A masterpiece. A fucking masterpiece. I can honestly say this is the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.I just beat the game. I can't believe Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix was that fucking good. I've seen some people say Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix is better and I'm honestly thinking those people have never played KH 2 FM.
A masterpiece. A fucking masterpiece. I can honestly say this is the most fun I've ever had playing a video game...
I don't know why people say that KH is better than KH2.
Nostalgia. Pure and simple nostalgia. They are the same people who claim Pokemon went to shit after gen 1 but there are pokemon games far better than gen 1
Can based Nomura do any wrong?
I believe KH is great, but i can't get myself to play it because it looks TOO kiddy and disney and i can't get over it, i never really loved disney that much to begin with.
Final Mix especially. KH2 is really a great game. I'm afraid that KH3 won't be able to live up to the hype.
Honestly, KH2FM is probably one of all my all time favorites. gameplay wise and just overall pacing wise it's a really solid fucking experience, and there is enough end game material that makes playing Final mix so much worth it. Here's hoping they spend enough time and care with 3 that it'll outshine 2FM in every way.
Cause they havent played Final Mix
KH2FM > KH1FM > KH1 > KH2
Can I run this shit flawlessly or at least above decently on PC?
I don't understand the story
>post yfw when Kingdom Hearts 3 will be Kingdom Hearts 2, Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance rolled into one and on steroids
play release order.
After every game watch these to get all the details or cover things you missed.
I played it.
As long as you have a pc built within last 6 or so years shouldnt be an issue
Play the games.
>b-but all those spin offs
Those aren't spin offs.
Kingdom Hearts is prime example of "Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover". One the surface it may look kiddy but it's actually dark as fuck and the story is complex as fuck. Kingdom Hearts Unchained X looks like a fairytale and harmless but without spoiling too much the death count in this game is literally in the thousands
I hear ya. I recently got really into it again with 2.5 and spent a good 45+ hours on it so far. Still haven't completed the Organization data battles and gummi ship missions.
I hope they add them to PS Now before 2.8 and 3 come out so I can replay the whole series.
KH1 had kinda clunky combat.
And most worlds ware literally small as fuck confusing levels that forced you to backtrack hard or guess whare you are supposed to go next.
And it also had retarded platforming.
KH2 may have had that reaction thing ware you press i think Triangle was it to do coll shit when prompted.
But other than that the game has DMC/Bayonetta level combat when playing the game on proud mode and super fun bosses especially the extra bosses in final remix.
Not to mention levels ware less annoying to explore and less confusing to navigate.
+ All the fun forms you could take made the games combat even more fun considering each form had its own combat stile.
People say KH1 is better because its harder but in truth its just clunkier and harder to play.
And had more mandatory grinding.
>complex as fuck
You're a part of the darkness now!
>but i can't get myself to play it because it looks TOO kiddy and disney and i can't get over it, i never really loved disney that much to begin with.
That's the biggest misconception about the series. The games do have moments where its kinda childish but overall, it's pretty dark and sometimes just downright depressing. Birth by Sleep made me legit sad. Nobody fucking won. Everybody lost.
you could make the argument that final form is like DMC/Bayonetta combat but regular combat is nothing like it
The Reaction Commands were truly the best part of KH 2. I don't give a fuck what anybody says. That shit was so flashy and cool.
Sora becomes Jesus during Reaction Commands. Sucks that Nomura confirmed it will not return in KH 3
question: is there a kh2 final mix plus english patch?
One thing I like is that KH2 FM has no grinding whatsoever. It was balanced to be beatable at level 1 without being tedious. Its one of the lovely things that makes KH2 miles better than its predecessor.
Just get 2.5. It even has the music remastered
I'll never get the appeal of this franchise. Final Fantasy is one of my favorite franchises of all time, right behind Fire Emblem, and, I can't stand what they did to the FF characters. Why is Squall called Leon? Why is Cloud actually an emo, when he's pretty upbeat for the most part in VII? Why is Seifer a 13/14 year old? What, Why, How?
