What are the hardest collectibles to find/complete Sup Forums?

What are the hardest collectibles to find/complete Sup Forums?

Templar flags in AC1

Those green statues thingies in Vice City. I played it long before I had an Internet connection, and I never found all 100 of them.

I'm missing one fucking crystal in Grow Home and I can't find it

Stray beads

FFXI had some fucking shit ones.
>Ancient Papyrus
>lvl75 Testimony
not to mention the ones tied to camped NMs

Getting all the upgrades in Just Cause 2 probably
There's a lot that aren't anywhere near settlements (like under highway overpasses and shit) so they don't show up in the settlement completion

Same, I gave up

Sometimes it would glitch and only 99 would appear. I forget what triggers it.

>that one Keeper by the docking bay i spent 2 hours looking for

Infamous 1 shards.

Tribals in jet force Gemini, hidden all over and some in stupid places, you have to collect all in an area in a single pass and you can accidentally kill them.

They are also mandatory to make it to the final level.

Collectibles in GTAs and SR2. It takes autism to systematically comb through every single inch of the entire map and not give up within the first five minutes.

Getting all the gold cards in Bomberman 64 without a guide

Donkey Kong 64 was an absolute chore to 101%

yeah I think saints row 3 and 4 had a baby mode where the collectables would show up on your map and you could find them easier

_ ____ __ ___ ___ ______!

fill in the blanks Sup Forums

Some of the .5% chance drops in wow are a pain.

I want to fuck that bunny!

>I love to get ass pounded!

What an odd thing to say, user.

>14 or so
>Riddler is my favorite Batman villain
>Get Arkham City
>"Yeah let's do his sidequest

took long enough for zooposting to start

>14 or so
>Get Arkham City

Underage plz

>haha i'm just barely 18 so u cant ban me ;)))
Everytime. Jesus, kid, just say your 16 like all the other fucks here.



Those fucking orbs in the Crackdown games


In Far Cry 3 there are 120 collectible relics all over the map. 119 of them are on the main world and are accessible at any point in the game. Just 1 of them, literally 1, is located inside a cave your friends hide in that becomes inaccessible after you reach the halfway point of the game. If you waited to collect them until later, you can not collect that 1 relic, and can not obtain 100%.

I found this out after collecting 119 other relics and clearing every other thing in the fucking god damn game.

That game came out 4 years ago, homey. Time flies.

That was fucking painful to watch

This fucking game

>Master Stomper
>Every smashable hidden item (including the items in hidden zones)
>Database Ace
>Every Wonderful and GEATHJERK file
>Hero Collection
>Every figurine, including the ones from Operation 101, which is only unlocked after completing every Kahkoo-Regah on every difficulty, which at that point you might as well just play the whole fucking game over again since like 90% of them have secret missions

Holy fuck this was absolute torture to 101%. Even if you KNOW where everything is, you still can't walk away with the goods unless you git gud and beat Operation 101, which itself is fucking insane.

This. Hugest bitch ever in Crackdown 1

those things in Infamous 2
GTA secret jumps
literally everything in Just Cause 2


GTA V's jumps were autism tier and I just gave up.

Oh no

This, falling out of the car with each failed jump, possibly landing in a hospital and having to sit through this painfully long loading screen only to go to the ramp and fuck it up again.

Stunt jumps in previous games were fine, but those in V made me simply gave up.

It was a chore to just finish DK64.
>I know you've almost beaten this game, but you DID beat the arcade Donkey Kong game without losing a single life TWICE, right? And tell me you got fifteen sets of 75 bananas from a single Kong and THEN talked to Cranky and THEN got a highscore on the minigame he gives you? If not, go do it, please.

How deep inside therabbit hole would you go?

I haven't played a ton of games with absurd collectible quests but Spiderman 2 was the worst.

>Able to use the map to barely see most skyscraper tokens
>Same can't be said for secret tokens
>Still missing one single hideout token fuck this

those are suppose to be packs of cocaine

Balls deep, everytime

Completing the affinity chart in Xenoblade without missing something.

I actually did it.

Never. Animals are for hugs and nudges only.

I'll nudge them with my dick

Enjoy your ban. Take it to Sup Forums before that happens, though.

Shortcuts in Saints Row 2

especially since like 99% of the shortcuts are totally useless and not actually shortcuts so you'd never find them unless you just drove offroad in the middle of nowhere or down alleys that most cars don't even fit through

I don't think that shortcuts were actually required for 100% or had any reward of unlocking them though. I'm not even sure if they were in the statistics.

The hidden item in the final boss level is retarded

>go literally one pixel away from the cutscene trigger
>jump high enough to make the ground go off camera
>when you land it'll be where you spawned

A lot of stuff in SR2 doesn't count for completion percentage, which is weird.


San Andreas' collectibles, because if you don't keep a track, you'll be fucked forever

Was going to say this. Fuck those fucking bullshit things

I was finding some collectables in JC2 for the first time like 85% of the way through the game

Fuck these things so hard

Hard yes, but not impossible.

If you aren't keeping track of them until halfway through the game, chances are high that the last one you need is at beginning area.

The tokens in Ultimate Spiderman (and probably Spiderman 2). Too damn small in a map that big.

Oh, and the Blue Coins in Mario Sunshine.

GTAV collectables and stunt jumps in general because you get nothing for completing all of them.

>to find
The star rings in Sonic Advance 2 without a guide.

>to complete in general
Diddy Kong Racing's silver token races. Fuck them.

the fucking gearbits in hyper light drifter FUCK

Seeing as they forgot to put some assets into the game you cannot 100% it. So i guess it is the hardest because it is impossible.

Space Station Silicon Valley actually can't be 100% completed.

Also how did it take so many replies for sunshine and blue coins to be mentioned?