New Vegas was, and will be, the best Fallout game BY FAR. Fallout 4 came close but it lacked the atmosphere and feeling

New Vegas was, and will be, the best Fallout game BY FAR. Fallout 4 came close but it lacked the atmosphere and feeling.

Maybe if you keep telling yourself that it will become true one day

>Fallout 4 came close
Fucking vanilla skyrim is a better game than that garbage.

whats wrong with vanilla skyrim?

whats wrong with fallout 4s atmosphere?

>New Vegas was, and will be, the best Fallout game BY FAR

Yeah, maybe if the first 3 didn't exist.

Fallout 4 didn't feel like humanity had rebuilt itself after 200+ years. It was only full of raiders and shit, and even then, the world felt too empty. tbqh you can make beautiful environments, but you can't fill that environment with jackshit.

I agree. Better map, characters, story, factions, weapons, DLC, lore, roleplaying- and most importantly it took ~2 minutes of character creation before you got to roam around freely. None of that "wait for 20 minutes before playing" like fallout 4 and 3 had


Didn't like tactics?

>implying that fallout 3 comes before tactics

4 was so shit, and im unbaised as i only got arounds to NV back in 2014, so the game was already old by then.

Fallout 1 and 2 still exist so no. New Vegas does 't hold a candle to them.

yeah senpai i loved tactically dying to radiation as my super mutant friend watched me 'fulfill my destiny'

>tfw Obsidian has chosen to abandon the Fallout franchise leaving FO5 to be developed by Bethesda and written by Emil Pilugileriguilurilueigiuoloeuririgluelriulirulio again.

Begin again and know to let go
I don't know either

this upsets me more than it should

You are either retarded or underage if you think he's talking about Fallout 3.

atmosphere? what atmosphere? bethesdas gamebryo is so fucked that you can't have atmosphere, fallout 3 and new vegas are ugly as sin.

if you seriously consider tactics or BoS part of the franchise i got some bad news...

Theyre very different games but ive heard as far as RPGs go 1 and 2 were amazing

The bad news being that you're a silly kid trying to save face?

go back to NMA. i haven't seen this level of autistic angst about the old fallout games since the FO3 reveal.

>tfw in Fallout 5 you take the role of a vault dweller who goes looking for their husband/wife who has gone missing in the wasteland

Is this the new vegas thread ?

I just started playing project brazil, but the game crashes whenever I enter the "Aid" part of the Pip-boy

Any help ?

i still dont understand why fallout 4 got a voiced protagonist, seems like a lot of work for something that just detracts from the experience, amplified by most of the dialogue being really lame and boring

BoS isn't but Tactics sure as fuck is.

im not even going to read this thread but im 100% sure everyone itt is an autist who needs to go back to NMA

frig off

New Vegas is literally the best game of the past 7 years at least.

It just gets better every time you play it.

FONV's main plot is boring as shit and has nothing to do with anything I care about

I found it really hard to give a shit about the main story or any of the factions in NV

Obsidian did a very poor job of instilling any sense of urgency into the plot or environment

and all the invisible walls and inexplicably passable or impassable terrain on the world map were bullshit. there's lots of props showing untextured faces, too. the level design in general is just horrid and really uninspired

on the whole, FONV feels like a very lazily put together game

Todd, stop being delusional and get back to working on your supposed technology for the next ES game. Oh, and rein Pete in, so he stops being a humongous faggot on Twitter.

Literally this.
RPG of the decade, best game of the last 7 years no contest.

It's the closest an RPG has been to perfection in recent memory.

But that's not what I implied at all. I said the first three. Tactics is one of the first three games.

and this was a very lazily put together shit post.

>there are people who literally believe this

What's your favorite RPG of the decade?

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime

Thats not an rpg you fucking retard.

This is.

>that gun
How do you work the bolt? Where's the charging handle?

>everyone shits on the F3 shotgun for being silly when it's just a PPSh ripoff

>the AR knockoffs in NV don't have charging handles and are cycled jamming your fingers into the ejection port to push the bolt back

They do have a charging handle on the bolt itself.


Because Mass Effect did it and Mass Effect sold a lot.

Why does everyone always forget that New Vegas was a shithole before House? People always complain about the East Coast being pretty uncivilized but New Vegas was the same way until fairly recently, and according to Honest Hearts most of the surrounding areas not under NCR or Legion control are mostly tribal. The only reason Vegas has food at all is thanks to the NCR.

>charging handle on the bolt itself
Have you ever actually handled an AR15/M16/M4?

have you ever actually played New Vegas

the AR knockoffs there have a couple of things changed, including bolt-attached charging handles

I assume it was to unify animations

Mount and Blade Warband

Holy shit opinion Batman!

Not only you think that Fallout 4 is almost as good as New Vegas, you think that New Vegas is better than Fallout 2.

I'm talking about the New Vegas models you dunce.
I know where the charging handle is on the AR-15.

Jesus christ. I feel so insulted right now.

Explain to me how the shell is supposed to get into the chamber.

>New Vegas is better than Fallout 2
Well, it is.

>the AR knockoffs there have a couple of things changed, including bolt-attached charging handles
That makes no sense because the handle would slam into the end of the ejection port, and the bolt wouldn't go back far enough to let the bolt face grab another round. It's also silly to do, since other weapons work normally and it's an oft-touted point of pride that the weapons and gunplay are in some way realistic.

>I assume it was to unify animations
not an excuse because the AR platform reloading animations aren't from F3, first-person reloads would have to all be somewhat unique anyway because of the unique shape of the platform, compared to all the lever-action repeaters and shit.