2FM is better gameplay wise and content wise
but 1 has more magic and mystery to it
it was more fun and colorful and didn't take itself too seriously
but 2fm is prolly my favorite game of all time
Because Final Fantasy characters in KH are from an alternative universe. They are not canon to the FF universe. Squall being a grown man yet Seifer being a teenager or the fact that Aerith is alive or even the fact that Yuna, Rikku and Paine are fairies should have enough evidence to let you know, "okay this isn't canon"
This game was too good
3 will never top it, it can only be as good but never better
that's not the nostalgia talking, it's the realization that the hype from all the years of waiting has made it so 3 can never meet our exceptions of it being better than 2FM
It won't be as good if it comes out with that BBS style combat the trailers had. Those fucking amusement park rides are nowhere near as cool as the forms or the reaction commands either.
>Tfw Days is one of my favorite games in the franchise
>People hate it
What don't you understand?
What do you think it's like for Haley Joel Osment to only be remembered as the "I see dead people" kid and Sora?
His little sister has a better career than him.
It's just not fun to play. Everything is such a damage sponge.
He actually loves voicing Sora so he's cool with it. Look how excited he got when the reporter randomly bought up KH
>dark as fuck
Wow you must be 14.
>his sister is actually attractive
>haley is fat and his face looks like a grown ass 12 year old
why does god hate haley joel osment?
I recently got drunk with some friends, and watched a movie he was in called Tusk. About halfway through the movie, I shouted "HOLY SHIT, IT'S SORA."
>hated by god
just fucking eat less
>Kingdom Hearts released 14 years ago
>Kingdom Hearts 2 released 11 years ago
Too many things in KH3 look like gimmicks
KH2 had the exact right amount of abilites and extras like forms and summons, it knew exactly atwhich point it had to stop. It was simple and complex at the same time.
But Kh3 tries to have KH2 combat + flow motion + rides + keyblade transformations etc.
They'll never be able to balance all this, not even in a FM version. There'll most likely be one ride or one transformation that will be the best option in every fight
can't fix that face though
Disney stuff was more important in KH1. After Chains of Memories, disney worlds became just fillers between the story related scenes.
I do wish they found a way to make the Disney side more relevant still. I thought it was cool how the princesses were used in the first game.
Apparently they realize that this has been an issue, which is why BH6 will have an original story that's set after the movie.
>I've seen some people say Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix is better
its not
>Was 11 when KH 1 was released
>Was 15 when KH 2 was released
>I'm now 25 and still no KH 3
Next year, user
Don't quit this world before you can finally play it
I really want it next year, but for some reason next year feels like they'd have to rush it
>3 will never top it, it can only be as good but never better
Honestly and it pains me to say.. this. KH 2 FM is the pinnacle of Action RPGs. It's perfection. No game will ever top it, it can only be the just as good. You can't be better than something that is already perfect
Nomura said the development is actually in very good shape, they've been seriously working on it for more than a year and a half now, it won't be rushed
>Next year
Oh user. I wish I had still optimism like you but all my optimism died years ago
Nier Automata will top it. Just you watch.
It already looks to be really promising.
KH1 is still a must-play but only nostalgiatards think it's better than KH2.
>inb4 b-b-but the story!
Was puerile nonsense since day one.
Well, we'll have to see if Nier Automata is still an actual RPG with leveling up, abilites etc.
I don't really know at which point an action game becomes and ARPG. I'd still count Automata as more of a character action game, but then again, we know there're quests and shit.
But overall i agree, it's a miracle that Nier gets another game anyway and that it shapes up to be that good is amazing. If someone told me in 2013 that i'd be more excited for anohter Nier game than FFXV i'd have punched that person in the face
If it has any remnants of BBS and DDD combat aside from flowmotion it will be objectively inferior.
Kingdom Hearts 2 FM is my favorite game. But, I played it way too many times to enjoy it anymore. It's a shame really.. I wish I could do a blind run.
>Disney characters were plot relevant and not just random bosses/npcs
>Story was simple and clean
>combat was more than just mash X and reflect
>All magic was useful
>Riku was your cool rival and not a moody cloud strife clone
People seem to hate KH1 because "muh shitty camera," which to me sounds like they played KH2 and couldn't be arsed to give KH1 a real go.
I didn't care for KH2 because it flanderized everyone and marginalized the disney characters (its a crossover game, what a waste).
is final mix really yhat much better than vanilla? i played kh2 a long time ago but not fm.
There is no way they'll be able to top the final boss of KH2.
