She is evil, a driven Jagged Alliance 2 Thread

She is evil, a driven Jagged Alliance 2 Thread

will we ever get a game like this again?


how viable is JA2 1.13 in MP? would be really fun

Silent Storm is the closest you'll get and that's more than a decade old.

>will we ever get a game like this again?

I could cry about it for days, but the sad truth is that it will never ever happen again, at least not in the current gaming climate.

Our best bet is that some dev makes a "modernised" version of it like the new XCOM games and it somehow comes out a decent game, but even then it won't be the same, just like XCOM isn't the same as X-Com.

Best Merc


I'm slowly starting to miss talking heads.

I don't think they're the best, but Danny and Grunty were almost always my main mercs.


is there any other game that is comparable to the amount of gunporn and semi realistic systems in JA2 1.13? anything other than 7.62 or silent storm?

Grummin is kicking my ass

I wish there was some kind of zoom function for 1.13 playing with high resolutions looks nice but text and stuff is almost unreadable

Real life?

>you will never go into a south american country with fellow mercs, getting decked out and kicking some ass

I've been wanting to do a IRA run but I can't think of anything they would use besides AKs and I'll be damned if I'm going to torture myself with an AK-47 only playthrough

As val
Vss vintorez
Ak 47
Here you go

but I need shotguns and machine guns

>will we ever get a game like this again?

We already have.

SS was great and the building destruction has yet to be equalled in any tbs game I know of, but it's no JA2.

IRA as in the irish resistance?

grease guns
obscure surplus weapons

does anyone have any tips and tricks for a first time player? i feel like im failing all the time, always missing, people getting injured etc

>tfw only have 1 mag for each of my mercy and still have to go through another encounter with just the starter gear

Saiga 12K
some Ithaca shotgun
Super M4
>machine guns

just punch the living crap out of them and steal their guns

Go for night raids, play passively. Like find a good defensive or ambush position, fire off a round and someone will come investigate. They'll normally walk into the ambush like lemmings, but be sure to watch your own back. Ending a turn while crouched is pretty smart, careful opening doors and around windows enemies like to be pussies and hide.

Starting tips?

How do you even use radio sets anyway?

probably need the radio operator skill to use it at all

i don't have it, i just steal the radios off so the enemies can't call in mortar strikes on me

I know you need the skill, but I've never actually used it.

Wishing JA2 1.13 had ballistic shields, would make breaching rooms a lot easier.