I hope you're ready to apologize, Sup Forums. Because this game is gonna be a masterpiece

I hope you're ready to apologize, Sup Forums. Because this game is gonna be a masterpiece


Other urls found in this thread:





I judged this game poorly for almost 10 years because of the edgemaster announcement trailer, but after playing Episode Duscae I apologise for my pre-emptive judgement.

I still think Noct and co look like fags, but they don't act like fags and seem to have a fun dynamic going on, even if it's not particularly deep or unique, I think the roadtrip with buddies thing is an interesting idea for a JRPG, though.

There you go, OP.

Now we await shitposter-kun to post his images.


I'm sorry.


Its a bad start for a comfy thread. Shame on you OP.

Hi guys, here is cute Luna for you.
Stay strong, we are close.

This cover looks so comfy.

Is that car shit actually not a joke?

What do you mean? It's Noctis's dads car and he gave it to them for their journey.

This game holds on FF fanboys and people who ship the main characters because they are "le cute boyz"
This game will be a MGS5 all over again


It actually won't be.

It's gonna be the best FF game since IX, and the best JRPG of the decade
But majority of Sup Forums is gonna hate it

You will be a MGSV all over again.

>17 replies
>8 posters
Really makes you think huh

Did I miss the meme train. MGS5 is a bad game?

I'm hyped

It looks like fun, and I really like the setting.

Not as bad as dissapointing; act 3 is utter shit, no proper ending, and the whole "open world" thing feels like a stupid gimmick
Also Ocelot doesent act like Ocelot at all

"And also Gentiana, the way she appears is very much linked to the character and how the character’s designed so I think you are very welcome to imagine what that might mean or if there’s anything behind that."


Welcome to FFXV threads, fampire

It's an okay game (Or would be, if it was finished) but a really poor Metal Gear Solid.

If she is in fact a summon it's more logical to assume she's Leviathan. Her flowy robes even evoke that fin imagery of Levi, and we see Luna challenging Levi, so that could be Gentiana challenging Luna to see if she's ready or something. And plus Luna's weapon is a Trident which Gentiana could have given her, even the Trident kind of resembles Leviathan.

It's not bad, more poorly realised, which is perhaps worse. There's some fantastic ideas and execution in it, but it's never constant, and the game othwise kind of feels like a meandering shambles most of the time.

XV, at the very least, has not experienced a situation where the CEO of the company decides that videogames are no longer the company's forte and pulls the rug from under their biggest project midway into development. Quite the opposite it seems, Square seem to be keenly aware that XV needs to do well and are throwing as much cash at it as possible to ensure that.

Gentiana definitely looks like Leviathan with all these white clothes around her. I doubt if its not.
Also in the trailers we've seen that Leviathan want to swallow Luna, i really wonder how its end. Can't wait for the game anymore, fuck.

Luna looks so hot on this pic

Daily reminder some gooks got to play the first 30 minutes of the game yes chapter zero.

They just said those fans got to play the first 30 minutes, they didn't say if it was first 30 minutes of chapter 0 or first 30 minutes of chapter 1. They've been purposely hiding chapter 0 and even all the press that got to play the first 2 hours only got to play chapter 1, so who knows.

I still think it's related to the diablo gif we've seen.

This fan who was at the event and played 30 minutes of it uploaded a pic from what he played, which was chapter 1.


Chapter 0 still lies asleep in the Fantasy.

Gladio without jacket is kinda cool!

Shut up kun it was chapter zero

the demos were fun, ill probably like it. kinda hype

This looks so gay

This will be shit or average, but the next one will be good, because will be based on bravely default.

I played a demo on a friend's PS4 and it kind of put me to sleep.

I downloaded a different demo of it. Haven't tried it yet.

>its not going to be released with DENUVO
>if it does, it's going to be bypassed
Fuck yes!

No it wasn't, he just uploaded even more pics showing he played Chapter 1.


So its like the same as Episode Duscae?

