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What if I never played it?


>queer romance
as opposed to...?

Here's your (You).

Ok. Let's hope their progressive games also sell really well and receive great reviews! :^)

Reminder about what? It's just some shitty video game writer's opinion.

Reminder that anyone who enjoyed Tumblrtale should kill themselves. 0 exceptions

Undertale was just a passing fad. You notice that no one talks about it at all anymore except when Sup Forums tries to force it?

It's not about the gay crap, or whatever feminist agenda is allegedly in the game, it's about a fun game with an interesting story and characters. The least fun I had was hooking up a gay lizard with a gay fish.

The demo promised none of that.

I'm glad Sup Forums is finally starting to grow up a little bit.
The success of Undertale and Life Is Strange here on Sup Forums proves that we've evolved and put g*mergate behind us.

People don't generally care about those things when they're not shoehorned in to make a political point, no.

Doubly so if it's a brand new IP, rather than shoving gay characters into existing settings because muh diversity even when it makes no sense, or retconing existing characters.

>later this dude killed themself because all their favorite people died

Funniest part about playing through undertale is that I never once had a second thought if it was pushing any agendas. My first and foremost thoughts were experiencing the different endings to witness every aspect of the game's narrative and how all the characters played off of each other under the game's high amount of different possible scenarios.

OP's post is just some click-baiting piece of shit writer making something edgy and "progressive" for dem pageviews.


It was a six hour indie game released almost one year ago.

What about the hundreds of yuri VNs and eroges released before it?

>mfw SJWs are only capable of considering things good or bad based on how they signal to their arbitrary political beliefs
>mfw they only like Undertale because it has gay shit in it and not because they liked the story
>mfw they'd still shill Undertale like this even if Undertale was shit
>mfw they've made it morally wrong to critique a game on the merits of its plot or gameplay and unless you spend your review talking about what it does to "progress society" you'll get crucified by the Twitter hordes that think they're in the right because their crusades are justified by the ends
>mfw I can't publicly like Undertale because it's used primarily as a beacon to tell people what a good person you are for supporting teh gheyz


not successful, didnt make a million sales, pandering to males

Yep. I would say it ended in December, actually.

Ever since then it's been nothing but 'WHY DOES V HATE THIS GAME?

nobody is shilling her story
nobody is shilling Branna wu's game
nobody is shilling ghost busters

Literally nobody who has never been to Sup Forums thinks that Undertale is a tumblr pandering game.

I enjoyed it. The bullet hell mechanic was cool but could have been more interesting. Mercy-ing enemies could have been more rewarding, and the Flowey fourth-wall breaking boss fight was a bit lame. The soundtrack is great though.

Good game IMO. Not worth keeping talking about endlessly but it was still fine.

They're not THAT divorced from reality.

They're just claiming successful games as theirs, even though it has fuck all to do with them

>nobody is shilling ghost busters

I don't get this, whats the importance of the card?

cute outdated numbers

is that a Jew name?

stupid hipster bullshit

Reminder that Undertale copied more shit from Shin Megami Tensei than actual memes.

This. The game is literally one to play through once or a few times far apart. Once you do that it has nothing more to offer. Should be like 5 bucks on steam though 11 is too much.

If Sup Forums's so concerned with meme games featuring LGBT romances, why haven't they gone after VA-11 HALL-A?

VA-11 HALL-A is good.

VA-11 HALL-A is surprisingly less of a game than Undertale.

How is that surprising? Why does it matter? What are you talking about?

>Undertale is the first critically successful game with lesbians in it

name 3 (no fan theory allowed)

The article doesn't even say that, but pick any three Bioware games.

>Not Earthbound

earthbound ripped of smt. smt ripped of dragon quest.
Dragon quest ripped of Metal gear Solid. Metal gear Solid ripped of Cave Story. Cave story ripped off the bible.

holy keks he is le right

It brought a smile to a dying man's heart


sick meme bruh xd


>Call of Duty Black Ops 3's crazy success proves gamers are ready for anti-feminist military-fashioned machismo and mindless shooting

I can do it too, it also sold 25m copies. So I guess I am objectively right.

those games are pandering to fringe tumblr/deviantart/homestuck fans already. They are a sizeable audience. Do you cucks forget that objectively anti-SJW games like Witcher 3, the latest dudebro shootyfest games, and sports games all sold 8 figures last year? Really makes you think.

Why do SJW's have no issue ignoring the blatant collosal failures that they've made, like Sunset, Revolution 60, and Cibele? I guess those games weren't progressive enough I guess? Not as progressive as a game made by 1 straight white male and another made by a team of professional video game developer consisting of mostly white dudes?

Yeah, because, you know, SMT invented those things


Undertale more like underwhelming amirite

it did, and even if it didn't, that doesn't disclaim his argument.

you are an undertale fanboy.

No one calls it a game. It's a drunk cyberwaifu simulator.

if anything, it really just proves that devs can actually fuck around with making the GAMEPLAY
(you know the part that actually makes it a VIDEOGAME)
to make something interesting.

There was at least some fresh mechanics and interesting concepts from a structural standpoint.
Whereas most indie devs just make a walking sim with a story and think that makes the medium progressive

No one gave a shit, nothing came of it, other progressive nongames continue to sell like shit.
But you on the other hand keep this alive by constantly reposting it, you humongous faggot.

>There was at least some fresh mechanics and interesting concepts from a structural standpoint.
Not really. It was all lifted from other sources.

I thought gamers were dead.

Oh, they mean the tumblr crowd who only play indie games with fags in them.

>250 000 in sales
>some videos of the ost racked up over 20 million views

So did most of the fanbase either just pirate it or watch an lp of it on Youtube?

tumblr don't play games

>Blaming the game for what the fanbase does.
Nice autism OP.

he is saying the combination of copy paste gameplay worked.

I mean we literally haven't seen a casual touhou/smt game before

I like Tobias' music.

I think the core mechanic was pretty interesting, but Toby fucked up its execution via random encounters.

All of them are interesting exactly once, when you fight them the first time. After that's it's just mashing through jokes you've already heard so you can move past them to get on with the rest of the game.

If Undertale was nothing but boss fights it would have been much better.

>casual touhou
Literally any shmup
>casual SMT
Purse Owner.
>bullet hell adventure game that toys with your save data as part of the story and has trannies and gays in it
>bullet hell adventure game that toys with your save data as part of the story and has trannies and gays in it BUT the graphics and music suck
I guess you got me there

Only took almost a year.

Also you're in an UT thread right now.

Also it's still big on tumblr and /vg/

>that shameless boss theme rip off

I still can't believe people liked this stupid fucking gimmick game.

People are fucking retarded, especially gamers.

You are not understanding a thing I'm saying. Is English your native language?

>Literally any shmup
No shmup lets you talk to your enemies
>purse owner
It doesn't have touhou gameplay

I said the combination of both elements in a single game is what makes it "unique". Its a copy paste we haven't seen yet.

>I said the combination of both elements in a single game is what makes it "unique".
Hence why I mentioned Nier. Nice job conveniently ignoring half my post, though.

I don't play shit games so I can't talk about Nier. Nier came out like last year though.

The ghost busters game which bankrupted the developer.

I hate SJWs taking credit for Undertale when Undertale isn't a SJW game. It's a funny comedy game with LULRANDUMB shit and some genuinely clever parts, and these queerbags try to force their parasitical politics into it.

>I don't play shit games
He says, while defending blundertale

They were bankrupt no matter how well the game did.

I literally never played blundermemes. I watched my little sister play it.

You do know what the word blunder means, right?

There's nothing gay or tranny about that game though.

Would you play that game?
Yes it's porn.