What do you snack on when your gaming?
What do you snack on when your gaming?
my main man
>raisins or trailmix
What walnuts or macedonias?
Mostly apples and lemons
and fruits, favorites are bananas and peaches goddamn I fucking love peaches
I'm kind of going "What the fuck..? Who made this list?" to all of that.
>Raisins or trail mix
Pistachios are salty as hell where i live and the non-salty ones are expensive, like twice or more the price of the salted ones..
ur mums pussy
Who the fuck snacks on cucumber?
Like seriously
This are the best snacks out there.
This shit is so fucking good
You do realise the amount of Calories nuts contain right? Just a small bag is about 600.
AY, Chief Keef really munches on those.
>god tier
>pretzels, cashews
>high tier
Not bad at all OP.
give me this
>shelling pistachios while gaming
are you retarded
How much do they cost?
I'm literally eating a bag of these right now, and have the Jalapeno Cheddar flavour in the cupboard. Feels fucking good man
Why don't more people eat grapes with vidya
I've gotten tired of Nature Valley and swapped over the Belvita.
Also, there are some cinnamon biscuit almond butter sandwich things that are fucking aces too
fucking normies ITT
I can get a box of 32 for ~$10 bucks at walmart
I'm a leaf though so shits probably more expensive than other regions
Thats the name of my girlfriend's thighs.
Animal crackers.
I buy like 2 big bear packs and they last me a month.
>he eats while gaming
u wot?
>Nuts outside of Fat tier
Shit is calorie packed as fuck
>getting your shit dirty by building up food molecules.
You filthmonger.
>Sucking your fingers after eating an entire bag
Best feeling.
also each packet has two bars so it's more like 64 bars
Nuts are fattening as fuck though.
Yeah I know it's British shit.
Are they still tweeting anime memes?
grapes are low-tier fruit and getting them off vines while gaming can be a hassle; not as much as opening fucking pistachio vines while gaming op wtf are you thinking
how did you know?
on a separate note why do i never see candy corn in these threads, underrated as fuck desu
Enjoy your keyboard being filled with crumbs
Not bad
Usually the box of 6 is around $2.60 each.
i make traditional butterbröd (like german one but not nazi and with other topping)
then i cut butterbröd into four square for to not need biting
usual also brew tea
today i put tomato and coldsmoke sausage on the butterbröd and it was very good
it was expensive sausage but very good purchase
>Store bought sushi
>not fat-tier
Why the fuck do you think squirrels hoard them?
LOOK at the fucking calories.
Cucumbers & rice-puffs is the MASTER RACE.
These guys are what I was talking about
What is a good, and cheap snack to get? I want to be able to munch the fuck out.
So 3 for 1.30? Not bad, just not the cheapest.
Pretzels are garbage.
Candy corn is fucking disgusting and I hope you choke on your little shit flavored wax chips
>eating sushi at all
You'll never be a part of a prestigious Japanese highschool, get over it.
>that high tier
The taste is good, but I hate the texture.
>fat tier
Maybe if you're a child who cannot into moderation
I eat a box or two of these tasty bitches over the course of a week.
that fuck is that white mound of shit?
Still got to the part of your plan?
>not god tier next to pistachios
give me some salted nuts any days of the fucking week
america put two liter of sauce on every food like pigs
only satan (the chef) will tell you what is underneath
even one who is eating cannot know
dumping best gamer fuel
Roasted > Salted
How come my 7/11s sells Japanese food?
Sodium General
almonds when i don't feel like being fat
chocolate coated raisins when I do
Exchange pistachios and cashews and you'll have a good list.
What the fuck
holy shit that looks so good
I wish I had a GF that cooked baked beans for me
I like chocolate covered pretzels
>ruining raisins
Looks like country fried steak. So that's probably sausage gravy.
how about both
Why do none of those pictures ever start at blue? Rare is just for pussies who are too embarrassed to order what they really want.
those are all pretty lame snacks.
hell, snacks are pretty lame in general. eat an actual damn meal while you're gaming, or else. i think cucumbers are acceptable. i mean it's like a glass of water. crunchy water.
country gravy. what's under the gravy, no clue. biscuits? mashed taters? can't tell.
my gamer fuel
>pretzels not god tier
>that meme nut is
>sunflower seeds mid tier
did you never learn how to cheek 'em user?
stuffing a handful of seeds in your mouth and transferring them from one cheek to the other as you crack and eat the seeds is satisfying as fuck and requires no hands.
opening pistaschios is fucking bullshit and they are dusty as fuck unless you can afford the 'RAW, ORGANIC' kind (see: unsalted).
I do.
I dip it in sugar if it's the proper, big cucumber. If it's one of 'em tiny ones I just eat 'em normally 'cause they're usually sweet-ish already.
how can you eat raw meat
Does blood sausage taste like straight up blood, or just very iron-heavy?
Crunchy, tastes good, keeps you regular, 0 fucking calories.
They are the best snack.
go back, josé
these are my guilty pleasure
blue sucks and is for homos
Sushi is tasty.