>8 hour games are okay when Japan does it
8 hour games are okay when Japan does it
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8 hour games are okay in general.
I don't exactly recall ps2 games costing 60 ass bux
that shit started last generation for console games, and at the start of 8th gen for PC games
The average normie would take longer to complete this game from all the spooks they'd have to endure.
8 hour game > 999 hour chore sim > 18 hour cinematic experience
When Japs do a 8 hours game is a fucking 8 hours game
When western do a 8 hours game you get 8 hours of pretentious bullshit overcharged and with no impact whatsoever on the industry besides being another shovelware
8 hour is the norm you fucking retard
Development costs went up. Games are cheaper than they ever were.
I'd rather play an 8 hour game with good gameplay and mechanics then a 60 hour buggy mess.
More like '8 hour games are okay if they're good games'
>running past enemies
>good gameplay
le epic contrarian respone Sup Forumsro! No one gives a shit you don't like the game, you can't deny SH2 was great regardless of your shit opinion.
Oh man user I never thought of it that way!
Hot damn gonna go buy Fallout 4 now.
have you ever played a survival horror? you can't have a game where you can run out of inventory and saves be 50 hours long. almost all of them are less than 10 hours.
How did you know I always shill fallout 4 here?
wtf I hate SH2 now
how is it not? or can your primitive mind only comprehend le shoot shoot shoot gameplay?
I got mysel into playing Fallout 4 last week, right? And I'm in like for 20 hours and shit is getting boring as hell. The game is a tedious task after the other and sometimes, when crossing the wastes to defend one of the millon settlements I have to babysit for the 10th time, I remember how every single hour of Silent Hill was an adventure and how engaged the game kept me for those 8 hours.
So yeah, games now are shit. 8 hours of fun compared to 20 something of barely doing something remotely entrataining.
I thought 8-10 hours is average non RPG singpleplayer game length
Not to mention games stop being scary when you've had all that time to actually stock up on items and shit. Look at old RE games, by the end you're just firing a grenade launcher at shit.
Basically. I can't stand really long games because I'll never beat them. Games that are good and don't try to stretch themselves out are the best.
3 Hour games used to be OK when Japan did it.
Me too
Because when I'm getting to the end of a horror game and the scares and atmosphere are starting to lose the ability to spook me, the first thing I think is "man I wish this game was 20 hours longer"
So I want to play this game over the weekend. Should I get the HD version or emulate the PS2 version?
HD all the way
Tomm iron'd out all the faults team silent left in
Quality > quantity
Never got why people conflate the two.
I'm glad that no one's defending the "100+ hours of content" meme.
Ground Zeroes took less than 20 hours to 100%, and yet it was better than TPP.
Oh god.
I think that most people conflate the two due to the fact that in the past, it wasn't uncommon for games to have both.
See: GTA SA, Fallout 1 and 2 etc.
Meh. 2 of my favorite games are Banjo-Kazooie and MediEvil and both can be cleared in under 10 hours just fine. Hell, MediEvil can be cleared in under 5. If a game is long then fine, but if it's not then whatever.
>Should I get the HD version or emulate the PS2 version?
>HD version
Its ok when its done right.
I'd say it depends heavily on the genre. I don't care if a platformer or an adventure game is short, but short RPGs and short sandbox games (sandbox + short story, that is) really do annoy me.
That's fair. I'm far more fond of platformers and adventure games than I am RPGs, and I honestly don't care for sandboxes so that probably explains my stance.
>Development costs went up
So that's why a group of newbies can shit out AA quality games from their mom's basement?
Get the PC PORTS, son.
Here's the SH PC Guide + the DL Links:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
Why do you people keep posting outdated versions and no links??
Update ASAP!
here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.
The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.
alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.
Actually, games like RESI, MGS and SH were criticized at the time for being so "short", as in you'd beat the story in a single weekend.
That being said, at least all those games had way more replay value, more dynamic gameplay, and very low chance of a first timer running through the campaign on his first time under 4h, like it tends to be with modern AAA crap.
The Greatest Hits version is the Director's Cut.
>every game needs to be 800 hours long!
Fuck off
So I played Silent Hill 1 for my first time and I'm sorry but...I just don't get it.
I know this game is old and will be dated slightly, but I've had people tell me this game holds up and is really scary.
I played it recently and...really?...a dog enemy?
Come the fuck on. That's not scary. They may as well make a giant spider enemy or a generic girl ghost.
Does this game get creative with it's monster design later or is it all nostalgia? How about it's sequels?
thanks for bumping the thread.
In case someone would seriously ask this question (while using THE oldest meme pic), I'd have to say that the enemies themselves seldom are the reason for the game's scariness.