>mfw KH3 won't have the same amount of end-game boss content as 2FM
>mfw we have to wait an additional year after release for KH3FM
Yes, if not for the gameplay changes and balance alone it has way more boss fights
You can fight Terra and all of the Org 13 Members and all of those 14 bossfights are some of the best ARPG fights out there
Yeah, but not everyone likes the Disney characters. Sure the enemies are now hooded anime edge lords but they weren't all bad. I particularly like Xigbar (who was voiced by Crush the turtle that blows my fucking mind man.)
>plot wise
>everything else
simple and clean is the best KH opening, all these other songs they've used in subsequent games sound like shittier remixed versions of simple and clean. that's my reason
I hope they won't go overboard with style over substance again
Pretty much no animation was wasted in KH2.
KH3 looks like it tries to throw in as many things as possible just because they were in previous games
Disney characters was why Kingdom Hearts got popular in the first place.
It has a better story, that's it.
KH2 totally killed the series for me. I loved the first one. It was lighthearted. It was simple like that one user said. The story wasn't a convoluted mess back then either. The direction they went in with Donut Steels is ridiculous.
>mfw the story actually got worse as the series went on
I personally liked Org13 especially in CoM. And it lead to the best ARPG bossfights, so i can't even complain
how? wouldn't that make the game unbearably easy if you actually level up? or is it just beatable at level 1 if you're insanely pro?
I just replayed the entire series in HD as part of clearing my backlog and I just...
I just didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped.
I really wanted to have a blast with the series again but my whole time playing just felt flat and tiresome. I was happy to be done the hd collections just to say i had them out of my backlog. I sorta enjoyed birth by sleep, but Terra was such a dumb motherfucker he almost killed it for me.
Just beat BBS.
now i gotta go for that secret ending with hunter in dark
none of the characterization to anyone has any sort of depth. you don't really learn anything about any of the characters that isn't plot relevant. i'm not sure how it's possible to care about any of these characters on a level beyond how much you'd care about Mario or Link unless you go full autism mode and start making up your own fan canon.
No; leveling up makes the game easier, but a lot of stat growth and ability growth come from winning major fights and boss battles. Leveling up alone won't make you strong enough to win. Playing the game at level 1 just means that some attacks will one shot you and you usually won't be able to take more than two or three attacks; you must dodge everything. However, the game was built so that no matter what, enemy HP doesn't take a long time to go down, so its not like games that just make the game harder by increasing enemy HP, thus making battles tediously long. Rather, the game was just designed around the idea that some stat growth comes from equipment and simply from beating important battles.
Oh don't even get me started on the spin-offs.
"We're gonna make a card game spinoff for the GBA while you wait for KH2. Btw it's gonna have important plot details so make sure to buy it so you aren't lost as fuck when we make the eventual numbered sequel."
That's typical of Square games.
The gameplay was great though
How'd you forget Sanctuary? Don't even speak to me about disliking that opening
Just look at X-2. Or XIII-2. Or the VII compilation. All of those made the stories of the original games even more retarded.
Name a Square series whose stories got better with each new entry in the series.
Hard mode: Do not mention Drakengard/Nier
I legitimately can't even listen to Simple & Clean anymore without breaking out in goosebumps and tearing up. It's silly, but it just brings back so many good memories for me.
yfw kh1 came out 15 years ago
piggybacking off what said, you also get items like the Leaf Bracer, which let you survive attacks that would normally one-shot you. That alone allows you to have a much more viable lv.1 run without ripping your hair out.
I liked Sanctuary more than Simple and Clean
Uh....Dragon Quest?
the shitty reversed/backwards singing and rhythms ruin it and make it sound like a dumb remix, what the fuck were they thinking?
i don't tear up, but i feel you on the goosebumps. i don't know if it's nostalgia but i remember feeling the same way when i was a kid so maybe i will always be transported into my easily impressed kidself when i hear it.
What do you mean user? CoM was cool af on GBA. It's actually one of the better kh spinoff games imo. It takes a bit to get your head around the card system, but once you get it it becomes a blast to play. Obviously I prefer the traditional KH gameplay, but CoM was a good game in its own right.
Yea I don't know why it happens to me either, maybe you have a point there. It seems to happen to me with a lot of good vg music.
This one hits me in a similar way. Can't listen to it without getting the same feelings. It's weird.
Can you give an example of depth in a character?
Okay, KH2 is better, but KH1 is still cool, right?
I could be more perfect if it had better writing and less filler.
Of course
I like all KH games, some more than others