I like it when games fail
Post games which failed horribly
I like it when games fail
Thank you Blizzard. Fuck Gearbox.
>Goes F2P
>People still don't want it
Really? Still have problems?
He's lying.
Evolve is now doing fine. It has around 10,000 players playing at any timeframe.
It was amusing how Allied Assault with expansions, 14 years old game literally killed by GameSpy shutdown had more players online than this before going f2p.
>10,000 players
Literally dead.
It had 50,000 players two weeks ago
That's a pretty steep drop for a multiplayer game
not when only 5 players can play in one match.
dead for a game like Evolve is something like less than 1,000 where it took nearly an hour to find a match before it when F2P.
don't mind me posting actual flops instead of ironically posting AAA games that were sucesses
That was less than 200 actually.
No, not since I started taking lithium.
Battleborn actually did fail though.
no man's sky
in what way could you call battleborne anything but a complete failure? It undersold, it had shit reviews, its universally hated
I was referring to Bloodborne and Overwatch posted above
Its player count is declining every day
One month from now its gonna average 4000 players
Sega's console games released in the west other than Sonic since prev gen.
>Lost 98% of its player count in only three months
Fucking Ubisoft knows how to bait the stupidest people with the shittiest games
>2nd best selling new IP in existence
>15 million players
>failed horribly
You bought battleborn, didn't you?
Did the Humble Bundle do anything for this game?
I bought neither. Fuck Gearbox and Jewzard.
Fuck Gearbox. Serves them right.
>"It failed because I don't like it!"
>"It failed because I can't pirate it!"
>"It failed because I suck at it!"
>"It failed because I bought the inferior product!"
Sums up post like these.
Blizzdrone pls go and stay go
>don't judge this copy, it's not the real gameeeee!
Failed so bad it's gonna be forgotten forever in herstory
"Let's make a tie-in game based on a controversial movie and hope to rake in some of those sweet sales."
>company goes bankrupt
I'm sorry for critics who have feminist at their balls preventing them from actually speaking out about how shit the movie really was.
>16 player peak
What the fuck
Star Wars Battlefront at launch
It's better now. Financially though I think it did well.
I was really disappointed with Halo 5 as well, but I'm not sure it fits the "flop" parameters
it's not even based on the movie but it is just as terrible
Honestly, failed game.
>if somone likes something theyre a blizzdrone herrr
Now this is funny.
The 2012 version was great.
>16 player peak
doesn't seem right
No, but it's a tin-in to the movie and coming out along side it didn't help any.
I don't think it failed. I just think it couldn't compete with Overwatch so a majority of the playerbase moved on. When it launched it had like 16k players but the month after peaked at 2k because Overwatch was out
Fuck off Blizzard I'm not buying your shitty ass game
It's $50 and the trailer is shit. You could buy 5 copies of the amazing Ghostbusters game rather than the shit one.
>10,000 players playing at any timeframe.
Just not at prime time on a Friday night.
You realize that we're discussing games that have failed, right? Even if you think Overwatch is a shitty meme game, that doesn't change the fact that it sold really well and has a large playerbase to this day.
The absolute mad man!
serve them right, they tried to be...INCLUSIVE!
Street Fighter 3
Oscar Mike's a qt
Who could have guess virulently attacking your target audience would have any repercussions?
It also doesn't change the fact that Blizzdrones actively make fun of Battleborn in order to promote Overwatch. Fuck the entire genre. Mediocre games with shitty toxic fanbases that are marketed to be bigger than they actually are.
>pay to play game with no subscribers
t. butthurt Battleborn player
I'm not a Blizzdrone but I find Gearbox's misery to be sweet, sweet justice nonetheless.
I feel like im the only person who legitimately feels sad for people who fail in businesses or new investment, specially where i live wich is a sea of broken dreams and each shard of them destroys the life of dreamers
But seriously, i cant feel bad for when game developers fail, most specifically after 2012, infact it almost entertains me, these people deserve to fail completely, there is simply no redeeming aspect that might change my mind
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this.