So I played Silent Hill 1 for my first time and I'm sorry but...I just don't get it.
I know this game is old and will be dated slightly, but I've had people tell me this game holds up and is really scary.
I played it recently and...really?...a fucking flying dinosaur enemy?
Come the fuck on. That's not scary. They may as well make a giant spider enemy or a generic girl ghost.
Does this game get creative with it's monster design later or is it all nostalgia? How about it's sequels?
>8 hour games are okay when it's a masterpiece
So I played Resident Evil 1 for my first time and I'm sorry but...I just don't get it.
I know this game is old and will be dated slightly, but I've had people tell me this game holds up and is really scary.
I played it recently and...really?...a dog enemy?
Come the fuck on. That's not scary. They may as well make a giant spider enemy or a generic girl ghost.
Does this game get creative with it's monster design later or is it all nostalgia? How about it's sequels?
>8 hour games are okay
Well this is just another example. They can make short games and still make them amazing.
It's all nostalgia. It sucks
You're right, thanks that they made REmake so it's perfect.
>They may as well make a giant spider enemy
They don't have GOOD GRAPHIs man
8-10 hours is a pretty good spot for video games tho. I don't get the need for 50+ hour games with only like 10 of those hours being anything good. It's the biggest reason why I've dropped games like Planescape Torment. I LOVED the first 10 hours or so, but after like 20 I was starting to get bored even if the writing/story was still good which it still was.
An 8 hour experience which has stayed with me for years longer than some 50 hour games.
Directly comparing things by hour-count has never been a useful metric for anything.
Rather have short games desu. It's hard to play many games when many of them are 40 hours long.
Fucking JRPGs, for how good their character interactions are it's sometimes tiresome to get through them because I wanna play other shit though.
they were like 50 dollars and thats not taking inflation into consideration
Name one game that's 50+ hours and is good from start to finish.
Tales of Vesperia.
Get the original Xbox version, PS2 greatest hits, or PC version with the fixes that have been linked to you already. Just not the HD rerelease.
You all joke, but I still feel it's a legitimate question.
Shouldn't the enemies in a horror game be scary?
>if you're not shooting a gun it's bad gameplay
Silent Hill 1 has terrible enemies.
The later games do in fact get better.
Is a good game, didn't need to be any longer.
I dont think a games length detracts from it if it is good throughout, Portal 1 is a prime example
See, THAT'S what I'm talking about. That picture looks waaaay better than most enemies in the first game.
Thanks user
I don't give a shit how long a game is if it's enjoyable, I'll just probably wait for a price drop if it's really short singleplayer only with no replay value
Well, I have a copy of Final Fantasy X which has the price of £49.99 sticker on it ($65.34)
And if this inflation calculator is correct, it would be worth £75.98 today (or $88.98)
how about a three hour game?
>Games are cheaper than they ever were.
Yeah if you want half the game. Games are now $60 + Season pass + tip.
They are rarely good
That is why you wait for everything to be packed in then buy it for twenty. Never buy season passes
You really should give Planescape:Torment another go, though. Think of it as reading a very long book series, or binging on a show with a lot of episodes. Too bad you dropped it, though, because it was one of the most satisfying games I've ever played in terms of story payoff and lasting impressions. Some things really are meant to be enjoyed at a slower pace.
Otherwise, we're on the same boat concerning padding (in that it sucks).
I wish more games were 8 hours.
Hell, I wish more games were as short as back in the 8-32bit console/arcade dynamic days, where you could complete a game in couple of hours but still get your money's worth because gameplay challenge and fun went above story and presentation. Usually the game actually took way longer to master, but by playing it in shorter and more satisfying bursts than today's games require, where getting good and/or memorization felt more organic and the reward of beating a game a bit more satisfying.
Many of those games I have down to muscle memory, I can for example beat the original Sonic with all but my eyes closed and collect all the Chaos emeralds (which I found out I could still do this year after a decade since I last beat it), but picking up an 8 hour, let alone a 20+ hour game you finished a couple of years ago isn't likely to lead to the same result, even if you enjoyed it.
i feel like the last console to this was the dreamcast
I didn't mind all the reading (in fact I enjoyed the writing and story for the most part) but it felt like a 10 hour stretched to 50. I'm not really into CRPGs so that might have something to do with it too.
all the SH1s enemies do have a specific symbolic purpose, just like in the sequels.
8 hour games are ok when they're good. When was the last good 6-10 you game? Like 2008 probably.
ratchet and clank reboot was like 10 hours and its good
game made me shit myself a few times so money well spent imo