Single player only

>single player only

you have FAILED you had one just one fucking job and you have failed miserably

Wait, seriously? That's a bummer.
Still going to get it though

Well duh, wasn't it a roguelite FPS?

Every single game that could contend for the best of all time is primarily single player.

this is basically an indie pixel art shovelware platformer but as an fps
its intentionally hideous
its gimmick is SO RETRO except the literal main draw of old shooters is the level design so lets go and throw that out the window and use random generation
i mean they fucking called it strafe and it doesnt have strafe jumping

fuck the aspies that funded this trash

>supposed to be a call back to games like quake
>no multiplayer

not every game needs mp

whats it like being 12 and parroting whatever pseudocontrarian meme opinion your favorite letsplayer has?

Don't forget the procedural levels and the awful gunplay

>people for long time have been saying they'd like low poly games instead of 2d pixel games
>random sperg whines, stomps his feet and throws a temper tantrum demanding that games only look like how he demands
are you literally autistic?

no but in the case of this game it absolutely does need multiplayer

>hey what if we use literally lower poly models than quake 1 and literally lower resolution textures than quake 1 and then pretend our game is epic and retro because its totally like quake 1 except for how it looks and how it plays but that doesnt matter

Nobody has been saying this
Way to out yourself as a viral marketer though

>Quake Live exists
>Rise of the Triad 2013 exists
>Toxikk exists
>Ratz Instagib exists
>Unreal Tournament 4 exists

>wanting to throw ANOTHER game in this same vein out to die
Use your fucking head kid

Playing Quake with qbism engine here. Literally looks better than Strafe

>my opinion is all that matters! mine! me! universe, bend to my will!
ok. stay mad though, no one's listening to your demands.

Do you think you make up the entire planet, samefag?

>literally lower poly models than quake 1 and literally lower resolution textures than quake 1

So this is exactly like trash like VVVVVV where the autistic hipster devs go with an artstyle that actually less graphically advanced than the style they're pretending to use did 20 goddamn years ago

what a joke

ROTT is shit, that's not the fault of the genre (plus it's not even a fast past arena shooter you dolt). UT4 isn't out yet. Rest are obscure and not marketed.

>maybe if i use some sick Sup Forums memes from 2007 they wont realize im shilling my horrible game

Fuck off, you already have your kickstarter money


just shut the fuck up.

ROTT 2013 is objectively the least shit game on that list, which just proves his point

what memes? and I'm not shilling anything, mr. shitposter. I don't suggest buying this game because procedural levels almost always suck. Why are you so mad over simple styled games? did your dad play them in between beating you or something?

It's a terrible game, but ok. whatever you think

woah dude dont cut urself on that edge
go ahead and cut yourself on this 4

where did i say rott 2013 wasnt a terrible game
are you illiterate or just a third worlder

Hey you missed Pal.

>only half way there

ha fucktard

so now you have run out of arguments are resort to 100% shitposting. I'll take that as admitting defeat.

stop being a faggot.

>Sup Forums is highschool debate class
are you autistic or did you just forget to check my 4

heh, just 1 beginner's luck...


Lol people litterally defending this game , they could a a shitty mp mode in in a day u fucking sperging neet shills

ok but it's at least a good thing showing the good peoples of Sup Forums that autists like you are just dumb shitposters

nice 1 dude

lmao bazztek shouldnt you be being a retard in a final fantasy thread

I already won. it's over.

ok XV-kun

>"where's the Da- ohh..."