Overwatch and Battleborn are both shitty games with horrendous art styles and very little substance.
A lot of people are leaving due to balance issues. I know I did.
>5 years
>Millions of dollars
These faggots probably thought it was going to be the hottest shit on the block.
they're both games with shit communities but one sold and the other bombed
can't believe that literally angers you
Holy shit the amount of butthurt, where did the mean old Blizdrones touch you?
>implying I bought into that shit fest either
Please try harder Blizzard.
sound like they would have gone bankrupt regardless of the game being a success
I unironically like blunderborn
stay mad, PC fag
It doesn't anger me. I could give a shit less about the sales but seeing obvious shill posts gets annoying after a while.
It's time to stop posting.
>MML3 canned
>this project starts up
>hope sightly restored that Capcom will think twice about killing off MM
>development of this hits snags as different, opposing groups weigh in on things
>controversy hits and a lot of people lose interest
>people who invested money and time into it don't give up
>delays pass and game is nearing completion
>entire fanbase shat on in one mighty no.2 of a commercial/trailer
I'm so glad I have never crowd funded anything.
Take your advertisement elsewhere.
I liked it but it's overrated
>thread about games that failed
>bring up a game that didn't fail
>flail about as you get btfo
Can you get a trip so I can filter you?
randy please stop
>literally just keeps shilling
You fags should make life easier and just admit you're shilling in your posts so I can filter you.
>friends are all trying to get me into this
>play the beta
>not really feeling it
>don't have the money to justify purchasing it anyways
>don't bother getting it
>friends all make it seem like they're having a great time with it
>they drop it in the first month
>can't stop talking about the time they wasted
Thanks poverty. Dodged a bullet on that one.
It hurts because it's true
Battleborn is dogshit, it didn't need undercover marketers to call it shit when a good amount of people will do it for free anyway.
>implying you know how to filter
If that were the case, why do those who enjoy Overwatch trigger you so much? Fucking idiot.
Who the fuck is Randy? Is that some sort of meta meme like Henry with the Mario 64 meme?
Randy Pitchford the CEO of Gearbox, you normie fuck.
Go back to facebook and upload a video of killing yourself to show to your family and friends.
I wish it didn't fail. Character and Gun customisation were great, main problem the game had was every damn map had a massive chokepoint that the attacking team always had a disadvantage on. Mostly fixed with Dirty Bomb, but fuck f2p.
I'm aware Battleborn is dogshit. Overwatch is also dogshit. They're the same fucking game.
>They're the same fucking game.
No they're not. They're just compared heavily too for being similar and coming out around the same time.
nigger they're not the same game, but yes they are both piles of shit. i still don't get how everyone can play overwatch without getting bored in an hour or so.
If you shill fags would quit making your shill threads so thinly veiled filtering you all would be way easier.
The difference is that Overwatch has quality porn and waifus. Battleborn had nothing.
>Overwatch is also dogshit
but overwatch didn't fail to sell
you told me it didn't anger you but it looks like it really does since you're lashing out at literally anyone proving you wrong, calling them shills
I think there's about 40 people who still play BF: Hardline on the PC. They're all in the same no kill server driving cars in circles to farm XP
>go to Sup Forums
>complain about people talking about video games
Whew, kill yourself already.
>quality porn
Western made porn is trash, there's a reason why that tag stays unchecked on the panda, pal.
Nigger I could give a fuck about what normies dump their money on but if you think the false flagging threads and shill posts aren't out of hand you're wrong.
user, you can quit pretending to be retarded any time.
>reee overwatch shill
Shut up, user. They're both shit, but you're obviously a fan of one.
>not even mad
stay sad, PS4 fag
>driving cars in circles to farm XP
There's seriously such feature?
>false flagging threads and shill posts
what are you talking about?
>less then 5000 people in-game on PC right now
Only shills don't even talk about the game. They fucking shitpost about other games like the OP of this thread did.