boring experience overall?

I'm in class right now so I can't, even then fuck you for not believing it's real. Are you that dense?

Go ahead, post the game's booklet. If you can post on here "whilst in class" then it must not be an issue to do what I asked.

Go away fag you're not fooling anyone

I wonder how much content the devs are trying to cram into the game with the extra time they got by delaying.

>we've got lightsabers now!

still hoping it aint shit though...

Sounds fun, I'll get it when it's on sale

If you've played the game Out There this game is literally that but in 3D. Nothing stood out as particularly interesting. In fact 99% of the "outposts" you find on planets are literally the same exact as all the others.
The rectangle shaped one just has a recipe you can learn.
The Facility shaped one is locked until you find an "atlascard" half way into the game
The Square shaped one is always always always empty.
The circular one has a landing pad, an alien, a recipe and a galactic trading store.

forget content, they better be fixing the bugs

crashes and glitches been pretty out of hand

Time stamp?

>implying I carry the game with me to class

Nah. This pic is from reddit. And it was posted a few times here yesterday.

toop fooking kook

usually games go gold for a reason.

that reason being it's ready to play.

If you don't know that you always post shit with timestamps here, youre a fucking retard, and a newfag.

How is it from fucking Reddit when I just posted it? Link me to the post. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Show me the rules where it says I must provide a time stamp? You can't? Oh sorry I guess you're wrong.

Post the booklet with timestamp. I will not believe you are legit until you do so. If you can post here whilst in class, then you are not paying attention and might as well leave.

that hasn't been the case since like 10+ years ago back in the days they didn't really get to patch games on consoles that weren't internet connected

gold literally just means the physical copies are being printed and shipped

all games ship broken nowadays and need their patches

>no timestamp
>no trip

Fucking die fag

Timestamp the case dog fucker

Sure you did


reminder people who praise this piece of shit have never played a game harder than your average fps

epic thread you guys

western games does anyway, japs still often never even get patches out

Not anymore, these top notch developers will tell you when it's ready, b-b-but please pre order our game I swear the day 1 patch will fix it.

I'm not that guy but jesus, are they paying you to be a faggot or are you doing this for free? The devs admitted there was a leak

>not knowing that's the name a phone gives every photo

Holy shit underage b&

>op makes claim
>ask for timestamp
>no its legit guys i swear please believe me
Kys my man

Cx I'm the chat

Wow. Sounds like Starbound all over again, glad I didn't preorder it

>quads is moot

why would anybody want to be moot

No it fucking isn't
Why would a phone fill your library with pictures with identical filenames?

Alright then, I don't have a time stamp. Leave the thread then if you don't believe me. This is an AMA. Don't believe me then don't listen to what I say.

That's only iphones you fucking kumquat

Androids don't do that, spoiled brat.

Just outed yourself. You are dumb.

>I'm not that guy but jesus, are they paying you to be a faggot or are you doing this for free? The devs admitted there was a leak
Nope. I simply want a timestamp with a picture of the booklet for the guy to prove he is legit. It is not a hard demand to fulfil if he is legit.

I bet you think using a trip code without a reason being wrong is an official rule too. It's fucking etiquette, you undereducated sack.

shitter devs these days doing things for money.

has communism produced any good games though? just curious. that top gear episode 'has communism produced any good cars' was interesting.

It's called an iPhone you retards.

Jesus Christ how much did the devs pay people to shill this Fucking game?

What's in the center?

>Jesus Christ how much did the devs pay people to shill this Fucking game?
No one's actually shilling, we just want you to prove you are legit. If you are legit, then what's exactly the issue here?

>he willingly bought an apple product
>thinks his opinions mean fuck all

That's rich.

Stop this charade.
None of us are shills here. Sup Forums hates the fucking game to it's core yet you still insist on "trust me guys i have it". You're the only shill here.

Kind of hard to do an AMA on a game you dont own
And who has class on a saturday in the summer


Rollerino, let's get something good!

Not blurry enough, try harder next time.

Multiverses. So you literally can just keep exploring once you reach it.

Why can't just admit you took those pictures from Reddit? The filename says it all.


Did you even read this fucking thread?
Link me to he Reddit post, Faggot.
Image.jpg is the name an iPhone gives photos you ginormous fucking Faggot

Booklet and timestamp.

There is only one image.jpg faggot and that is not it, its a fake

what so fucking hard to write something on a piece of paper near the fucking game you sperg?

Kys phone poster


OP is a faggot

Because hes in class, on a saturday, in summer

Are you retarded? I uploaded 2 pictures both image.jpg because I'm on my goddamn iPhone in class.

>itt: op learns a hard lesson about timestamps

So leave class to get timestamps becaue your obviously not paying attention
Also what this user said

Yeah sure, you're in class..
Sure thing...

Didn't realize the date. OP, do something right for once, send us a pic of your class with a timestamp.

>what are trade schools
Enjoy living in your parents basement as a 30 year old Virgin shitposting on Sup Forums while I'm making 100k+ a year fitting steam pipes.

>all these nu male sky shillcucks

Alright, OP here.

Mods, you can delete this thread.
I tried to answer questions people have about this game but Sup Forums is too retarded and autistic to ask questions and instead ask for time stamps without even reading the thread.

>in august
>at 9 a.m.
>with no timestamp
>or trip

disgusting isn't it

But its a saturday



>100k+ a year

I just want to know how bad it is. I'm not buying it either way, so...

So it's basically an extremely overpriced singleplayer Starbound, with no charm and a hipster aesthetic?

because that's what it looked like since the first trailer

>Hey guys I totally legit listen to me
>No I will not prove I am legit
>How dare you question my legitimacy, you are retarded

Guys I found a picture of the op
Trust me, its legit

whats at the center of the universe?

>trade schools
>100k a year

Tradesman here. OP I have bad news for you.

>can't prove he's legitimate
>mad people are trying to verify information

enjoy fitting steam pipes for a living

>100k a year
>Fitting pipes
Nah, only experienced engineers make that kind of money.

OP here again,

Cant time stamp it because I had to evacuate my asshole, just wait until the games released and I'll prove to you that I played it.

Even with a journeyman cert, you basically max out at 60k. Sorry.

OP here again,

Is there any way to login so I can use a tripcode so you guys can believe me? Then I can add the timestamp.

>takes pic of case
>didn't take a single screenshot of the game itself, even with the big share button on the PS4

Holy shit. Did you apply a blur filter on your pic?

Op here. Pic I took yesterday.

2016 gaming everyone

Yup. It's pretty much just fog after 50 yards.

Just get the fuck out already you attention seeking sack of shit.

>being this jealous of someone else having something you don't

>verbatim repeat of what shitposters have been accusing the game of being for weeks
>images that you could have pulled from anywhere

What's at the center of the Galaxy, faggot?

>everyone's asking for proof
>talking shit and doing everything but posting the one image that can prove you actually have the game
Bravo OP. Truly an inspiration.

Leave faggot

>Is there any way to login

B-b-but no time stamp!!!