>tfw I might have prostate cancer
Any video game to play for this feel?
>tfw I might have prostate cancer
Any video game to play for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Super Mario Prostate Exam
nofap is good for you they said
theme park hospital
Masturbate, you fag. This is what you get for not masturbating frequently.
4-5 times a day fixes this issue.
Cure for Cancer, a Dr. Mario hack
Super Monkey Ball
You should have bought yourself a dragon dildo.
Then none of this would have happened.
Go away op
>Possible prostate cancer
Dark Souls: Prepare to die Edition
Stimulation of the prostate can help prevent prostrate cancer.
fapping saves lives
Maybe you should have taken dicks in the ass instead for more direct stimulation
Should have masturbated more.
See a doctor, don't draw your own conclusions. I thought I might have been dying of what is, let's face it, essentially cancer of the DICK. Now that'd be embarressing shit to talk about but it turns out my prostate is just slightly inflamed possibly due to bacterial infection. I can live with needing to piss more often than normal people and so can you I bet.
Moral of the story is is might be nothing to worry about, better get the news now than put it off, m8.
How fucking old are you? Literally 99% of prostate cancer cases are in dudes over 50.
A Hind D?
Colonel, what is a Russian gunship doing on Sup Forums?
According to this . It actually causes Cancer. I don't know what to Believe
What's your favourite game?
Do you play Overwatch or League of Legends?
I thought we were all over 50 here?