i dont get it, why would anyone use a style other than adept?
Monster Hunter thread.
i dont get it, why would anyone use a style other than adept?
Monster Hunter thread.
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Anyone wanna do some 3 star keys? I don't mind doing the ones I've done already again for you
Is generations even playable with one stick on a non-new 3DS?
same as the other ones, it's not great because you gotta use the touchpad
R-type pieces are made for mixing yes, but most meta Critical Boost builds are mostly Silver Sol.
I'd like to help but right now I'm busy doing other shit
should I use with rapid lvl 1 or regular lvl 2 on lbg?
Adept SnS was so bad that I had to abandon the one quest where I accidentally selected it.
It was that awful.
What shottype, user?
normal. I got myself a god's isle but it only got rapid for lvl 1.
There is no Normal lvl 1, only garbage.
>Normal 1
pls stop
Can you buy gunpowder?
>normal level 1
it doesn't exist
Once you unlock your rank Neko starts selling it for points, IIRC.
lvl 1 does half the damage of lvl 2, but doesn't rapid fire at more than twice the speed of regular?
Adept isn't the best style.
Not really.
There's also a penalty to your shot's damage when rapid firing it (though IIRC N1's penalty wasn't that steep).
Normal 1 is absolute trash and if you have to rely on it for whatever reason, you're better off doing anything else.
Rapid fire weakens the shot even further.
Don't use Lvl 1. It's stupid and pitifully weak.
Didn't know that. Alright, Thanks.
Am I not supposed to solo HR6 Glavenus? I keep getting destroyed and it's making me sad because I just want to git gud.
YOU CAN'T GEM (okay you can but it would use almost all the slots) FASTCHARGE ONTO STORGE ARMOUR
It has no 3-slot pieces, only my charm does.
Damn it, user.
just to add to what one of the anons said
each shot of a rapid fire burst does 60% of the shot fired normally
I thought it scaled depending on how many shots are fired
It's actually a certain percentage, different for each shot. At least in 3u/P3rd/4U.
ID: 29-6997-7675-0530
And obvioulsy HR4
Starting with the Kecha Wacha quest first
>tfw you've been hunting all night but want to hunt more
when can i go to sleep
>he doesn't know
Any kind soul here want to help me do Nakarkos 3star urgent? I'll help you with whatever shit quest you have to do in turn.
ID: 65-6873-0772-0450
when you start carting
>tfw been refreshing palicos for two hours trying to get the perfect one
>still no luck
Almost worse than charm farming.
Just get a fighter Palico with furr-ious and piercing boomerang and teach everything else.
It's not that hard man
Still relevant,
Thanks guys!
>teach everything else.
Woah what?
I thought I could only teach one move, and one passive?
Get the tigrex tank with rapid normal 2 and crag
Can't you only teach one skill and move
Don't you have to gem for recoil and deviation to actually fire that thing reliably?
>tfw I don't give a shit about the palico system and have been using the same 2 cats I've gotten since the start of the game
Between my talisman and my two slot weapon, fast charge is always with me, no matter the armor.
Toss on the barrage earring and everything's coming up roses.
I didn't either until I did that palico quest today for the Wind Waker shit.
It's fun, and now I'm pissed that I enjoyed it.
Honest opinion after having looked? The adept playstyle doesn't seem to suit all weapon types, imo.
Dual blades, for example, there isn't a good followup after a dodge, really.
Sword and shield is much more useful in Striker Style for those hunter arts.
I don't think adept guard on gunlance is particularly great, even compared to the lance.
Do you really need adept style for the hammer or greatsword?
A better question would be "Why is aerial style lame on all but a handful of weapons?"
>Do you really need adept style for the hammer or greatsword?
I prefer aerial for hammer, and guild for greatsword so I can get the full combo.
Duals are crazy with Adept, what are you smoking?
How fun are Adept DBs compared to Aerials?
>sub 15 min a high rank nakarlos with 4 nyantas
I'm not that hot about two free dashes desu. I prefer aerial for really aggressive play.
>I don't think adept guard on gunlance is particularly great
It's the best style for GL, m8.
You can teach any move you want as long as it's not an innate ability or move. Those are easily identified as the top 2 support skills.
>tfw watching japanese adept gunlance runs
I'll never be this good at the game
what's the best way to get scatterfish? I want to make big bombs
>Barrage earring
Oh boy I love doing 999999999999999999 arena quests
whats the best way to get hard armor spheres, volcano isnt givving me much
it's a lot easier than 4U
There is only about 10 quests, and two semi-retarded monkeys can get A rank on them no problem.
buy them
Do some Sakura charm farming in the 'Coal Hearted' quest, and you'll get a lot in the inventory box. You can also buy them from Neko at some point.
