What games have the balls to depict rape?
What games have the balls to depict rape?
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FFXIV implies rape but never explicitly states it.
F.E.A.R. 2
timesplitters 2 medieval level intro
You can hear it
>an audio depiction isn't a depiction
One of the female Dragon aspects was raped by Deathwing to give birth to his brood.
Out in English this year
Alpha protocol
Technically the pic part of the word comes from the same root of the world picture, but i do agree the term is a bit lax.
We were the ones who were raped user.
Men can't be raped senpai
That's ground zeroes not phantom pain.
She isn't raped in audio.
>tfw banned in pussy country of straya
>SIE is the worst romance
>To even get her scene, you have to pick her over the two objectively better endgame options
Go figure, and from such a good character
And they still didn't let you romance Best Girl
Killer 7 has female on comatose old man rape shown
Getting raped gets you strategic advantages in this game and you learn new skills if the enemy cums inside.
Ground zeroes has a real sinister atmosphere. I was hoping that would continue in TPP, but it was just bland in comparison.
Rance thread now
rizna's birthday in 2 days
Is FEAR the only game where you can be raped by a woman?
When? Where? Show me every single instance of this.
No - >moonrunes
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
I'll prove you wrong :^)
Fallout rad-x radaway geiger counter
UI translation exists.
Castlevania II.
That's not really rape though because she only does it if you consent. It's just bondage.
What´s the name, image search doesn´t show anything
So posts Shizuka and Nagi instead
The Arcanist quest giver is raped. There's a doujin on sadpanda for more details.
Both GZ and TPP depict or imply rape