Well, bypass, no bypass, it don't matter much.
It's a choice between licensing the thing for a million of dollars and not recouping this million of dollars because got bypassed or licensing the thing for a million of dollars and not recouping this million of dollars because didn't got bypassed but pirates did't magically spawned money to buy it anyway, and possibly even losing some sales because the word of mouth got weaker.

Episode Duscae takes place in Duscae which is a grassland forest area with lakes, Chapter 1 takes place in Leide which is the desert area outside Insomnia.

Tabata mentioned months ago that for Episode Duscae they just moved the story section from early in the game to take place in Duscae for that demo.

>game stuck in 10 year development hell
>new director has no idea what he's doing
>game looks worse that it did on the PS3

It will be mediocre at best.

Versus was in dev hell, not XV
Tabata knows more what he's doing than Nomura did, especially since Nomura got only 20% from 2006 to 2012, while Tabata rebooted it in 2012 and got to 100% by 2016,
Game looks objectively better than it ever did before. Nice meme.

>Tabata knows more what he's doing than Nomura did

That's hilarious.

>especially since Nomura got only 20% from 2006 to 2012

He was working on 10 games at once, give the guy a break.

>while Tabata rebooted it in 2012 and got to 100% by 2016,

Because he was given a proper team, and had some of his brought in. He had numbers, and that's it.

>Game looks objectively better than it ever did before

Graphically it looks atrocious.

>Game looks objectively better than it ever did before

It looks worse than it did in Episode Discard.

>That's hilarious.
It's a fact, in fact Nomura was constantly changing everything every single time we saw it, while Tabata is only adding new things to the game.

>He was working on 10 games at once, give the guy a break.
And he didn't have to so no.

>Because he was given a proper team, and had some of his brought in. He had numbers, and that's it.
Nomura had the numbers too but he decided to waste it on KH spinoffs and other shit.

>Graphically it looks atrocious.
That is objectively wrong.

No it doesn't. Digital Foundry even confirmed it's better than both previous demos.

>Digital Foundry

Don't they just judge performance?

Not graphics.

They said performance and visuals were improved.

>And he didn't have to so no.

His bosses direct him. He doesn't get to decide to do shit.

You can't honestly be this dumb XV-kun.


No they did not.

>That is objectively wrong.


Fuck off xv-kun
You don't have to use your dumb images for every post you make, it just gives you waway even more

That's his problem, his bosses didn't tell him to make a bunch of KH spinoffs, he decided to make them and pour his resources into them.

Go to bed XV-kun.

Yes they did.

Oh look the faggots who can't deal with facts have arrived.

>waah he is defending XV better spout le XVkun memes so that I don't have to make any actual arguments

>his bosses didn't tell him to

Yes they fucking did. He doesn't just go to work and say YO BOSS IM GOING TO MAKE MORE KH SHIT SUCK MY DICK YEEEE

His bosses tell him to make more KH shit do he does. Also, KH wasn't all he was working on at that time.

>making shit up

oh xv-kun will you ever learn?

>oh look post again
I don't even care anymore xv-kun

You won't change anyones opinion on the game, you won't stop shitposters, you won't squash them, you don't have to correct wrong information because you're the only who cares about those posts, everyone else that cares about the game already knows what's right and wrong.
You're just wasting your time and make threads worse without even noticing it

I actually liked this game. Now I hate it because of him.

Reading his impressions, he says it's an improved version of the stuff they had shown previously. So yeah, no Chapter 0.

Are you retarded? He tells his bosses he wants to make more KH shit then they go and approve it, then he makes it. He isn't making KH3 because his bosses told him to make KH3, he's making KH3 because he wanted to make a KH3. Same deal with Versus in the first place, he wasn't told by higher ups to make a game called Versus XIII, he proposed that to the higher ups then got the go ahead.

He was on KHBBS/BBSFM, Coded, Days, DDD, his work on Type-0, Dissidia, Dissidia 012, T3B, FF13, FF13-2 and Versus from 2006 to 2012. Yet he barely even got anywhere with Versus because he can't manage a team worth fuck, which Nomura himself has stated as fact, that he isn't good at managing teams.