Unlock the fish farm, catch one scatterfish, and multiply it.
There's maybe 8 arena quests and you only need to A-rank them and move, stop whining.
Arena is the best part of the game anyway.
thanks, I'm almost HR100 and didn't even know there was a fish farm. it's tied to cat quests I assume?
>it's tied to cat quests I assume?
In village, yes. I thought it would be something that unlocked during Hub urgents.
>join hub
>Aerial Hunting Horn user
>never plays a single song during the hunt
What compels these people to exist the way they do?
village cat quests are the only ones I haven't done yet aside from the ones that unlock the rest of arena. guess I've got more to do.
Because unless you're using a ranged weapon, you deal more damage with other styles. Striker SnS is one of the best weapon/style combinations in the game.
aerial hammer if you want to stun and mount
adept hammer if you just want to end the hunt quickly
>Go for head as SnS with stamina oils
>Fucking LS user also near the head as well
Those two dashes have full invincibility. The adept dodge having a fairly strong attack built in and recharging the archdemon bar nice but there's no good followup option. You just be careful not to dash after it and then do your spin2win to continue attacking.
Any tips on breaking bubble foxes claws easily? I've been trying at it for a few hours last night and finally got one via capturing cause I could break the claws.
If anything though, I'm hoping my Cornpopper gun lance will do the trick.
SnS with minds eye oil is the best way
I also get them as guild GS easily because of the final slash hitting both frequently in the full charge combo
Just kill it.
20% carve chance.
Can we talk about aerial for a minute? Is it really that shit? I'm still in low rank so obviously I'm not having problems with it, but does it become less useful over time? It's just so fucking fun.
Aye, I was thinking that as well, just if I do then I need to fight SHMUP LAGIA again. am I really gonna rely on 20% chance for 8 claws? I dont know... Sounds unproductive to me.
>Try online
>Connection lost
>Connection lost
>Connection lost
>Connection lost
>Connection lost
Not even kidding. It happened so many times. Why is online so fucked in this when 4U had almost none of that?
Me and a friend broke the claws once, with double thunder duals.
Every other quest it didn't happen.
It feels completely not worth it and killing it normally just feels faster to me. 20% carve, 6 to 8% from quest rewards usually.
What's the most fun combo of Weapon+Style?
solo aerial gs
Striker SnS spin to win all day
I hope you like her theme song
Might as well then. Least its fun to fight. Also, that green Bubble the Mizutsune tends to leave behind, does it do exactly what I think it would do? I always knocked away before I could hit it.
Not sure but I think you don't want to hit it, instead you wanna run into it. Green bubbles give health and red bubbles give atk up.
Somebody more knowledgeable can confirm.
CB with adept style. It really forces you to learn the guard points on it just so you can feel cooler, and the adept blocking feels fantastic.
It just has more guard points making it easier to land them, not sure where you're getting the "forces you to learn" since there's more now to make it easier.
The adept block feels horrible to me personally. Relying on it to charge shield might take you eons depending on how the monster feels about attacking you.
Aerial hammer
I'd suck with guard points back at 4u, more or less.
Someone who wants help ranking up share a room, I'm bored as fuck
Come help me with 5* keys or something
i miss the old guard points, i hate that you can literly sit there on red sheld and just have your sheild up and it GP for you
Everyone did, I did too. After 400hours with the weapon though I got better.
You could argue the adept guard needs about that amount of time to control properly too but it just feels too situational to work for me. You need to have phials in and the monster to attack you for it to be useful. Fulfilling those 2 conditions is just so tedious with some monsters instead of just reacting to a monster attack with an R+Y guard point while you're rushing it.
Whats the fastest way to get cats level 50? Ive been fighting alongside them and also playing ad them but its taking a long ass time
>play GS for all of Tri
>switch to DB for 3U and on
>go back to GS
>can never go back to NO REACH CAN'T CUT the weapon again
I hate monsters that flail when toppled, good luck hitting their head for a break with DB
Have a group of 4 cats cheese a Deviant to death.
>4 mancat team
I dont have enough nerves for that. I mean ive never seen it go smooth before. Always people using their gauge for energency retreats
Where my bowmen at? You enjoying that weapon upgrade system?
Are you going to the head? You shouldn't be there with either GS or DB.
The second most bullyable monster
Who's most bullyable?
Kut-Ku or Gypceros