Reply to this or your favorite video game will be rebooted by progressive developers

Reply to this or your favorite video game will be rebooted by progressive developers..

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I'll purify the developers

I have a better proposition OP.

I wonder how a battle network by western devs would work

it'd obviously be shittier, but I wonder in what ways

>favorite game is OFF

I'd be fine with that to be honest. I want to see the concept of sexuality being nonexistant actually be applied to an interactive world.


god dammit how did i not see this coming

Please don't Bazing her!


But it already happened. Thanks for reminding me :(

But that game already exists. Granted they arent wearing burkas, but still

Please no

You're not touching Super Metroid and making Samus trans you fucks.

Metaphorically kill your're selves

They already killed what I held dear.


What about this instead?


Absolute heresy

Jokes on you, Memelands 2 has already been tainted by the left-wingers in Queerbox.

Let's see what happens if we push the left-wing agenda to its absolute limits in this game

Leave de Blob alone
Let decent developers reboot it

How do i keep falling for this shit

>Ratchet & Clank
Can't be worse than the most recent reboot


i knew it

hello there. i see you're a fan of Mortis Ghost's: OFF, I see.

Dont forget what they did to Lexis.

P-pls no


Shit makes me me ill. And all that for a terrible remake to boot. Fuck.


>ssx tricky with only fat female Luther like snowboarders
This isn't the thicc I wanted

Fuck you, OFF thread.

Fallout/Kotor/ME has been ruined for awhile. nothing new here

Didn't even get released in Yurop so I had to emulate it, it's not even that bad of a game, it's just bullshit what they did with the Lufia aspect of it.


Oh good lord please no

Get your hands off VtM Bloodlines you dirty SJWs. You ruined tabletop already.

You may rest in peace, CastleVania.

Maybe someday, someone competent may try to summon you back to the human realm, but for now, you rest.



you fucking monster



don't hurt Shovel Knight you double nigger

Fuck you

fuck you sheldor

Fuck that.


>My favorite video game is Deus Ex

Too late


being touched ever

>MC gets a leather Jacket
We growlanser now. All aboard the shit design train

Don't touch Snake

>All these fuckers and not one posted immunity cat
Here you go you ingrates

Hey, guys, imagine if Conker got rebooted by SJWs?

i don't know what mine is but don't touch my list

pachinko is already doing this. fuck konami

meant to reply to OP im fucking sleepy

fuck ok

aw fuck

Fallout Already Got Ruined / Rebooted By "Progressive Developers". Except New Memevas.

Also I'm Joining The OFF Train Since Why The Fuck Not.
Also Dedan Best Character In The Whole Game. Regardless Of Him Being A " Bad Goy "


Racing games are immune from sjws - you never see your driver under their helmet/overalls so they can be as trans or whatever they like but it makes no difference. In Grid/dirt you chose your name which could be male or female or a nickname, in forza 6 you can have a male or female driver which does nothing mechanically. Checkmate.

Haha yeah no, no one's ever doing another god hand. ;_;

I'm gonna write in Bernie
I'm not gonna vote for anyone else so fuck it

Why Do You Type Like This You Fucking Faggot
Shit Is Just Fucking Annoying

homosuck is shit

Old Habit Of Mine.

It already has

Baldur's Gates legacy...