>Fallout 2

>retcons the story of Fallout by saying it was the ebil government that caused the apocalypse
>uses modern tacticool weapons not in Fallout
>has shitty humor and easter eggs

FONV = FO2 > FO1 > Shit > Piss > FO Tactics > FO3 > pure dog diarrhea extract > FO Brotherhood Of Steel

New Reno is already better than all of the strip and freeside. No disgusting gamebryo either.

probably a system of clockwork and hooks like pic related used to cycle and fire

You forgot:
>has the most actually meaningful skill and statchecks in the series arguably on par with NV, making it hte best game in the franchise along with FNV

Explain to me how a round is supposed to get into the chamber.


>uses modern tacticool weapons not in Fallout
Fallout already had tacticool shit like desert eagles.


>Fallout 4 came close
You are basically invalidating everything you said about NV with this sentence.

>not an excuse because the AR platform reloading animations aren't from F3
Yeah, what's also weird is that when an AR-knockoff jams you can even see Courier using forward assist. If you have a twitter/tumblr account you can actually ask Sawyer about that, there's a good chance he'll answer.

>>retcons the story of Fallout by saying it was the ebil government that caused the apocalypse
That wasn't a retcon.
New Reno is amazing, but sadly it's not the only city in FO2.
I think Korobov had a forward-moving bolt.

You forgot fallout 4.

the only thing fallout 4 came close to being is an open world ubisoft game

I forgot what?

And every other city is jam packed with content. The game is not as polished as the original Fallout but it is the better CRPG.


2 > 3 > 1
Every time

>New Vegas was, and will be, the best Fallout game BY FAR
Sure, I think the first game deserves the most credit though

>Fallout 4 came close

just because its a meme doesnt mean its tacticool

deagle brand deagles belong in ALL video games, even the nonviolent ones

3rd option is the best tho

>And every other city is jam packed with content.
1. That's not actually true, none of them come closer to New Reno's 4 families, side locations etc.
2. I was talking about the quality. San Fran is just a weird Big Trouble in Little China throwback because Chinese = kung-fu, Emperor, etc. It's just garbage.

so did everyone else

gameplay and world design were solid, also some nice characters

NV > 4 > 3

Never played the old ones

Which Fallout do I play if I want to use slavshit?

>Sure, I think the first game deserves the most credit though
I actually agree.

>deagle brand deagles belong in ALL video games, even the nonviolent ones
Agree unironically.

>registering a tumblr just so I can bother a gay jew about guns he doesn't know anything about

If the drum weren't there, wouldn't it be obvious and natural?

So it's just making that little tube with the gun shells in it longer by folding it over into itself, like other such drum-fed pistols.



Modded NV. There are mods to satisfy even the most extreme slavshit cravings with all sorts of AKs and even AEKs.

Ayy, don't shittalk my husbando like that

Games need less Deagles and more Czech made firearms because I would take the beauty of a CZ-75 over a Counter Strike meme gun like the Deagle

Option 3 evrytime

There's nothing meme about Deagles. If you want to hunt bears, you bring a Deagle. They're great guns, they just belong in their own niche of not very cheap hunting pistols.

>can't pull bolt back far enough for it to eject properly when you turn it because it'll slam into the stock first
>they still modeled the slot for the bolt to go back as far as it needs anyway but put it in the wrong spot

I bet they thought it's there to save weight.

F3 has a chink-made AK as its "top tier" assault rifle.

I will never forgive Obsidian for removing the AK and G3 for FONV, but keeping the garbage 10mm pistol and janky broken hunting rifle. You have a game about nuclear apocalypse and zeerust retro future shit, and you remove the most iconic weapons of the Cold War? Come on.

deagle brand deagle is severely poorly represented in games though, and I dont mean its not there, fuck its everywhere, it just never feels like a proper cannon

>tfw gunslinger video of deagle was GOAT
>tfw it is never coming out

the fallout series is for goony retards that cosplay steampunk and argue over adventure time character shipping

Deagles in video games fulfill the role of a very powerful and precise pistol with a small mag and huge recoil. It's an unique role and it's fun to use them, you have to aim well but you are rewarded with blowing people in one-two shots. Not realistic, very fun.

CZ-75 is cool, but it's just another 9mm pistol.

>the garbage 10mm pistol

CoD4's Deagle was perfect.
>super punchy sound
>high damage
>you could get it in gold
>useless for actual combat because of its garbage sights and insanely large profile and tiny magazine


>play Fallout 2
>great game
>New Reno feels like Vegas

>play New Vegas
>great game
>New Vegas doesn't feel like Vegas, has like 10 people going around
>New Vegas has ~10 people going around

but what if I want a vz. 58, that gun that looks like an AK but operates so much better or a Skorpion?

You could kill bears with a 10mm pistol with only half the meme of a Deagle or fuck use something that fires .454 Casull

It should literally bust engine blocks and have absurd recoil.
In Spec Ops : The line it sounds good and is a 1 hit kill, headshots remove the head right off.

yeah it was better than the norm, bonus points for gold though, golden brand deagle is best deagle
oh? Maybe I should give that game a try

I don't know about best game, but it's the only game I've replayed almost yearly in the past 5 years

It's nice.

>It should literally bust engine blocks
No it shouldn't.

>new vegas is literally 3 blocks long and that's it
>there's no actual housing on the strip anywhere
>the developers hid the actual settlement on the other side of the strip for some dumb reason

the level design in FONV is garbage

>>they still modeled the slot for the bolt to go back as far as it needs anyway but put it in the wrong spot
Looks like the right spot to me user.
>Using a gun that is more likely to dislocate your shoulder than actually kill something

I still have dreams about New Reno to this fucking day lol.