What do you want to see in Pokemon Sun and Moon?

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A flying ground Pokemon is SO FUCKING STUPID

It doesn't say ground anywhere in its typing. It only says Flying, blind cunt.

Gligar is pretty cool.

>Its salt time!!!

>i should be poison type

>wwn have Pokemon with three types

Pokemon threads in /vp/

Seriously fuck you, I try to get away fro any spoilers and you guys ruin it.

>What do you want to see in Pokemon Sun and Moon?
Fire/Grass Ludicolo
Water/Fire Ludicolo

Also, put Miror B in the game.


>Miror B
>those Orre region games
>the GOAT music from Colosseum and Gale of Darkness

I want a mon that clears all arena shit.

Stealth fist

Cinccino having Bone Rush or a Fire-type multi-hit move so it can have a decent way of hitting Steel types. Though failing that I'll run a Ground Z-Crystal and Dig on it sometimes, though I'd like to still have access to a Life Orb or King's Rock.

This isn't real.

is that real

That and a Fairy / Poison typed crab based on the pom-pom crab / boxing crab.

Of course it isn't. GF doesn't have ideas this good.


>Flying Diglett is a good idea
>When Dig is in the name

I mean I know that Ice SandSlash doesn't exactly look Sandy, but its a bit better than a flying Diglett.

>Decapitated Altaria

Switches Attack for Defense. Ability:Sharp Skin

Another version of a first gen pokemon but, like, ten times better!XD

>not the Crystal Onix from the Anime
>m-muh edgy darkness thhooo!!!1!!11
Fucking neck yourself faggot.

>Crystal Onix

I forgot all about that nigga. Now I hope they bring him back.

that was just a teaser at Steel in Gen 2. Like your faggy GS ball.

You ask for this but you will get Rock Candy Onix instead.

>changing it from a rock snake to a glass snake
if anything that should increase its attack and severely lower its defense.

Looks like a Pokemon from Pokemon XD

Reddit pls go

that's what I meant, I worded it like shit. Switches Defense for Attack.
Forget about that thing though and feast your eyes on the majesty of Abalone Cloyster.

>Water/Fire Ludicolo
I fucking want this so bad, make him look like those fire spinners.

jesus christ my eyes

I thought the Z-moves were limited by the pokemon's typing, not their moves. Cinccino would only have a Normal Z-move available to it.

Would it be better like this?

Steel/Rock Solrock
Ghost/Rock Lunatone

It's by their moves.

>There are two conditions for performing Z-Moves: a Pokémon must learn a move of the same type as a Z-Crystal, and it must be holding the corresponding Z-Crystal.

Bug/Steel with Flash Fire
Water/Ground with Sap Sipper

There's probably some pokemon where each of those makes sense.

And as an aside, Bug/Dragon Flygon.

Alola Parasect, a variant where the mushroom didn't kill the Paras. ;_;

Fucking this

I like it, but that's probably because they look like piñatas


in all honesty though an onyx made from obsidian makes sense.

They're going by microclimates (sans Exeggutor) and volcano is definitely one of them.


Whoa holy shit, that's why its eyes are blank. Damn...

Pokemon with megas won't get Alola forms, so Onyx is out, bros

You expect them to do more than 2 art and balance updates?

>Pokemon with megas won't get Alola forms



I just want to believe.

Why fix what isn't broken?

Or, more relevant to Gamefreak, why put effort when you can just rehash?

>what's that user?
>you want me to ruin the meta game?
>sure thing, pal!

>Pic related to get an Alola form.


I namely just want variations to help the weaker types. Also to make this a thing in other regions.

You want more of this??

What a shitty pokemon who even used parasect on their team anyways?

It's honestly a lot cooler than regular diglett

Trainer named Nozaki i guess.

>VGC that is


I cringed


> No pokemon pearl harbor

Don't think we've forgotten December 7th, Japan.

>The anime

Fucking gross.

It shows that their more autistic then the people that think anime is canon.


The Pokemon Company's history of laziness.

There's a concentration camp though.

Maybe there we'll find Alolan Nosepass

Alola form Pikachu with water type

No, that's Azoth.

I swear to christ, if they don't do anything with Solrock and Lunatone, I won't even buy the game.

nice fan art, user


>next game
>kanto grass/ground breloom
Could be cool

I fucking wish

I love Quagsire, but it's destined for mediocrity

I am about to blow your mind.

>Dry Skin (Ability)
>Fire-type attacks do 25% more damage to a Pokémon with Dry Skin.
>When a Pokémon with Dry Skin is hit by a Water-type move, its HP is restored by one quarter of its maximum HP, and the move will have no effect on that Pokémon (if a Pokémon with this Ability already has full HP, the Water-type move will do nothing).

There is no reason for Crystal Onix to have any resistant typing to water, and even being neutral to fire would cause it to take more damage (although a weakness + Dry Skin is more likely). What's more, if we take the rather long and occasionally repetitive lecture into consideration, Ground type (due to sedimentary rock) is likely one type.

Crystal Onix's typing would most likely be Steel/Ground w. Dry Skin, the same typing as Steelix, or Ice/Ground w. Dry Skin. Either would work, both absorb water which is why it didn't even take a small amount of 1/4x resisted damage. And both take 2.5x damage from fire, even more than a standard weakness.

Perhaps Crystal Onix ended up partially going through a natural evolution to a Steelix, and gained the Dry Skin ability due to its climate.

I really wanted to like them but they're so shit

What if it's type is actually Crystal.


That design's pretty cool to be honest

Grass/Ground Dugtrio variant

I want to really see them adopt this to other regions and more whole lines, not just one offs.

Also Bug/Ghost, Ground/Fairy, Psychic/Steel and Poison/Rock.

looks neat. the only reason i wouldn't like it in the game is that that'd be the the third line that had its typing changed to snow

>new type

I'd like a legit bug/ghost that can be used normally.

There's something called the Ghost Moth (which isn't that interesting to look at) but also the Death's Head Hawk Moth.

I think a good take on it would have a typical bug type caterpillar that's infected with Cordyceps, it's pupa stage could look like a coffin and it's final form being a literal ghost moth.

I mean, Paras is already based on the Cordyceps thing but has a more literal mushroom motif.

>they can have up to three types

>making mountains out of molehills


>Alolan Koffing


>Paras Chiyo a cute
>Parasect Chiyo has blank eyes and no personality because her ribbon parasite has grown into her brain and taken over her body

>it's a Fairy-type

>Koffings gas the Nosepasses

No that's Umi

It isn't mediocre at all. Just niche.

And its fun set was banned (Swagsire).


>it's gas causes people to feel relaxed and happy
>fits the tropical paradise vibe
this is a good idea

this is kind of clever

>fire type exposed to tropical environment
>becomes an ice type

it migrated to the snowcapped mountains you DUNCE

O SHIT niggas