Why don't games have demos anymore?

Why don't games have demos anymore?

Most games these days are glorified demos user

Jews have successfully made people buy unfinished products in the form of early access, therefore making demos no longer necessary to get someone interested in buying a game.

post more cute asian girls

Nintendo still makes demos


they're called "betas" user

pre-order now for "beta access!"

Because you can pirate anything anyways

much safer move to have an easily-manipulated youtuber play a controlled preview copy than to let the general public play a demo for themselves and release opinions that might possibly harm day 1 sales

because they would decrease the sales of most games

I like this picture.

Can I save it?

literally this. millennials will buy anything.


1.) Rather than entice they are more likely to de-incentivize people buying the game.
2.) 'Gamers' are morons

Sorry, no :(

those photoshopped armpits freak me out

Why would they need demo's anymore.

Just look at the previous game in the series if you want to know what the gameplay is like

So people dont know how shitty their game is

Because devs know that if people actually got the chance to try their game they wouldn't waste money on it after getting caught up in marketing and hype.

this desu
also I'd say the rise of gameplay/let's play videos on youtube


DOOM and KOFXIV have demos.

Just because there's less of them doesn't mean they're not a thing anymore.

very cute, go on

But they have.
Just played the kof xiv demo few days ago.


undertale has a demo

oh gosh

It was definitively proven that demos hurt sales through extensive study of data.

1. It costs money to make the demo
2. Very few people were convinced by demos to buy products
3. Demos were mostly appreciated by people who had planned on purchasing the game anyway.
4. Demos increased the chance of prospective buyers turning away because they disliked the demo.

It was a lose lose for the games industry and they dropped it.

Yeah back in the day you either had to know a friend who had the game, or go by the description on the back of the game which was always a gamble.


What was it?



don't ever stop posting, cute asian girls are the best



I'm Mexican.
Do I have a chance with a Japanese girl?
Will settle for Chinese.

>time limited
>limited times you can play it
based nintendo

Demos are pro-consumer

E3 trailers, cgi cutscenes, scripted events, they're all designed to make a game look perfect. A demo puts that game in the player's hand. You can't hide behind fancy cgi and scripted events when a person is controlling the game because they will always find a way to break something. Marketing and hype is used to make a shit game sound good so they can get that 2 million+ sales at the first week - that's all developers and publishers care about

If that player doesn't find the game interesting or fun they won't buy it. Demos allow the player to make that decision without dropping $60+ on something.

A good demo can make someone like a game, I bought mount and blade warband and have put over 1000 hours in it all because I spent 2 hours in a demo. If that demo didn't exist I would have never bought it. I bought I am setsuna because it seemed interesting. Couldn't play it because it was a black screen with only an option. I refunded it, but if there was a demo of have never spent money on it in the first place because it didn't work

Do you like thick qts?

Legally move to Canada, you'll have chinese girls falling over you to get their families out of the shithole that is China

No. If you're lucky, then maybe you'll get a southeast asian.

no, I don't like fat but that's not fat at all
thighs should look like that

my nipple

They do. Not all of them, but a surprising number of them. I take it you only play on PC?



Everyone has a chance with everyone as long as you're not hideously ugly and/or Indian.


>or Indian
>tfw yo lost the game the moment you were born

at least you have arranged marriage with an Indian qt r-right?

>arranged marriage
Somewhere down the line, probably.

Because why would a company spend time and money making a version of the game for you to enjoy for free when all they want you to do is pay them $60 up front.

Are you not a Millennial, user? Because if you aren't you're either way too old to be on this site, or underaged.



What study? The entire point of a demo has always been to make it so people are sure about their purchase. Also not wanting to make a demo because someone might play it and not like the game and not buy it is a bad thing?

OMG is the jjang

Your chances would probably increase showered regularly.

Demos mean that people get to see how shitty a game is before they buy it, and in today's environment of AAA games, that's not a smart idea.

For companies, yes. For consumers, no. Companies want to look out for their interests, though. Not yours.

word, my man

So he's a loser either way? Really makes you think...

A demo of a good game can make a person who is on the fence about buying buy it
A demo about a bad game can make that person not buy it

If a person fell for the hype and non-gameplay trailers he will probably buy a game, if that person could spend 1 hour in a game and realize it's shit he will no longer buy it. Now imagine if millions of people did it.


remove koreans dogs please

you get to throw sand in girls pussies on holi though

I'm not hindu.

>she'll never do porn again

Demos hurt sales.

No, the point of demos have always been to make non sure buyers sure about their purchase. It's only when it came to game industry that it was a bad thing.

But the consumers' interests are profit for the company, so they have to keep that in mind.

>non-skelly qts are automatically thick qts
This is what anons actually believe?


But you have to realize that the average consumer, much like the average person, is fucking retarded. Sure, a bunch of fags on a website dedicated to video games see through it sometimes, but I assure that Sup Forums is not the majority in the world when it comes to video game consumer knowledge.

tomomi motozawa

Well Bethesda released a demo for DOOM and it was used to bypass Denuvo. So you might see even less demos in the future.

She's thick for a Chinese person

Here's a thick Jap, you black cunt

Times have changed.
Demos sold the console. Demos got you hyped for what was to possibly come later.

Now that everything is at your fingertips and with information moving way too fucking fast, demos are outdated. Why give you a demo of something that's already complete, when I can have you beta test the game while it's still in progress, have you give me feedback, and allow me to improve the game in real time before the release.(In theory this is how it should work).

The indie market still does demos.

Speaking of Demos: Anybody remember getting those free PlayStation demos with every purchase of PizzaHut pizza? Shit was pretty cash. Got me hooked on Spyro, Gran Turismo, and Tomb Raider.

Ty user.

I just lost the game

Tfw buying a magazine with a demo disc included.

Playing demos for hours and hours.

Those were the days.

Jap market still pushes demos, especially with their Visual Novel market. They'll often let you play through a side-route to get you hooked and release the full game a month later. After the month long wait the nips are willing to pay any amount to get their hands on the full game.

AAA games are the length of a demo
Indie games want to scam you of your money
Japanese games are the only ones that make demos anymore



they still exist.





people would realize the game is shit and wouldnt buy it