For Type-0 and T3B he was creative producer and character designer, on Dissidia, FF13, FF13-2 he was just character designer. But on BBS/FM, Coded, Days and DDD he was director and he didn't even have to make those, he made them because he wanted to.

Not making up anything, it is a fact and you can literally just see the Titan demo to see it was improved visually from previous showings.

This is beyond stupid, basically you are saying there is no point of discussing anything. Fuck that, people say wrong shit and they get corrected, that's all there is to it.

He also posted pictures he took of what he played which is Chapter 1. So it's already obvious enough that what he played was Chapter 1.

sure m8
You're not even discussing things

Goosebumps everytime


Why do you always fucking defend shitposters?

I, in all honesty don't think the game will be good, but I am looking forward to the movie though.

A clean version of the JF2015 trailer music was uploaded. Always been one of my favourite XV tracks.


I more like action tracks. I hope there is more like Titan trial theme tracks.

Why do you always cry about defending shitposters?
Stop projecting xv-kun
You and the shitpsoters are living shit. But you are the only one that responds the the every fucking single time every fucking thread for years.
You don't have to SQUASH! them. Just fucking igonore them

>b-but you defend them DX

Just kill yourself XV-kun

Those vr female cid tits, i loved that at e3 nice touch. I might actually buy it now if it wont be a fujo fest.

Perfectly honest question: who the fuck cares. I mean this is one of the rare big jap games and even if it's not a 9/10 I think I am going to reasonably enjoy it. I fairly enjoyed MGS V and FF XIII even though they were not perfect games.

I too agree that popular games should be criticized and be taken down a notch to counter all the professional shilling but sometimes I don't care. With XV I will just abstain from online discussions.

>Apologize to some stupid boys band simulator
No way

See and you are doing it again, you are perfectly fine with people shitting up spouting nonsense and incorrect bullshit about the game instead of trying to correct people to have actual conversations based on facts. And then you come and accuse me of being shit because I don't take crap from the shitposters.

>it's another le squash post


>autism the post


I think the track that starts here is going to be the Leviathan battle theme.


Yeah definitely, here is better quality btw:


>she looks more like stella now
There is no way this is going to meet the rising hype and expectations of a decade. It's going to fall short somewhere, the pacing will be off, the battle system will be buggy, there won't be enough characters, the story will be shit, the character development will be garbage, the battle system will be lackluster, the world will be a 10th of what was promised, DLC will be a requirement to appreciate the full story. There's just too man categories in which this game can flop. The worst part is is this is square's last chance for the final fantasy series. If this game doesn't meet the expectations set upon, there is no redeeming the series and all other associated series will suffer as such. Including kingdom hearts and the final fantasy vii remake.

That's a fanmade version of the track.

>FFXV thread a month before release can't even break 100 posts or 30 users in FIVE HOURS

Dead game.

We have fairly little material to talk about. All the gameplay we've seen so far, outside of the demos, is from the very first chapter of the game.

>no new info to discuss until Gamescom
>waah why is the thread quiet!?

I don't see a thread at all for Zelda BOTW, guess that's dead to huh

I don't need to apologize because I've been saying this from the start. FF XV is set to be a timeless classic beloved by RPG fans all over the world.

She always looked like Stella with slicked down hairs.

yes it is

Why is it coming out in late September and not right now again? Are they still applying the finishing touches?

I really hope for tragic story with massive death count of main chars.

>Play Platinum Demo
>Its fucking terrible
>Its pretty but at the same time they make everything i wear and the car pitch black like edgy assholes
>"boss" at the end is a easy fucker whose legs were clipping through everything everywhere.

Its going to play like dog shit because everyone we can go off of says so. It will look nice but if that is all that matters i don't see how FF13 wasn't popular because that looked nice for its time.

this thread reminded me why i stopped coming here.



Should I play 6, 7, or 9 first?

They all great, play what you like more.

I don't know which I like more.
It would be my first time through them.